The Great Cholesterol Myth goes far beyond the standard information and advice for anyone worried about heart disease. The style is breezy and easy to read, but the information is solid and will surprise many readers. A must for anyone who needs to combat heart problems.
JOE GRAEDON, M.S., AND TERESA GRAEDON, PH.D.,New York Times best-selling authors of The Peoples Pharmacy
The simplistic view that dietary and serum cholesterol are the primary causes of heart disease and heart attack is no longer tenable. Doctors Sinatra and Bowden provide all of us with a persuasive, fact-based interpretation and vision of the true role of cholesterol in cardiovascular illnesses.
MARK HOUSTON M.D., M.S., F.A.C.P., F.A.H.A., F.A.S.H., F.A.C.N., director, Hypertension Institute, Saint Thomas Hospital, Nashville, TN, and author of What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Heart Disease
The Great Cholesterol Myth is a remarkable book that will revolutionize the way in which heart disease is prevented, detected, and treated in this country.
ANN LOUISE GITTLEMAN, PH.D., C.N.S., best-selling author of The Fat Flush Plan
This book clearly explains the tragic and harmful cholesterol and statin myths, and gives readers insight into those factors that really do promote a healthy heart.
PETER H. LANGSJOEN, M.D., F.A.C.C., founding member, Executive Committee, International CoEnzyme Q10 Association
Full of useful facts, backed up by the research literature, this book is entertaining and accessible to just about anybody who cares about their health. A must-read for those who are worried about their cholesterol levels and on the fence with statin therapy.
STEPHANIE SENEFF, B.S., M.S., E.E., PH.D., senior research scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Increasingly, doctors are questioning assertions that cholesterol is responsible for arterial disease, and that effective management requires lowering of cholesterol levels, especially with statins. At the same time, the noxious properties of the latter are being appreciated. It is therefore timely that Bowden and Sinatra provide this very readable explanation of why they think the way they do. Many readers will be persuaded.
HYWEL DAVIES, M.D., F.R.C.P., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.C., former chief of cardiology at the Denver VA Hospital
[The authors] demonstrate with compelling logic backed by scientific studies that doctors are doing more harm than good by prescribing statins as if they were after-dinner mints, with the false hope that a lower cholesterol level will prevent heart disease when underlying inflammation and oxidative stress are the real root causes of heart disease.
TODD LEPINE, M.D., The UltraWellness Center
Dr. Bowden and Dr. Sinatra do an outstanding job providing a deep dive into all the causes of heart disease, while clarifying the role cholesterol plays. I would encourage this book to be required reading for all health science students, nutritionists, and physicians who treat patients!
COLETTE HEIMOWITZ, M.SC., vice president of nutrition and education, Atkins Nutritionals, Inc.
If youre concerned about your cholesterol level and are thinking of taking a statin drug, this book is a must-read! It will change the way you think about heart diseaseand it may save your life!
PRUDENCE HALL, M.D., founder and medical director, The Hall Center
Be ready to be surprised, entertained, and to become healthy.
LARRY MCCLEARY, M.D., best-selling author of Feed Your Brain, Lose Your Belly
This book is well written with excellent scientific references and from extremely knowledgeable authors. Read this book so you can be armed with the knowledge you need to make an informed decision before you treat your high cholesterol!
JENNIFER LANDA, M.D., chief medical officer of BodyLogicMD, author of The Sex Drive Solution for Women
Jonny Bowden and Stephen Sinatra set the record straight on decades of bad science [and] put forth a far better solution about the true culprits that rob you of longevity: processed carbohydrates, insufficient vegetables, excess omega 6, and too many trans fats. Masterly, readable, and life-altering.
SARA GOTTFRIED, M.D., author of The Hormone Cure
The authors have done their homework, and rather than rotely following the leader they have dug into the extensive research and correlated it with their wide clinical experience to reveal the truth. This book can save many lives, including your own!
HYLA CASS, M.D., author of 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health
Thanks to the extensive scientific evidence provided by Bowden and Sinatra, the truth about cholesterol will hopefully end the utter madness that has plagued our society for far too long. Dont even think about taking another statin drug, cutting your fat and cholesterol intake, or other heart-healthy measures until you read The Great Cholesterol Myth.
JIMMY MOORE, author of Livin La Vida Low Carb and A Patients Guide to Understanding Your Cholesterol Test Results
This powerful new book will help the cholesterol test get the rest it deserves.
ALAN CHRISTIANSON, N.M.D., co-author, The Complete Idiots Guide to Thyroid Disease
If you want to know the truth about cholesterol, and what you absolutely must do to improve your heart health, this is the book for you. Jonny Bowden and Dr. Stephen Sinatra reveal the facts in a compelling and insightful way. This invaluable book belongs on the bookshelf of anyone who cares about the truth in medicine and healing.
DANIEL AMEN, M.D., CEO, Amen Clinics, Inc., author of Use Your Brain to Change Your Age
Got high cholesterol or heart disease? Get this book!
JACOB TEITELBAUM, M.D., author of Beat Sugar Addiction Now! and From Fatigued to Fantastic!
Finally! This timely book, written by the eminently qualified dream team of Dr. Jonny Bowden and Dr. Stephen Sinatra, exposes and unravels the great American cholesterol scam. Statin drugs sell in the U.S. for over $30 billion per year, but do they really prevent heart disease? No! This must-read book will tell you how to really prevent heart disease and live a longer, healthier, leaner, fuller life.
DEAN RAFFELOCK, D.C., DIPL.AC., D.A.A.I.M., D.I.B.A.K., D.A.C.B.N.,C.C.N., author of A Natural Guide to Pregnancy and Postpartum Health
The book youre holding is dangerous, and may even upset you. Thats because everything you know about cholesterol is probably wrong. Doctors Jonny Bowden and Stephen Sinatra provide both the science to vindicate this unfairly demonized molecule and a plan of action so you can attain optimal health.
JJ VIRGIN, best-selling author of The Virgin Diet
To Robert Crayhon, who taught me about nutrition.
To Anja Christy, who taught me everything else.
And to Michelle, who teaches me every day what it is to truly love.
To my daughter, Marchann, who is the publisher of, my website.
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