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Karen Ralls - Knights Templar Encyclopedia: The Essential Guide to the People, Places, Events, and Symbols of the Order of the Temple

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This authoritative sourcebook offers comprehensive information on Knights Templar history, symbols, key figures, unanswered questions, and more.
Who were the Knights Templar? And how did they become the wealthiest multinational corporation in the medieval West? These powerful crusaders of the late Middle Ages remain a source of fascination for their mysterious ways and their far-reaching influence. The knights of the Order of the Temple were not only warriors, but also diplomats, international banking experts, advisors to popes and kings, and much more.
Written by leading Templar authority and medieval historian Dr. Karen Ralls, Knights Templar Encyclopedia presents the history of the Order of the Temple in an accessible A-to-Z format. This authoritative sourcebook features a wealth of information on the key Templar people, places, events, symbols, organization, daily life, beliefs, economic empire, trial, and more. It includes photos and illustrations, an extensive bibliography, a historical timeline, and a list of major European Templar sites.

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Acknowledgments and Photo Credits

I would sincerely like to thank those photographers who have provided the special photos for this work. As the old saying goes, a picture is worth 1,000 words. Without clear, lovely images to help us see what the text is describing, no book would be complete.

There are three such special people for this work: Eran N. Bauer of Lincolnshire, U.K., and his wonderful wife, Linda, both of whom have been tireless in their sincere dedication to history, and who have been instrumental in garnering further enthusiasm for not only the history of the medieval Knights Templar in general, but also for the fascinating Temple Bruer site in particular, the ruins of which can still be seen today. Erans photos are a great addition to any book, and I was most honored with his personal tour(s) of some of the Templar sites in England. Simon Brighton, a gifted English photographer of Templar sites, has done a wonderful job through the years with not only specific photos of medieval Templar sites all over the British Isles, but with a number of others as well. His 30 or so photos of various sites that grace this particular book are greatly appreciated. In the United States, Alan Glassman of Pennsylvania has been tireless in his quest for history and its images for many years. His enthusiasm about Templar history is evident, and he kindly provided photos for this book of some of the Templar-related sites and subjects from his many previous European journeys, and for that I am grateful.

It is a privilege indeed to have the photos of all of these talented visual artists in this encyclopedia, where both word and image are important to get the message across about the Knights Templar and their place in history.

Appendix A
Chronology of Events

Order of the Temple (11191314)

Templar events are in bold. Other events and people relating to the Church, cultural events, and the Crusades are included where relevant.


Reign of Baldwin II, King of Jerusalem


Official public emergence and beginnings of the Order of the Temple; nine knights, led by Hugh de Payns, the first Templar Grand Masters, present themselves to Baldwin II in Jerusalem


Cistercian Order constitution, Carta Caritatis, presented to Pope Calixtus II


First nine Templar knights remain in the Holy Land


First Lateran Council extends Jerusalem privileges to Spanish crusades


Crusaders control Tyre and occupy entire coast, except for Ascalon, which remains under Muslim control


Death of Hughes de Champagne, recorded at Chartres


(autumn) The early Templars return from the Holy Land; beginning of the Orders unprecedented rise in power and influence


First Cistercian house established in Britain (Waverley, Surrey)


Zengi becomes ruler of Aleppo and Mosul


(January) Council of Troyes; Rule of the Templar order established and official recognition of the fledging Order granted by Pope Honorius


William of Malmesbury completes De Antiquitate Glastonie Ecclesie


Bernard of Clairvaux completes In Praise of the New Knighthood; new Templar recruits from England and France sent to Jerusalem to help spread the Orders influence


Under the able leadership and powerful influence of Bernard of Clairvaux, the Templars created nearly 100 monasteries


Zengi takes Hama and attacks Antioch


Reign of Fulk of Anjou, King of Jerusalem


Construction of the western facade and front nave of St. Denis Cathedral begins


Construction of the north tower of Chartres Cathedral begins; the Templars, Hospitallers, and the Canons of the Holy Sepulchre were each left one third of the kingdom of Aragon


Council of Pisa


Geoffrey of Monmouth brings Arthurian literature to the worlds attention with his Latin text History of the Kings of Britain


Robert de Craon became Templar Grand Master; serves until 1149


Templars established in the Amanus March (north of Antioch)


Zengi, Muslim ruler of Aleppo and Mosul, captures Fulk, King of Jerusalem, then releases him


Second Lateran Council


Byzantine confrontation with crusader principality of Antioch


Templar castles in the Holy Land completed: Baghras, Darbask, Destroit, La Roche, de Roussel, Port Bonnet; in this year, Hugh de Payns, Grand Master of the Templars, died; Fulk takes over as King of Jerusalem from Baldwin II; and also, on March 29th, 1139, Pope Innocent II issues his bull Omne Datum Optimum


Alliance of Jerusalem and Damascus against Zengi, Muslim ruler of Aleppo and Mosul


Council of Sens


Peter the Venerable commissions the translation of the Koran into Latin


Death of Fulk of Anjou, King of Jerusalem; Baldwin III assumes the reins; also in this year, Celestine II, with the blessing of Innocent II, becomes pope


Zengi of Aleppo wins control of Edessa on Christmas Eve, which sparks the Second Crusade; also in this year, Lucius II takes over from Celestine II as pope; later in 1144, he dies in battle


Eugenius III becomes Pope after the death of Lucius II; and in December of 1145, proclaims the Second Crusade


Bernard of Clairvaux travels extensively and preaches the Second Crusade


Murder of Zengi, Muslim ruler of Aleppo and Mosul; his son, Nur al-Din, succeeds him


Second Crusade


Pope Eugenius approves Templar usage of the red cross on their white mantles


Peak of career of Bernart de Ventadorn, renowned Languedoc troubadour favored in Eleanor of Aquitaines court; influenced not only the Occitan tradition, but also French and German poetry


Council of Reims


(July) Louis VII of France, Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine, and Emperor Conrad III go to the Holy Land (Second Crusade)


Baldwin III, with consent of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, gives Dietrich of Alsace the relic of Holy Blood collected by Joseph of Arimathea


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