Copyright 2016 by Pao Chang
PDF edition published on May 9, 2016
Kindle edition published on May 17, 2017
Paperback edition published on September 1, 2017
Updated in July 2018
All rights are reserved without prejudice. Duplication of this publication is permitted only with prior permission from the author. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute, in any manner, the materials in this book without prior permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles or reviews.
This book is dedicated to the living men and women who are not afraid to stand up for their natural rights and speak the truth.
The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the materials herein; however, the materials have no warranty, either expressed or implied, and are intended for informational and educational purposes only. Please take notice that the materials are also not intended as a substitute for legal advice. The materials are offered to readers as ideas, concepts, or principles, with the intention to motivate them to explore reality and words beyond conventional thinking. The author accepts no responsibility for any injuries and damages as a result of using the materials herein.
Table of Contents
Words are used by people to communicate every day, yet most people still do not realize how words shape their lives and perception. Did you know that most people speak over 7,000 words per day? As of May 2016, there are about 7.4 billion people living on Earth. If you multiply 7,000 words by 7.4 billion people, you get 51,800,000,000,000 or 51.8 trillion words. This means that at least 51.8 trillion words are spoken every day. Even though we hear and speak words all the time, most of us have little or no clue as to how powerful words are.
Words are not just elements of speech or writing, because when words are spoken out loud, they transform into sound, frequency, and vibration. Words also carry information which plays an important role for communication. Without information we will have a hard time learning things and communicating to one another. Because words carry information, sound, frequency, and vibration, they play a very important role in our lives. Furthermore, they can be used to harness the power of energy.
As mankind, we did not always rely heavily on words to communicate, because we used to have a stronger telepathic bond with one another. Due to certain tragic events in our past that caused the higher elements of our DNA to, in a sense, mutate and turn off, many words were introduced by the Dark Forces (groups of self-serving thought-form entities) as hypnotic symbols to manipulate our minds.
The source of the Dark Forces' malevolent behaviors is a cosmic "virus". This virus is not your common virus because it is very intelligent. The main goal of the Cosmic Virus is to infect all living things in the Universe with its psychopathic thoughts and death science ideology. Many people's minds are infected with the psychopathic thoughts of the Cosmic Virus, especially people who have strong psychopathic traits.
Like any virus, the goal of the Cosmic Virus is to drain its host of energy until it dies, and therefore its mission is to cause death and destruction throughout the Universe. The good news is that this virus can only infect us when we live in a state of ignorance, fear, hatred, and irresponsibility. As we learn to live peaceably with one another and heal our bodies and activate the higher elements of our DNA, our frequency will increase beyond the limit of the Cosmic Virus, making us immune to it.
Today, many scientists like to refer to the higher elements of our DNA as "junk" DNA, because they believe these elements have no function. There is nothing "junk" about the higher elements of our DNA, because Nature would never create something that has no role to play in the progression of the Universe. Our junk DNA contains the higher and more powerful elements of our DNA. Because of this, it holds some of the keys to unlocking memories of our true history and activating our dormant spiritual powers (e.g., telepathy).
The reason that our junk DNA does not seem to function is because the frequencies of our bodies are not vibrating in harmony with it, causing it to "turn off". In our current physical condition, turning on all the higher elements of our DNA at once would destroy our health. The current state of our bodies can not handle the high frequency energies that travel through the higher elements of our DNA. To safely activate our junk DNA without damaging our bodies, we need to slowly increase the frequencies of our bodies to the point where they harmonize with the frequencies of our junk DNA. Once this happens, our junk DNA and bodies will communicate and function properly.
Because the higher elements of our DNA are, in a sense, turned off, our spiritual powers and higher senses are weakened, making it easier for the Dark Forces to use words to deceive us. All the languages of mankind have been severely distorted by the Dark Forces, allowing them to use words as magic spells to manipulate us. However, they can only manipulate us when we do not know how to use words wisely.
If you study the origin and history of words and languages, and their connection to certain secret societies, you should eventually come to the conclusion that all languages are interconnected at a very deep level. Furthermore, you should know that the language system is the Dark Forces' favorite tool to use to cast magic spells on mankind, so they can control our bodies, minds, and souls. By the end of this book, you will know specifically what that means.
Chapter 1
The Powers of Words & the Art of Word Magic
Some spiritual teachings have suggested that the world is made of space (expansiveness and infinity), air (mobility), fire (temperature), water (fluidity), and earth (solidity). These five elements are not based on physical qualities but spiritual qualities. Besides these five qualities of spiritual energy, the world is also made of words, because we live in a world that relies heavily on words to communicate. When words are spoken out loud, they transform into sound, frequency, and vibration, which are some of the fundamental building blocks of matter.
The physical world we live in is made of matter; therefore, it is also made of sound, frequency, and vibration. In a sense, the material world was brought into existence using the power of spoken words. A spoken word has sound, frequency, and vibration, giving it the power to affect how energy manifests itself into physicality. Hence, the biblical saying, "In the beginning was the Word".
Phonetically, the term world sounds similar to the term whirled, which is the past tense of the term
The term world also sounds similar to the term word and the term word sounds like the term whir. One of the origins of the term whir is the Old Norse word hvirfla, meaning "to turn". In English, the term whir is defined as "to go, fly, revolve, or otherwise move quickly with a humming or buzzing sound".
The definitions of the words in bold font in the previous two paragraphs are all related to the word spin. Why the word spin? Because everything in the Universe spins and we live in a galaxy that spins. The world/whirled known as Earth also spins and the people living on it use spoken words/whirred's to create their reality.
The language system is made of words because words have magic powers and are great for enlightening or deceiving you. One of the reasons that words can easily deceive you is because they can be misinterpreted and misunderstood. Furthermore, each letter of a word can be rearranged to hide the word's deeper meanings. In addition, a word can be given many different definitions to confuse you.
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