The author, a retired and competent British Officer of high rank is fully conversant with the problems he discusses. His experience while serving in an exceptional capacity under the Foreign Office as well as the War Office afforded him a deep insight into every aspect of the situation in Palestine and the Near Hast. This lends greater weight to his statements which are in no way exaggerated, but are all based upon personal experience acquired from actual contact with contemporary events and from knowledge derived from a thorough examination of the facts.
The book itself sets out to prove that the Palestine impasse is typical of what Jewry is doing to disrupt the world, and that the secret of Jewrys power lies in the innate dishonesty of its victims. When thieves fall out the Jew comes into his own. In this book is traced step by step the intricate process which has resulted in Britain finding herself face to face with the greatest crisis in her history.
England is the victim of her own hypocrisy and her own duplicity; the victim of her foreign governess policy, specially devised to distract the attention of the British public from home affairs which are in such an appalling condition. In trying to compass the downfall of others Britain has merely succeeded in playing into the hands of the Jews. Because British public opinion has been moulded by mendacious propaganda it is the most intolerant and bigoted in the world. The English are the easiest people to govern and to misgovern because they are the easiest to turn away from any purpose and from the truth, but if they are to learn a lesson from the appalling results of the betrayal of their late Allies, the Arabs of Palestine and Syria, that lesson will be the discovery of the truth revealed in La Rochefoucaulds saying: LE VRAI MOYEN DTRE TROMP CEST DE SE CROIRE PLUS FIN QUE LES AUTRES.
The book is in three parts of which Part I depicts the history of Zionism, its origin and growth and its final triumph during the War both in Europe and America.
Part II describes European politics in the light of Zionism during and after the War, with special reference to the AngloShereefian machinations, the SykesPicot Treaty and the Balfour Declaration.
Part III is the narrative of the authors personal experiences in Syria and Egypt during and after the War and at the Peace Conference in Paris.
The paramount accendency of the Jew in England today renders the publication of the authors identity undesirable until such time as Englishmen are free to express an opinion on the Jewish menace to their own country without being flung into prison.
London, August 1939.
IN 1095 was inaugurated the first crusade which ended four years later with the capture of Jerusalem in 1099. During the neat two hundred years, six consecutive Christian? expeditions landed in Palestine and fought with varying success for the possession of Jerusalem which was finally abandoned to the Moslems when the last crusaders sailed from Athlit in 1291. Six and a quarter centuries later Jerusalem was recaptured by the expeditionary force under General Allenby. In spite however of initial successes and in spite of Allenbys victorious campaign, this last invasion of Palestine achieved no more for Britain than did any of its predecessors for the crusaders; but whereas these latter failed because their campaigns were abortive, they themselves being defeated on the field of battle, Britain had to forego the fruits of victory because a craven and corrupt Government had mortgaged them to its paymasters, the Jews. Consequently Allenbys troops fought to their own detriment, for an alien oligarchy to whom they had been sold, and at whose behest and for whose material advantage Britain had surrendered the heritage of Empire.
The motive behind this eighth crusade originated over hundred years earlier, during the first decade of the XIX century, but as it constitutes the prelude to the last chapter in the history of Zionism we will return to it at the end of the narrative, and begin at the beginning.
Its Origin and Growth
THE Jewish Community, a social order peculiar to Jewry, constitutes an unmitigated power for evil which for twenty centuries has undermined civilisation in every quarter of the globe. Immune to outside influence it has functioned according to its own arbitrary laws in defiance and to the detriment of the countries upon which its members have battened.
In the reign of Augustus Jewish political councils were formed which concealed under the cloak of religion the grasping aims of an all-powerful clique. During the siege of Jerusalem by Vespasian, this clique won the favour of the Roman conquerers and was rewarded by the Imperial Government with a Mandate for the administration of Palestine, on the strength of which the clique constituted itself a governing body with absolute powers. This Government was known as the Kahal; i. e. the Community or Commonwealth.
Wherever Jewish immigrants settled they founded Communities, and by the end of the second century A. D. nearly every Province of the Roman Empire had at least one such Jewish colony. These Communities each of which was a self contained miniature Kahal, were affiliated to the central parent body upon which their existence depended To strengthen its control and to advance Jewish interests, the Kahal developed and perfected that elaborate system of espionage and insidious subversion which it still maintains, a system which explains the concentration of power and trade in the hands of Jews wherever these have settled in sufficient numbers.
The teaching in the synagogue incited its following to a thorough exploiting of their Gentile neighbours; this doctrine, always popular with Jews, became embodied in a manual of Jewish laws drawn from the Talmud and called the Shulchan Aruk, which taught that all non-Jews were beasts of burden to be stripped of their property for the benefit of Jewry. This doctrine united the Community in a common aim and a common hatred, and was transmitted by the Shulchan Aruk from generation to generation.
The life of the Jewish rank and file has changed little through the ages; disseminated throughout the world and claiming equal rights with other nationals, they are still the tools of their hierarchy, the ruling clique; to it they pay heavy taxes and in return receive help in exploiting the land which harbours them.
In about 1770 began the movement for the emancipation of the Jews, an object which was to a large extent realised in France as a result of the Revolution. At about the same time Germany, Austria and England bestowed political freedom on their Jews, some of whom rose to high social and administrative rank. But freed by the Gentiles from the restricting influence of the ghetto, the Jews found the yoke of the Kahal irksome, and as it could no longer add anything to their material welfare they longed to be rid of its jurisdiction so as to be left in undisturbed enjoyment of their newly acquired wealth.
Accordingly the Jewish leaders, in order to create and stimulate new interests and new links between Communities, founded a group of so-called universal brotherhoods, one of which was the Brotherhood for the Population of Palestine.
Among various devices to which the Kahal resorted to keep its flock within the fold was the pogrom, which was never difficult to organise in Russia and Poland where the peasants, if sufficiently provoked by fraud and extortion, could generally be relied upon to retaliate by beating up and killing a few Jews; whereupon millions of their race would rally round the synagogue.