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But you can always control what goes on inside.
Stress i a Suddn Biological Chng. It h bm th ur f 21t century and is a ilnt killr in the mdrn wrld. Str i the grtt danger to th information r. Stress i the ril in for humn lif in th universe. It can diturb any n hil, mntl, emotional nd bhvirl bln. Str can dmg diffrnt parts f human bd frm muscles and tissues to rgn and bld vl. It n d u ul rate nd respiration. It can ri blood pressure nd body tmrtur. It can also interfere with the body metabolism, digtin, appetite, sleep, xulit nd vn fertility. Outinl tr includes th nvirnmntl factors or trr uh as wrk overload, rl mbiguit, rl nflit nd r wrking nditin associated with a rtiulr job.
There r three stages a rn g through while uffring from stress.
Thi tg xrin an over ting f the mthti nervous tm wherein adrenaline nd rtil inr nd blood flw w from th brin t th muscles. As a rult, dndrit hrink back in the brin t mdrt th flw f information, lwing r closing dwn th nnntil bd funtin. Th whl bd starts preparing itlf t fight gint th rn of tr. The fr, excitement r pressure i vidnt n th uffrr f.
In thi stage, th bd k mking ntinuu ffrt t with tr and thrfr fl run dwn and the rn trt fling irritated, over rt to minor situations nd gets mntll nd physically wk. Phlgil, hil nd behavioral hng r also clearly viibl.
If a tudnt is preparing fr his exam nd dit of every possible ffrt, h is nt able t relate t hi tudi, h i bund t gt trd. Th stress uld rh a hight whr h/h m fl mltl exhausted nd hll t th xtnt f committing uiid.
This i th xhutin tg. Thi stage is further divided int tw h: Th ntur of stress i broadly f tw t- Eutr (Pitiv tr, Ditr (Ngtiv tr).
If exposure t trr ntinu fr a lngr rid f time, chronic hlth rblm n dvl, such :
Phlgil and mtinl
Feeling hri, invulnerable, euphoric , Dnil , Anxiety and fr , Wrr but safety f self nd others , Angr , Irritbilit , Rtln , Sdn, grif, drin, mdin , Ditring dreams , Guilt r urvivr guilt , Fling vrwhlmd, hl , Feeling iltd, lost, r bndnd , Ath , Idntifitin with survivors.
Memory rblm, Dirinttin, Confusion, Slwn f thinking nd mrhnin, Diffiult calculating, setting ririti, mking diin, Poor nntrtin, Limitd attention n, Loss f bjtivit, Unable t t thinking but the ditr, Blming
Chng in tivit, Drd ffiin nd effectiveness, Difficulty communicating, Increased sense f humr, Outburt of ngr, frunt rgumnt, Inability t rt or ltdwn, Chng in ting habits, Change in ling ttrn, Chng in patterns f intimacy, xulit, Chng in jb rfrmn,Prid f ring, Inrd u of lhl, tobacco, or drug, Sil withdrwl, iln, Vigilance but ft or nvirnmnt, Avidn f activities r l tht triggr mmri, Prnn to idnt
Inrd hrtbt, rirtin, Increased blood rur, Upset tmh, nu, dirrh, Chng in tit, wight loss or gin, Swting or hill, Tremors (hnd, lips), Muscle twitching, Muffld hring, Tunnl vision, Feeling unrdintd, Headaches, Soreness in muscles, Lwr bk pain, Fling a lump in the thrt, Exggrtd trtl rtin, Ftigu, Mntrul l hng, Change in xul desire, Drd resistance t infection, Flr-u of allergies nd rthriti, Hir l
Yg fr Str Rlif
Yoga i most Rgnizd frm of Exercise, Strthing, Arbi xri and Meditation. Th dfinitin f yoga i t k r jint tgthr it integrates th mind nd bd fuing n bln posture, d breathing, trthing nd rlxtin. Yg evolved from of th Hindu, Jaina, and Buddhit religious traditions in Indi. Yg alters tr response nd rn ttitud, twrd tr lng with improving self confidence, increasing n n f wll being, nd rting a fling f rlxtin nd lmn.
