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Mark Dajs - The Liberal Media Industrial Complex

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Mark Dajs The Liberal Media Industrial Complex
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    The Liberal Media Industrial Complex
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    The Resistance Manifesto
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    San Diego
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The media used to mean television, radio, newspapers, and magazines; but today it largely involves social media, which has swallowed up all of these other forms and is now controlled by a small group of Silicon Valley titans who decide what billions of people are able to see and hear online. The convergence of old technology and new has centralized unimaginable power into the hands of a few gigantic corporations that now dictate how we communicate with each other and perceive the outside world. Media analyst Mark Dice details how the rise of social media that tipped the balance of power regarding the production and distribution of information has also resulted in a massive backslash from those conspiring to regain the influence they once held. Now conservatives are experiencing widespread censorship as the tech giants scramble to put the genie back in the bottle. The liberal media has launched an information war against President Trump and his supporters, and are using their monopolies to manipulate public opinion in order to further their aims of a socialist revolution.

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Mark Dice



Today, media doesnt just mean television, radio, newspapers, and magazines; since all of those industries have been swallowed up by the Internet (convergence as its technically called). As you know, people now get most of their news and entertainment online where there is an endless supply of things to click on, scroll through, and stream. People carry TVs in their pockets and wear them on their wrists like the old science fiction films predicted. With the push of a button anyone can watch almost any show, access any newspaper or magazine article, and even send instant feedback about what they think. Everywhere you go people are constantly glued to their device, consuming an endless stream of media. Its like a madhouse thats almost impossible to escape.

In our current mobile age, trying to keep up with the news is like running on a treadmill thats getting faster and faster. The longer youre on it, the more exhausting it gets, leading many to become so fatigued they decide to jump off and quit paying attention altogether. Many have become so stressed out, disgusted, and tired of the news, that they basically boycott it and only follow sports or other forms of entertainment, but even there they cant escape being bombarded by political messages and cries for social justice.

Those who wish to push political agendas know that movies, music, and TV shows are convenient vehicles to deliver their propaganda to millions under the cloak of entertainment. Even some sports coverage on ESPN has become political in recent years, amplifying the messages of athletes involved in fringe causes or ones based on half-truths and out-right lies.1

Music, movies, and television shows are not just entertainment. They shape and influence the culture by manufacturing iconic characters whose beliefs and behaviors are mimicked by millions. While art imitates life, life also imitates art, as President Obama admitted during an appearance via video at the 2015 Grammies where he told the audience, Tonight, we celebrate artists whose music and message helps shape our culture Artists have a unique power to change minds and attitudes and get us thinking and talking about what matters.2 Celebrities have largely taken over the role that families, the Church, and national traditions used to play in molding and monitoring a societys attitudes and actions.

As Andrew Breitbart pointed out in his book Righteous Indignation, Hollywood is more important than Washington. It cant be overstated how important this message is: pop culture matters. What happens in front of the cameras on a soundstage at the Warner Bros. lot often makes more difference to the fate of America than what happens in the back rooms of the Rayburn House Office Building on Capitol Hill.3

He continues, As it stands, the Frankfurt School-taught Left is fighting the political battle on both the political and the cultural battlefields. Conservatives are fighting it only on the political battlefield. That means that art, humor, song, theater, television, film, dance, are all devices used every day in order to influence the hearts and minds of the American people.4

Hes talking about Cultural Marxism, which is the practice of waging a psychological war against America and all of Western civilization by relentlessly attacking every aspect of our culture, symbols, and institutions; hoping to gradually weaken society by subverting its foundations to the point where it becomes so dysfunctional it can be overthrown and replaced by a Marxist State.

To accomplish this, the supposed news media regularly engages in whats called Agenda Setting by hyping up certain stories and covering them ad nauseam to create the false impression that those stories are actually important because theyre what people are talking about. This provides a false justification for the extensive coverage, creating an artificial feedback loop where they hype up a story as if its the talk of the town, and then everyone starts talking about it because theyre inundated by reports about it, so the media keeps reporting on it, claiming that its a relevant story because so many people are talking about it.

They carefully choose stories, oftentimes of rare and isolated incidences, and then amplify them hoping to give the impression that theres an epidemic and use the cherry-picked examples to promote or reinforce liberal ideologies. At the same time they act as gatekeepers, purposefully omitting other (actually important) stories and events which show a side of an issue theyre hoping people dont hear about, or are trying to downplay the significance of.

The Liberal Media Industrial Complex uses their technology to influence rather than inform; to attack instead of educate; to promote certain events while pretending others dont exist. They always amplify salacious allegations that feed into the one-sided narratives theyre pushing, and then completely ignore the facts when they later come out if they prove the initial reports to be false. They just carry on as if nothing happened and keep repeating the same pattern like clockwork amplifying the allegation, and then ignoring the outcome.

The election of President Trump has resulted in the American mainstream media throwing all objectivity out the window and dedicating their existence to painting him as a mentally deranged dictator who needs to be impeached and imprisoned. Theyve gotten so bold in their attempts to overthrow our Republic that they now regularly engage in gaslighting and continue to repeat easily debunked falsehoods as if they are true, hoping to get people to start doubting their own memory, reasoning, and perception about what is actually going on. This is what gaslighting is.

By repeatedly lying with confidence, using misdirection and discounting contrary information, the media causes some people to begin questioning their own version of reality. The term gaslighting originates from an old 1938 play (later made into a movie in 1944) where a central theme of the plot involves a womans husband who subjects her to all kinds of mind games trying to drive her insane, including dimming the gas lamps in their home while convincing her that shes just imagining its getting darker.

The media insists that the name George Soros is a code word for anti-Semitism, as are globalists and Hollywood liberals.5 The constant assertions that anyone who supports building a wall at the US-Mexico border is racist, and anyone who supports President Trump is a white supremacist are ridiculous, but are believed by gullible people who are susceptible to propaganda. Television news anchors lie with such assurance and being accompanied by symbols of authority like their fancy studios and graphics, on the surface it appears as if theyre legitimate news broadcasts.

The 2016 presidential election proved that the balance of power had shifted from the tight-knit group of mainstream media companies into the hands of everyday Americans who used Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to spread their messages to others, whether it was a few hundred of their Facebook friends, or an audience of millions if their posts went viral.

So in order to regain control of the flow of information, the legacy media conglomerates began working closely with the Silicon Valley titans to rewrite the algorithms so these popular platforms would favor their content above that posted by ordinary people or popular social media personalities. Its an understatement to say that whats happening is a conspiracy between various sectors of the media industry which are working together to give traditional outlets the loudest voices online.

Mix in Google and YouTube manipulating search results, Wikipedia being the number one source of encyclopedia articles, and social media companies systematically censoring prominent conservative accounts under the disguise of combating hate speech, and you have a recipe for total information control. There is a reason that dictators throughout history have aimed to seize their countrys media as one of their top priorities so they can use it to not only further their own aims, but prevent their opposition from using it for theirs.

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