Routledge Revivals
New Dimensions in Foreign Policy
Originally published in 1961, this is an extremely valuable contribution to the understanding of contemporary international institutions and the working of the British system of government. It deals with the problems presented to British Government Departments by the emergence in the post-war world of a number of new international organisations which are concerned with European recovery and integration and with the development of the Atlantic Community of Nations.
This book traces the British share in the creation of the Council of Europe, OEC, NATO, and WEU, and deals with the relations between Britain and the Coal and Steel Community, the Common Market and Euratom.
Finally, the book assesses the impact of these activities upon the government at home and the extent to which the public appreciates the change in Britains international status that has resulted from these developments.
First published in 1961
by George Allen & Unwin Ltd
This edition first published in 2009 by Routledge
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1961 George Allen & Unwin Ltd
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ISBN 0-203-09228-7 Master e-book ISBN
ISBN 13:978-0-415-55750-4 (hbk)
ISBN 13:978-0-203-09228-6 (ebk)
ISBN 10:0-415-55750-X (hbk)
ISBN 10:0-203-09228-7 (ebk)
New Dimensions in Foreign Policy
The Great Powers: Essays in Twentieth Century Politics
The Age of Absolutism
Foreign Policy and the Democratic Process
The Foreign Policy of Soviet Russia
Soviet Policy in the Far East
Europe and the Europeans
Thomas Jefferson and American Democracy
New Dimensions in Foreign Policy
Gladstone Professor of Government and Public Administration in the University of Oxford
Ruskin House
This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2009.
To purchase your own copy of this or any of Taylor & Francis or Routledges collection of thousands of eBooks please go to
This book is copyright under the Berne Convention. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copy right Act, 1956, no portion may be reproduced by any process without written permission. Enquiry should be made to the publisher.
George Allen and Unwin Ltd, 1961
ISBN 0-203-09228-7 Master e-book ISBN
THE present volume seeks to contribute to the understanding of one of the most important political developments of our times, the impact upon the administration and political systems of independent States of the network of international organizations in whose work they are increasingly involved. For this purpose a study has been made of one particular example; namely the effect on British Government of Britains adherence to the family of international organizations which came into being in the years immediately after the Second World War in order to meet some of the most urgent needs of Western Europe, and which gave expression to the growing sense of community among the western European and north-Atlantic peoples.
A large literature already exists on NATO, OEEC, the Council of Europe and WEU, as well as on those organizations confined to the six countries of Little Europe, which Britain has so far been unwilling to join. British policy in the whole field, both economic and military, has also been fairly exhaustively discussed. But this, I believe, is the first attempt to see what this proliferation of organizations has meant in terms of the actual functioning of government in a single country. It is thus primarily, as the sub-title indicates, a study in British administrative experience. For it is this experience which has given meaning to the new dimensions in British foreign policy to which the title of the book refers.
A study of contemporary administration must necessarily be based largely upon oral evidence. For this reason my thanks are due, in the first place, to the many individuals, both inside and outside the public service, too numerous to mention individually, who have freely given of their time and trouble. I hope that this general expression of thanks will be taken as sufficient acknowledgment. It certainly betokens no lack of appreciation on my part.
I must thank the Warden and Fellows of Nuffield College for meeting out of their fund for European studies the bulk of the expenses of this enquiry, and also for providing a hospitable setting for a memorable gathering at which many of those who took part in the events described came together to discuss the lessons to be derived from them. I must also thank the Board of the Faculty of Social Studies of the University of Oxford for a grant towards my own travelling expenses.
Dr Alexander Elkin, legal adviser to the OEEC, was most generous in making it possible for me, in a short space of time, to meet a large number of persons connected with international organizations having their headquarters in Paris.
I am much indebted to Mrs R. H. Ullman (ne Crosfield) who was my research assistant during the major part of the enquiry, and to my own secretary, Mrs P. Utechin, for valuable help throughout. Professor F. M. G. Willson, then fellow of Nuffield College, read the whole study in draft and made most valuable suggestions, as did Mr Uwe Kitzinger at the proof stage.
It is clear that the ultimate utility of studies of this kind depends a great deal upon the availability of comparative material from other countries. I anticipate that this book will be only the first in a series of treatments of one of the major problems of modern government, to culminate in a more general study which I hope one day to be in a position to write.
In as far as the present volume is concerned, I must make it clear that all the views expressed are my own, and have no official sanction of any kind. For any errors of fact that may have crept into my narrative I must also take full responsibility.