The Oil and Gas Service Industry in Asia
Palgrave Macmillan Asian Business Series Centre for the Study of Emerging Market Series
Series Editor: Harukiyo Hasegawa is Professor at Doshisha Business School, Kyoto, Japan, and Honourable Research Fellow at the University of Sheffields School of East Asian Studies, where he was formerly Director of the Centre for Japanese Studies.
The Palgrave Macmillan Asian Business Series seeks to publish theoretical and empirical studies that contribute forward-looking social perspectives on the study of management issues not just in Asia, but by implication elsewhere. The series specifically aims at the development of new frontiers in the scope, themes and methods of business and management studies in Asia, a region which is seen as key to studies of modern management, organisation, strategies, human resources and technologies.
The series invites practitioners, policy-makers and academic researchers to join us at the cutting edge of constructive perspectives on Asian management, seeking to contribute towards the development of civil societies in Asia and further afield.
Titles include:
Glenn D. Hook and Harukiyo Hasegawa (editors)
Politics, Security, Economics and Business
Diane Rosemary Sharpe and Harukiyo Hasegawa (editors)
Emerging Issues and Critical Perspectives
Sten Sderman (editor)
Integration and Responsiveness in Asian Business Development
Oliver H.M. Yau and Raymond P.M. Chow (editors)
Managing in a Turbulent Era
Tan Yi
A Comparison of Business Strategies
Palgrave Macmillan Asian Business Series
Series Standing Order ISBN 978-1-4039-9841-5
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The Oil and Gas Service
Industry in Asia
A Comparison of Business Strategies
Tan Yi
Senior Market Analyst, ODS-Petrodata


Tan Yi 2010
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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Yi, Tan, 1966
The oil and gas service industry in Asia : a comparison of business
strategies / Tan Yi.
Summary: This book investigates the business strategies chosen by oil and gas service companies operating in China, Singapore and Malaysia. It provides an analytical view of the reliability of strategic theoretical frameworks based on Western business practice but applied in a non-Western business environment like AsiaProvided by publisher.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9780230235595 (hardback)
1. Petroleum industry and tradeChina. 2. Petroleum industry and tradeSingapore. 3. Petroleum industry and tradeMalaysia. I. Title.
HD9576.C52Y5 2010
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
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CPI Antony Rowe, Chippenham and Eastbourne
List of Figures
6.1 (a) Perceived uncertainty by business strategies
(b) KruskalWallis test 167
(c) MannWhitney U-test
6.4 (a) Strategic performance by competitive strategies
(b) KruskalWallis test
(c) MannWhitney U-test
6.5 (a) Strategic performance by strategic positions
(b) KruskalWallis test
(c) MannWhitney U-test
List of Tables
I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to Douglas Gourlay, Ted Mason and Alex Wilson for their supervision and input on this PhD research project. Special thanks go to Jeremy Cresswell for his editorial assistance and general help.
I am most grateful that Simmons & Company International, ASCO plc, and the Robert Gordon University awarded me a studentship for research studies.
Over 200 senior executives of energy service organisations from Asia, Europe and North America took part in the empirical research and 24 Chinese executives participated in the pilot fieldwork in China. Without their contribution, successful completion of the research project could never have been achieved. The need for anonymity prevents me from listing them individually.
I would also like to thank Palgrave Macmillan for supporting the publication of this book and Professor Harukiyo Hasegawa for his encouragement and insights on my work.
Tan Yi
Aberdeen, Scotland
List of Abbreviations
bcf | billion cubic feet |
bcm | billion cubic metres |
BOE | barrels oil equivalent |
CAGR | compound annual growth rate |
Capex | capital expenditure |
CCP | Chinese Communist Party |
COHC | CITIC Offshore Helicopter Company |
COOEC | China Offshore Oil Engineering Company Limited |
COSL | China Oilfield Services Limited |
CPOE | China Petroleum Offshore Engineering Company |
CPP | China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau |
CSIC | China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation |
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