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Tim David - Magic Words: The Science and Secrets Behind Seven Words That Motivate, Engage, and Influence

Here you can read online Tim David - Magic Words: The Science and Secrets Behind Seven Words That Motivate, Engage, and Influence full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2014, publisher: Prentice Hall Press, genre: Science. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Tim David Magic Words: The Science and Secrets Behind Seven Words That Motivate, Engage, and Influence
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    Magic Words: The Science and Secrets Behind Seven Words That Motivate, Engage, and Influence
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    Prentice Hall Press
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Magic Words: The Science and Secrets Behind Seven Words That Motivate, Engage, and Influence: summary, description and annotation

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An elegant and concise book. - NY Times
Fans of Dr. Robert Cialdini, Daniel Pink, and Malcolm Gladwell will enjoy this in-depth look at the often surprising magic behind words. Words inspire. Words influence. Words sell. But why? And how can we use words to better communicate our message so it truly connects?
By exploring seven magic words, Tim David explains the important psychology behind how what we say affects those around us in business and in life. Full of startling scientific research, humorous anecdotes, and word-for-word scripts, David lays out the secrets of exactly what to say (and what to STOP saying) so our words have the magical effect we desire.
Managers, salespeople, and parents will learn:
  • The secret word that Harvard psychologists discovered is the key to unlocking human motivation
  • The one word that several surprising studies have found is literally influencing the major decisions in your life
  • The number one mistake that managers make during 1-on-1s, and the one simple word that can fix it all
  • What Dale Carnegie dubbed the sweetest sound in any language
  • How one tiny word can instantly change someones mind for the better
  • How the infamous But Eraser works and why so many people mess it up
  • The REAL magic behind the word thanks
  • And much more!
A clear blueprint for building connections and transforming relationships. - David Horsager, bestselling author of The Trust Edge
We always knew that sticks and stones may break our bones, and now we know exactly what words do to the human brain. Great book! - Scott Barry Kaufman, Scientific director of the Imagination Institute

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PRAISE FOR MAGIC WORDS Whereas most communication advice is concerned with what - photo 1



Whereas most communication advice is concerned with what to say or even how to say it, Magic Words places the focus where it belongs: on the other person. Tim David offers keen insight into how to better connect with others in business and in life.

Adam Grant, Wharton professor and New York Times bestselling author of Give and Take

As an author, I believe the words we choose to use are everything. They impact our relationships, goal achievement, and happiness. Tim David understands the power of using the right words. In this practical book, David gives us specific ways and tools to simply make everything better in our lives.

John G. Miller, author of QBQ!, Outstanding!, and Parenting the QBQ Way

The magicians art seems obvious once we deconstruct itand Tim Davids seven words appear obvious until he takes them apart to show us their secrets, deftly teaching us how to create our own magic. Perhaps its not surprising that I found the book persuasive, entertaining, and... mesmerizing!

Rosalie Maggio, author of How to Say It

Magicians notice the little thingsand count on the rest of us to not notice them, to make the magic happen. In this book, Tim David pulls back the curtain to reveal the stunning power of everyday words when used the right way. This is a fascinating book, filled with strong science and compelling stories, and a must-read for anyone who deals with other humans on a regular basis.

Heidi Grant Halvorson, author of 9 Things Successful People Do Differently and associate director of the Motivation Science Center, Columbia Business School

Fresh, simple, and on target! In every interaction, we increase or decrease trust. Mr. David gets it! He gives a clear blueprint for building connections and transforming relationships using seven powerful words! This is one book I will use! Thank you.

David Horsager, bestselling author of The Trust Edge

I have spent decades teaching people how to make deeper connections with one another. I am happy to report that Tim Davids Magic Words will help you do this simply, quickly, and easily. Put Tims suggestions into everyday life, and you too will believe there is real magic and influence in the power of words. Prove it to yourself by reading this now.

