
Expert s Simon Adams has w ritten and contributed to mo re th an 80 books on a wi de ra nge o f to pics, from history to t he a rts and pol itics. Peter Bond has wr itten 12 bo oks and co ntributed to, or edit ed, many mo re. H e also wri tes f or th e European Space Agency and is a consultant editor f or IHS Janes Space S yst ems & Industr y. He wa s formerly a pre ss o ffice r for the Royal As tronomical Society . Dr. Marina Brozovic is a ph ysicist at NASA s Jet Propuls ion La boratory . S he has wri tten many r esearch papers and wo rks on as teroids, satel lites of the g iant p lanets, and w as inv olved in the New Horizons mission to P luto. Peter Chrisp is an author of c hildrens history boo ks, with more than titles to hi s name . He sp ecializes in ancie nt Rom e, anc ient Gr eece, a nd myths and l egends. Emily Dod d is a sc reenwriter for t he CBeebies sc ience televisi on show Nina and the Neurons . She is passionate about sci ence, wi ldlife, and st ory tell ing, a nd is an au thor of fiction and nonfict ion books . James F loyd Kel ly is a wr iter from Atlanta , Geo rgia. H e has wri tten more t han 3 5 boo ks on a r ange o f subject s t hat i nclude 3 -D pri nting, robotics, and codin g. E. T . Fox is an a uthor and histo rian, with part icular e xpert ise i n the are as of Bri tish a nd At lantic maritim e history and piracy , am ong o thers. He is a l ecturer , has p ublished books and art icles, a nd ha s adv ised on numerous televi sion prod uctions. Kirsten Geekie is a fi lm pro grammer and w riter special izing i n shor t films and ci nema fo r youn g peo ple. S he is the Fi lm Pro gramming Manager at Into F ilm, co- curator of t he I nto F ilm Festival, and w as th e lea d wr iter of the Children's Book of Cinema . Cat H ickey is th e lea rning manager at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo. S he has worked in zoo s for eight year s a nd spent a year work ing a s a re search scientist in Mad agascar , collect ing data o n lemu rs. Dr. Emily Hunt is a pr ofessor of engineering at We st T ex as A&M Univers ity . Sh e has a ba ckground in mec hanical e ngineering, wit h a parti cular inte rest i n innovat ive nanotechnology. Phil Hunt has w ritten , edit ed, a nd acted as con sultant on a wi de ra nge of tr avel a nd tr ansport ation illustra ted r eference books and magazines for a dults and c hildren. Sawako Irie has t aught the Japanese language at t he Un iversi ty of She ffiel d and has r un t raining programs at SO AS Un iversi ty of London. Curr ently , s he provid es Japanese cultural and languag e servic es. Klint J anulis is a fo rmer US Ar my Special F orces o perator , medic, and primitive ski lls sur viva l inst ructor . He pro vides e xpert infor mation to the UK television show 10,000 BC and is curr ently completing an archeological Doctoral program at Ox ford Univers ity . Rupert Matthews has w ritten more t han 1 70 bo oks about hist ory . He wri tes f or ne wspapers and magazines and i s a pu blic sp eaker at event s a nd in sch ools. Sean McArd le was a pr incipal and pr imary sch ool e ducator , specializing in mat h. He has written and c ontributed to ma ny publications and math websites. Dr. Ange la McDon ald is an Egyptologis t b ased at t he C entre for Open S tud ies at the Univer sity of Glasgow. She h as a P h.D. f rom O xford Univers ity and i s an e xpert on Egyptian text s. She le d to urs to Eg ypt for man y year s a nd has publi shed books and a rtic les on anci ent Egy pt. Bill McGuir e is an a cademic, broadcaster , and p opular science and f iction writer . He is c urrently Professor Emeritu s of Geophys ical and Cl imate H azards at Un iversi ty College Lo ndon. Marcus We eks is a mu sician a nd author . In ad dition to co ntributing to numerous refer ence books , he ha s written severa l boo ks on ph ilosophy , psychology , an d musi c. Revised edition Additional te xt written b y Lizzie Dav ey Editorial Kritika Gupt a, John Hort, Katie La wrenc e, Olivia St anfo rd US editorial Shannon Beatty , Margar et P arrish Design Ann Cannings, Nidhi Mehra Jacke t design Charlott e Milner Educational consu ltants Christina Cat one, Sara Fisher , Jacqueline Harris Managing editors Jonathan Melmo th, Monica Saigal Managing art editors Romi Chakra borty , Diane Peyt on Jones Production edito r Abigail Maxwell Production co ntrolle r Isabell Schart Delhi creativ e heads Glenda F er nandes, Malavik a Ta lukder Deputy art directo r Mabel Chan Publishing directo r Sarah Larte r Previous edition Editorial Lizzie Dave y, Anwesha Dutt a, Satu F ox, Marie Gre enwood, Jolyon Goddar d, Ra dhika Haswa ni, Deborah Lo ck, Ishani Nandi, Sam Priddy , Allison Singer , Kathleen T ee ce, Shamba vi That te, Megan W eal, Amina Y ousse f Design Ann Cannings, Joanne Clark, Rhea Gaughan, Jim Gre en, Rashika Kachro o, Sh ipra Jain, Ant hony Limerick, Fiona Mac donald, Nidhi Mehra, Bet tina Myklebust Sto vne, Seepiy a Sahni, Victoria Short, Lucy Sims, Mohd Zishan Educational consu ltants Christina Cat one, Jacq ueline Harris DTP designers Vijay Kandw al, Vikra m Singh Picture resear cher Sakshi Saluja Managing editors Laura Gilbert, Alka Thakur Hazarik a Managing art editors Romi Chakra borty , Diane Peyt on Jones Production manager Pank aj Sharma Senior producer , pre-production Nikole ta Pa rasaki Senior producer Isabell Schart Art director Martin Wilson Publisher Sarah Larte r Publishing directo r Sophie Mitchell Design director Philip Ormero d This American Edition, 2022 First American Edition in 2017 Published in the United St ates b y DK Publishing 174 5 Broad way , 20th Floor , New Y or k, NY 10019 Copyri ght 2017, 2022 Dorling Kindersley Limited DK, a Division of P enguin Random House LL C 22 23 24 25 26 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 001328734Sept/2022 All rights r eser ved. All rights r eser ved. Without limiting the rights under the c opyri ght r eserv ed abov e, no part o f this publication ma y be r epr oduc ed, sto red i n or intr oduc ed int o a re triev al sy stem, or transmitte d, in any f or m, or by an y means (electr onic, mechanical, phot ocopy ing, recor ding, or otherwise), without the prior writt en permission of the c opyri ght ow ner . Published in Gre at Britain b y Dorling Kindersley Limited A catalog r ecor d f or this book is ava ilable fro m the Library o f Con gress ISBN: 978-0-7 440-5979-3 DK books are avai lable at special disc ounts when purc hased in bulk fo r sales promo tions, pr emium s, fund-raising, or educa tional use. 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