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Steves R. - Florence & Tuscany 2017

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Steves R. Florence & Tuscany 2017
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You can count on Rick Steves to tell you what you really need to know when traveling through Florence and Tuscany.
With the self-guided tours in this book, youll discover the geographic heart of Italy. Take the Renaissance Walk and tour the Uffizi Gallery to learn how Florence taught civilized living to the rest of Europe. Wander through the medieval city of Siena and find out what Pisa has to offer beyond the Leaning Tower. Relax in sunny Tuscan hill towns where youll enjoy full-bodied wine, the worlds best gelato, and the company of friendly locals.
Ricks candid, humorous advice will guide you to good-value hotels and restaurants. Youll learn how to get around by train, bus, or rental car and get up-to-date advice on whats worth your time and money. More than just reviews and directions, a Rick Steves guidebook is a tour guide in your pocket.

Steves R.: author's other books

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Rick Steves


Rick Steves & Gene Openshaw

CONTENTS - photo 1
Florence Tuscany 2017 - photo 2
Florence Tuscany 2017 - photo 3
Florence Tuscany 2017 - photo 4
Florence Tuscany 2017 - photo 5
Florence Tuscany 2017 - photo 6
Florence Tuscany 2017 - photo 7
Pisas Field of Miraclesthe Duomo with its - photo 8
Pisas Field of Miraclesthe Duomo with its leaning Bell Tower - photo 9
Pisas Field of Miraclesthe Duomo with its leaning Bell Tower - photo 10
Pisas Field of Miraclesthe Duomo with its leaning Bell Tower - photo 11

Pisas Field of Miraclesthe Duomo with its leaning Bell Tower

Tuscanyfarmhouses cypress trees sunshine and a timeless way of life - photo 12

Tuscanyfarmhouses, cypress trees, sunshine, and a timeless way of life

Michelangelos David Tuscan hill town Brunelleschis dome of the Duomo - photo 13

Michelangelos David

Tuscan hill town Brunelleschis dome of the Duomo Florence Rick - photo 14

Tuscan hill town

Brunelleschis dome of the Duomo Florence Rick Steves FLORENCE - photo 15

Brunelleschis dome of the Duomo, Florence

Rick Steves FLORENCE TUSCANY 2017 Florenc - photo 16
Rick Steves


Florence is Europes cultural capital As the home of the Renaissance and the - photo 17
Florence is Europes cultural capital As the home of the Renaissance and the - photo 18

Florence is Europes cultural capital. As the home of the Renaissance and the birthplace of the modern world, Florence practiced the art of civilized living back when the rest of Europe was rural and crude. Democracy, science, and literature, as well as painting, sculpture, and architecture, were all championed by the proud and energetic Florentines of the 1400s.

When the Florentine poet Dante first saw the teenaged Beatrice, her beauty so inspired him that he spent the rest of his life writing poems to her. In the same way, the Renaissance opened peoples eyes to the physical beauty of the world around them, inspiring them to write, paint, sculpt, and build.

Today, Florence is geographically small but culturally rich, with more artistic masterpieces per square mile than anyplace else. In a single day, you can look Michelangelos David in the eyes, fall under the seductive sway of Botticellis Birth of Venus, and climb the modern worlds first dome, which still dominates the skyline.

Of course, theres a reality here, too. As the historic center becomes increasingly filled with visitors, rents are rising and locals are fleeing to the suburbs, threatening to make Florence a kind of Renaissance theme park. Sure, Florence is touristy. But where else can you stroll the same pedestrian streets walked by Michelangelo, Leonardo, and Botticelli while savoring the worlds best gelato?

To round out your visit, see Florence and then escape to the Tuscan countryside. With its manicured fields, rustic farms, cypress-lined driveways, and towns clinging to nearly every hill, Tuscany is our romantic image of village Italy. Venture beyond the fringes of Florence and youll find a series of sun- and wine-soaked villages, each with its own appeal. Stretching from the Umbrian border to the Ligurian Sea, the landscape changes from pastoral (Crete Senesi) to rocky (Chianti) to mountainous (the Montagnola) to flat and brushed with sea breezes (Pisa).

Use this legend to help you navigate the maps in this book Each of Tuscanys - photo 19

Use this legend to help you navigate the maps in this book.

Each of Tuscanys time-passed villages seems to have its own claim to fame: Volterra (Etruscan ruins), San Gimignano (towers), Montepulciano (artisans), Montalcino (wine), Pienza (tidy Renaissance-planned streets), and so on. But Tuscany also has a variety of intriguing cities that fully engage even the most restless traveler. Siena huddles around one of Italys coziest squares and finest cathedrals. Pisa boasts the famous Field of Miracles (with its Leaning Tower, an icon of all Italy) and a gritty working-class-meets-university-town bustle. And Lucca is graced with churches, towers, and a delightful city wall-turned-city park thats ideal for a stroll or pedal.

Youll discover that peaceful Tuscan villages and bustling Florencewith its rough-stone beauty, art-packed museums, children chasing pigeons, students riding Vespas, artisans sipping Chianti, and supermodels wearing Guccioffer many of the very things you came to Italy to see.

Rick Steves Florence & Tuscany 2017 is a personal tour guide in your pocket. Better yet, its actually two tour guides in your pocket: The co-author of this book is Gene Openshaw. Since our first Europe through the gutter trip together as high school buddies in the 1970s, Gene and I have been exploring the wonders of the Old World. An inquisitive historian and lover of European culture, Gene wrote most of this books self-guided museum tours and neighborhood walks. Together, Gene and I keep this book up-to-date and accurate (though for simplicity, from this point weve shed our respective egos to become I).

In this book, youll find the following chapters:

Key to This Book


This book is updated every yearbut things change. As soon as you pin down Italy, it wiggles. For the latest, visit www.ricksteves.com/update.

Abbreviations and Times

I use the following symbols and abbreviations in this book:

Sights are rated:

Dont miss
Try hard to see
Worthwhile if you can make it
No ratingWorth knowing about

Tourist information offices are abbreviated as TI, and bathrooms are WCs. Accommodations are categorized with a Sleep Code

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