| IELTS- TECH - A complete Toolkit for learning, practising and knowing about IELTS. As the world is growing smarter, the ways of its learning and getting education also gets smarter day by day. IELTS-TECH (A TECHNICAL TOOLKIT OF LEARNING INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE TESTING SYSTEM) is also acting as a smarter way to learn IELTS via Presentations on its strategies. This toolkit completely clarifies four sections. |
Reading: This refers to the IELTS aspirants development in reading, understanding and responding to a wide range of spoken, written and visual English texts. It involves learners developing understandings of how texts are organised and how language varies according to the situation, social and cultural contexts, purpose and audience. | |
Writing: It refers to the IELTS aspirants development in writing a range of texts for interpersonal, informational and aesthetic purposes. It involves developing writing skills including task response, Coherence, Lexical Resource and Grammar skills | |
Speaking: This refers the IELTS aspirants development in using spoken Standard English for communication for social and school-based learning. It involves developing learners control over Standard English phonology, word and sentence stress, rhythm and intonation and the information conveyed by these systems. | |
Listening: It refers to the IELTS aspirants development in understanding spoken Standard English. It focusses on the ability to actively listen for a purpose and involves learners being able to select and apply strategies to make meaning in a wide range of contexts. | |
BOOK 1 : IELTS -Tech : It includes Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening along with its strategies to crack with the practice sessions.
BOOK 2 : WRITING ESSENTIALS : It will serve the Academic and General candidates with writing topics. This book covers the wide range of Graphical Representation, General letters and few Academic and General topics of writing.
BOOK 3 : VOCAL COSMETICS AND SPEECH THERAPY FOR IELTS: This book will enhance the speaking skills of the candidate. Students will come to know the technical aspect in IELTS related to speaking techniques like Word Stress, Intonation, Rhythm, Coherence, Lexical Resource, Fluency, etc.
BOOK 4 : GENERAL MODULE FOR IELTS This book will help the general candidate who are appearing for IELTS. It covers Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening skills with strategies and practice sessions.
BOOK 5 : SPEAKING ESSENTIALS : This will serve both the Academic and General candidates regarding interview sessions between interviewer and interviewee. It covers PART-1 Personal Interaction, PART-2 Cue -Cards, PART-3 Follow up Session.
AWARENESS SESSIONS : These powerpoint smart sessions will help the students to build their ideology towards simple topics like Education, Media, Music, Technology, Tourism, Culture, Science, Computers, Health, etc. These awareness sessions is an endeavour to raise the standards of vocabulary and terminology of the aspirants. This will enhance the lexical resource for Writing and Speaking skills. These awareness sessions not only serves Vocabulary Usage but also provides Traditional and Contemporary Outlook, Quotations and Proverbial Matter, Author Sayings, Volley of Idioms and Phrases related to it... etc. This smart CD will be provided with the Writing Essentials and Speaking Essentials.
SMART CD OF POWERPOINT PRESENTATION : IELTS- TECH is a smart tech product which help the aspirants to understand the technicalities of the IELTS exams with visual aids. This product is the package of strategies to crack the four modules of IELTS, i.e., Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening with its Do's and Don'ts.
COMPACT DISK OF LISTENING SESSIONS : For enhancing the listening part of the candidate, listening activities are provided in the CD for their practice.
About Writing Essentials
IELTS - TECH WRITING ESSENTIALS is an answer to the writing skills for an IELTS exam. This book comprises of three sections - (i) Graphical Representations, (ii) Letter Writing, (iii)Essays for the IELTS Exams. Not only this, the book provides one Awareness CD presentation to make the students aware of the vocabulary of common topics, its importance in the present and the future, language usage, etc. Many practice sessions are also available for improving the writing capacity of the student.
Writing Essentials chapter one guides the students how to crack task 1 (Graphic Representation) & Task 2 (Essay writing topics) with its strategies & techniques. It clarifies strategies related to Graphs i.e. how to introduce the graph, how to comment on increasing & decreasing trends, concluding aspect of the graph along with word power i.e. vocabulary usage or lexical for writing graph. similarly this chapter also clarifies the strategies for essay writing topics with An Art of Rhetorical Devices & W Family. In this way this chapter will act as a guide & first approach to deal with writing task for IELTS. Certain examples & tips are provided for the thorough understanding of the concept.
Chapter 1 : Strategies For Academic Writing Task - 1 & 2
It is an information transfer task related to the factual content of the input texts, graphs, tables or diagrams. Sometimes, you will have to describe a process shown in the diagram.
Strategy No. 1 : How To Introduce The Graph
Do mention in the beginning that which TYPE of graph it is. i.e., whether the graph is BAR, LINE, PIE, TABLE.
Do write the TITLE of the graph, i.e., what type of information the graph is conveying.
Do mention the DATE, MONTH & YEAR of the graph.
It is necessary to describe the SCALE of the graph, i.e., whether the graph is marked in hundreds, thousands, millions, pounds, dollars, kilograms, tons, meters, kilometers, percentage and so on.....
Strategy No. 2 : How To Describe The Graph
No need to write the whole data, for example: there is no need to give reasons for why figures are moving low or high. No specialized knowledge or individual opinions are required.
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