Kenton Knepper, author of Wonder Words, mentalist, suggestion expert, and sound influencer

Magic Words stands out from the clutter of communication books pushing tired clichs. Tim David offers fresh, intelligent insights on the art and science of motivating and influencing human beings. If you work with people, youll want this book.

Joel Bauer, international speaker and author of How to Persuade People Who Dont Want to Be Persuaded

Magic Words is a fantastic book because it not only explains the science behind why certain words can trigger an automatic response, but also shows you how you can use those words to motivate friends, colleagues, and even yourself. If you can imagine a small shift in the way that you use some common words resulting in lots more people doing what you ask them to do, then you are already seeing the results that you can get from Magic Words.

Rintu Basu, international bestselling author of The Persuasion Skills Black Book

Words are powerful. Magic Words helps you understand and apply that power. A fun and practical read, the book will give you a different perspective on your word choices, helping you choose the right words at the right time.

Nick Kolenda, author of Methods of Persuasion

Every once in a while you read a book that is rich with ideas and concepts you can immediately apply to get dramatic results. Putting the principles Tim has shared into practice can take you from effective to highly influential. This is a must-read for everyone, not just salespeople, because after all communication and influence are essential components of your personal and professional life.

Ken Cheo, president of Our Sales Coach

Because of todays technology most of us are staring at an iPhone or a tablet screen to communicate. Tim Davids magic words will teach you how to build stronger human connections with anyone you interact with. Throughout the years, Davids words have always been inspiring. Now... everyone can take advantage of his mastery.

Nathan Kranzo, television magic consultant

Most people think the financial industry is a knowledge business. This is not a knowledge or numbers businessyou give me an iPad and the Internet and I can figure out just about anything. This is now a words business, a language business, a questions business, and a stories business. Want to increase your productivity? Work on your words, language, questions, and stories! Tim David is able to articulate the proper words for any industry and this book is a great resource to improve your words and language.

Tom Hegna, economist and author of Paychecks and Playchecks

As someone who speaks from the stage, my job is to carefully select each and every word for maximum impact. Tim Davids book, Magic Words, gives a thorough insight in to some of the most psychologically charged words that any of us can utter. Through a series of anecdotes and metaphor-riddled tales, Tim gives us so much more than definitions. Instead, we leave with deep understanding of not only context but also the cold, hard science behind the use of these specially chosen magic words.

Kennedy That Mind Reader Guy, multi-award-winning corporate event entertainer

We always knew that sticks and stones may break our bones, and now we know exactly what words do to the human brain. Great book!

Scott Barry Kaufman, scientific director of the Imagination Institute and a researcher in the Positive Psychology Center, University of Pennsylvania

In a time of social media, texting, emails, and people hiding behind screens, I highly applaud Magic Words as a powerful read of simple words that, when used right, inspire greatnessnot just within you, but others as well. This book is a welcomed gust of wind to a very concerned up-and-coming generation of young adults.

Jeff Yalden, Americas #1 teen motivational speaker, and celebrity teen and family life coach

Educators, counselors, and all those in the helping professions will find life-changing wisdom in Magic Words. Tim Davids insightful observations on life and truly powerful communications practices are presented in an entertaining page-turner that breathes fresh air into strategic learning. The busiest teachers, counselors, and marketing professionals must take the time to read this outstanding, joyous, magical book.

Dr. Guy D. Alba, principal at St. Margaret School, Rumford, RI, and adjunct professor in the School of Professional Studies (Masters in Counseling Program), Providence College

Tim David accurately translates social psychological research into seven powerful principles that can help people better communicate with others. These simple tricks from a master magician show that words matter because connection matters.

Sara Konrath, director of the Interdisciplinary Program for Empathy and Altruism Research, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Indiana University

If youre interested in becoming more ethically powerful, having people say yes to you more often, or just needing to become more persuasive and influential, then Magic Words is an essential addition to your library. Tim David has created a book filled with easy-to-follow advice, strategies, and tactics that you want and need. Get it.

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