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Matthew J. Kirby - Fate of the Gods

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Matthew J. Kirby Fate of the Gods
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The stunning conclusion to the Last Descendants Trilogy!
Only one piece of the Trident of Eden remains-Isaiah, a rogue Templar agent, has discovered both the faith prong and the fear prong of this powerful relic. Should he possess the devotion prong, there is little that can stop him. For the time being, Owen and his fellow teens have established an uneasy alliance across Assassin and Templar lines in order to stop Isaiah while they still can.
Over a thousand years earlier, Styrbjorn the Strong, a Danish warrior, leads the Jomsvikings against the Danish king, Harald Bluetooth. It is on those Viking battlefields that the secrets of the devotion prong lie. It is there that the fate of the world, the truth behind the teens collective unconsciousness, and their ancestral links to one another lie.
History has already been written. The rest is up to Owen, Javier, and the other members of their unlikely alliance. The actions they take will change the world of Assassins Creed forever.

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CONTENTS In bringing this trilogy to a close I feel grateful for the continued - photo 1


In bringing this trilogy to a close, I feel grateful for the continued support of this project by an amazing team of fellow storytellers and bookmakers. At Scholastic, Michael Petranek, Samantha Schutz, Debra Dorfman, Charisse Meloto, Monica Palenzuela, Lynn Smith, Jane Ashley, Ed Masessa, and Rick DeMonico have all worked tirelessly to bring readers the best story possible. At Ubisoft, Aymar Azazia, Anouk Bachman, Richard Farrese, Caroline Lamache, and Andrew Heitz continue to make me feel at home in the world of Assassins Creed. Finally, my family and friends, especially Jaime, remain at my side, cheering me on as I begin each new project, and each new adventure. Thank you, all.

2018 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Assassins Creed, Ubisoft, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries.

All rights reserved. Published by Scholastic Inc., Publishers since 1920. SCHOLASTIC and associated logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Scholastic Inc.

The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

First printing 2018

Book design by Rick DeMonico

Cover art by Fractured Pixels

Map created by Matthew Kirby and Joshua Kirby

e-ISBN 978-1-338-16396-4

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereafter invented, without the express written permission of the publisher. For information regarding permission, write to Scholastic Inc., Attention: Permissions Department, 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.

To my nephew Will a fellow adventurer S ean had grown accustomed to - photo 2

To my nephew, Will, a fellow adventurer.

S ean had grown accustomed to violence but he didnt yet enjoy it the way his - photo 3

S ean had grown accustomed to violence but he didnt yet enjoy it the way his - photo 4

S ean had grown accustomed to violence, but he didnt yet enjoy it the way his Viking ancestor did. Styrbjrn gloried in the sights, sounds, and smells of battle: the feel of a shield shattering under a blow from his bearded axe, Randgr; the cleaving of limbs by his Ingelrii sword; the cackle of ravens flocking over corpses.

In fact, Styrbjrn privately felt glad that the Danish king, Harald Bluetooth, had rejected the terms of peace. It meant the battle could begin at last. Even though Sean did not look forward to the violence of the memory, he could admit to himself that he did enjoy the strength and power he felt in his ancestors body.

Styrbjrns fleet waited off the coast of Jutland, at Aros, as Haralds longships rowed out to meet him. The Dane-kings fortress would never hold against a land assault by Styrbjrns force of Jomsvikings, and he no doubt believed his larger fleet could easily win an engagement at sea. It was also possible that Harald suspected that Gyrid, his wifeand Styrbjrns sisterwould commit some treachery unless she was kept far from the battle. Regardless of the reason, Styrbjrn smiled at the oncoming ships.

Sean could taste salt in the air as cormorants and pelicans dove into the sunlit waters around him. The journey to this moment had taken him weeks in the Animus, traversing years of Styrbjrns life, seeking the moment when his ancestor would finally gain possession of Harald Bluetooths dagger, the third prong of the separated Trident of Eden. But to find its modern resting place, Sean still had to learn what Styrbjrn had done with it before his death.

The simulation is holding very well, Isaiah said in Seans ear. It appears another battle is imminent. Are you ready?

Im ready, Sean said.

Isaiah had removed Sean from the Aerie facility ten days ago, after it was compromised. Sean still hadnt heard from Grace or David or Natalya, or even learned what happened to them. Isaiah said they had gone rogue, and that Victoria was helping them, possibly even working with the Assassin Brotherhood. It was up to Sean to find the Piece of Eden before it fell into the wrong hands.

Your fortitude continues to impress me, Isaiah said.

Thank you, sir.

The world owes you a debt of gratitude.

Sean smiled within the current of Styrbjrns mind. Im glad I can help.

Lets get to it.

Sean returned his attention to the simulation, focusing on the flexing of the ships timbers beneath his feet, and the shouts rolling toward Styrbjrn across the water from Haralds advancing ships. He turned toward his own men, his dreaded Jomsvikings. At the heart of his fleet, hed ordered two dozen ships lashed together into a floating fortress from which his men could cast spears and arrows. His other ships would engage the enemy in close battle, ramming, grappling, and boarding. Styrbjrn planned to find Haralds ship so that he might engage the Danish king in single combat and end the battle quickly. It wouldnt help Styrbjrns cause for his men to kill off the very warriors he hoped to command.

I count at least two hundred ships, Palnatoke said beside him, hardened and gray. In the years since Styrbjrn had defeated the chieftain and assumed leadership of the Jomsvikings, the two men had arrived at a grudging respect for each other. No, more than two hundred ships. Are you sure about this?

I am. But if it comforts you, last night several of the men made an offering to Thor. One claimed he was shown a vision in which I reached the coast of my home country with Harald Bluetooth tied to the mast of my ship like a dog. Styrbjrn removed his outer fur, then pulled his axe, Randgr, free of his belt. Haralds fleet will be mine.

Palnatoke grunted. I wonder if the Bluetooth has made offerings to his White Christ.

Styrbjrn gestured across the water toward the oncoming ships. And if he has, does that worry you?

No, Palnatoke said. The Christ is not a god of war.

Styrbjrn scoffed. Then what good is he?

To which god do you make offerings?

Styrbjrn looked down at his axe. I need no god.

The beating of Harald Bluetooths drums grew louder, the rhythm by which his long ships heaved across the waves, and Sean let himself be swept up in the current of Styrbjrns fury. He raised his axe and roared a battle cry with his ancestors voice, and the Jomsvikings echoed his terrifying eagerness for battle. He gave the order, and his fleet charged ahead, their dragon prows clawing through the waves, sea spray salting Styrbjrns lips.

The distance between his ships and Haralds collapsed quickly, until the enemy came within range. Styrbjrn waited until the precise moment, and then he gave the order. The forward ships dove to the side, cutting across the waves, opening a corridor to the fortress at the center of his fleet, and the archers and spearmen there loosed their missiles. The surprise barrage fell hard upon Haralds fleet, causing havoc, breaking up the rhythm of his oarsmen and the direction of his ships. Some of his vessels collided with one another, rocking and tossing men over.

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