Nbd knw precisely whn Yg trtd, however it blutl rigint bfr rrdd history. Yg itin rtrd b tn carving hv been obtain in rhlgil dtintin in th Indu Vll ging bk 5,000 r r more. There i a til miguidd judgment tht Yg i established in Hinduim; unxtdl, Hinduim' rligiu trutur developed muh later and fused a rtin of th acts f Yg. (Different rligin ll thrugh th wrld hv likwi joined rti and thoughts idntifid with Yoga.)
Th convention f Yg h dependably been d n indndntl frm dutr t undrtud thrugh rl intruting and reasonable exhibition. The formal trtgi tht are urrntl known Yg m t b, hn, in light of th ggrgt encounters f numru l over numru f grt r. Th ifi way in which th tm are dutd nd rhrd today rli upon the mthdlg went dwn in the lin of dutr supporting th individual expert.
On f th soonest mg doing with Yoga w gthrd b a researcher nmd Ptnjli, wh t dwn th mt rdminnt Yg ultin and rti of hi tim in a bk h lld Yg Sutr ("Yg Ahrim") hd f hdul th firt or second ntur B.C. thn gin lt th fifth ntur A.D. (Unknwn exact dt). Th frmwrk that he expounded n is known "Ahtng Yoga," r th ight limbs of Yg, nd this i wht i fr th most rt lludd t td Classical Yg. Mt rnt fllwr rhr m vrit f Patanjali's framework.
Th ight stages of Clil Yoga r:
Ym , ignifing "limittin" btining frm viiun, lying, taking, ging sex, nd storing;
Nim , signifying "rgnitin" virtue, hin, rilin, tud, nd rgnitin;
Asana , hil tiviti;
Prnm , breathing methods;
Prthr, rdin fr rfltin, rtrd "withdrwl f the brin frm the fulti";
Dharana, fixtin, hving the capacity to hold th psyche n n itm for a rdtrmind tim;
Dhn, ntmltin, th it t concentrate on n thing (or nothing) innluivl;
Samadhi, ingtin, r acknowledgment f th vitl w f th lf.
Mdrn Wtrn Yg l widl nntrt n th third, furth, nd fifth t. Yg mt likl tuhd base in th Unitd States in th lt 1800, t it didn't turn ut t be brdl known until th 1960s, a ftur of the ung it' developing nthuim fr anything Etrn. A mr gt to b thught but th dvntgu imt f Yoga, it ikd u knwldgmnt nd admiration a rfitbl strategy fr iding in th dminitrtin f nxit and nhning wllbing and rrit. Numru dtr now rrib Yg practice t tint t dngr for rnr illn, nd l th with bk torment, jint inflmmtin, mlnhl, and thr intrminbl conditions.
Many of u hv rtid Yoga fr r, t if mn asks u about a definition f wht Yoga i, w wuld b hrd pressed t giv n answer. A mn thr imrtnt rdut f nint Indian culture, Yoga int lrl dfind and tmtid lik the scientific diilin of the Wt. I will tr t giv a personal ntributin t thi subject; it is not a lr, simple definition Im lking fr, but rthr n unviling f th essence of this mzing science.
Mdrn definitions of Yoga.
Even thugh thr rnt, in mdrn times, such famous dfinitin as Ptjli, its still ibl t identify some gnrl approaches to Yg.
Yg Fitn.
Th min focus is ld n th rti f asanas (tur), and n th rftin f lignmnt. The therapeutic fft of h tur r sometimes studied in dth, tht a rnlid rti n be dvid, in order to ddr specific health conditions. In thr tl f Yg, th mhi is n a wrful, dnmi rti tht t mr as a prevention thn a ur: whih ntntl timulting nrgti tm and ttining a tt of rmnnt hil bln nd hlth.
Yg Mdittin.
Anthr modern intrrttin Yg as primarily a meditation thniu. Here, th fu i n lming and stabilising the mind, thrugh the u f asanas, pranayama (brth ntrl), wll mntl concentration thniu. Thi intrrttin usually d nt giv muh imrtn t lignmnt in th tur, r t the hil bnfit of Yoga; intd, th bd is used as a tool t access n wn mind nd gin more ntrl vr it.