Political Leadership in the European Union
The challenges that have been facing the European Union (EU) in recent years have given rise to the question: who leads the EU? This book offers a systematic, theoretical and conceptual analysis of political leadership in the EU. It deals with questions such as what kind of leadership is there in the different domains (such as climate change or central banking). It also examines how various EU institutions (European Commission, European Parliament) exert or have exerted leadership. Furthermore, it examines the role not only of the presidents of some of these institutions, such as the European Commission, the European Council, the European Central Bank, but also of selected national leaders. Although the book does not advance a single leadership concept, the findings of the individual case studies show that the EU is by no means leaderless.
The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue in the Journal of European Integration.
Ingeborg Tmmel is Professor Emeritus and Jean Monnet Chair in European Politics and Policies at the University of Osnabrck, Germany, and founding Director of the Osnabrck Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in European Studies.
Amy Verdun is Professor of Political Science and Jean Monnet Chair Ad Personam. She is Lansdowne Distinguished Fellow and the Founding Director of the European Studies Program and the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the University of Victoria, Canada.
Journal of European Integration Special Issues
Edited by
Thomas Christiansen, Maastricht University, Netherlands.
Simon Duke, European Institute of Public Administration, Netherlands.
The Journal of European Integration book series is designed to make our Special Issues accessible to a wider audience. All of the themes covered by our Special Issues and the series are carefully selected with regard to the topicality of the questions addressed in the individual volumes, as well as to the quality of the contributions. The result is a series of books that are sufficiently short to appeal to the curious reader, but that also offer ample depth of analysis to appeal to the more specialist reader, with contributions from leading academics.
A Sociology of Knowledge of European Integration
The Social Sciences in the Making of Europe
Edited by Rebecca Adler-Nissen and Kristoffer Kropp
Responses to the Arabellions
The EU in Comparative Perspective
Edited by Tanja Brzel, Assem Dandashly and Thomas Risse
Representation and Democracy in the EU
Does one come at the expense of the other?
Edited by Richard Bellamy and Sandra Krger
Coping with Crisis: Europes Challenges and Strategies
Edited by Jale Tosun, Anne Wetzel and Galina Zapyanova
Globalization and EU Competition Policy
Edited by Umut Aydin and Kenneth Thomas
Redefining European Economic Governance
Edited by Michele Chang, Georg Menz and Mitchell P. Smith
The Maastricht Treaty: Second Thoughts after 20 Years
Edited by Thomas Christiansen and Simon Duke
Europe after Enlargement
Edited by Yannis Stivachtis and Mark Webber
Euroscepticism within the EU Institutions
Diverging Views of Europe
Edited by Nathalie Brack and Olivier Costa
The Performance of the EU in International Institutions
Edited by Thomas Oberthr, Knud Erik Jrgensen and Jamal Shahin
Functional and Territorial Interest Representation in the EU
Edited by Michle Knodt, Christine Quittkat and Justin Greenwood
European Neighbourhood through Civil Society Networks?
Policies, Practices and Perceptions
Edited by James Wesley Scott and Ilkka Likanen
European Parliament Elections after Eastern Enlargement
Edited by Hermann Schmidt
The Common Agricultural Policy
Policy Dynamics in a Changing Context
Edited by Grace Skogstad and Amy Verdun
The External Dimension of Justice and Home Affairs
A Different Security Agenda for the European Union?
Edited by Sarah Wolff, Nicole Wichmann and Gregory Mounier
Policy Coherence and EU Development Policy
Edited by Maurizio Carbonne
The Future of European Foreign Policy
Edited by Erik Jones and Saskia van Genugten
The EU as a Global Player
The Politics of Interregionalism
Edited by Fredrick Soderbaum and Luk Van Langenhove
European Boundaries in Question
Edited by Richard Bellamy, Joseph Lacey and Kalypso Nicoladis
Political Leadership in the European Union
Edited by Ingeborg Tmmel and Amy Verdun
First published 2018
by Routledge
2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN, UK
and by Routledge
711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, USA
Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business
Chapter 1 2018 Ingeborg Tmmel and Amy Verdun. Originally published as Open Access.
Chapter 3 2018 Henriette Mller. Originally published as Open Access.
Chapter 6 2018 Ingeborg Tmmel. Originally published as Open Access.
Chapter 7 2018 Michael Shackleton. Originally published as Open Access.
Chapter 8 2018 Amy Verdun. Originally published as Open Access.
Chapter 9 2018 F. A. W. J. Van Esch. Originally published as Open Access.
Chapters 2, 45 & 10 2018 Taylor & Francis
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN13: 978-0-8153-9561-4
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by diacriTech, Chennai
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