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Matthew J. Kirby - Last Descendants

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Matthew J. Kirby Last Descendants

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Nothing in Owens life has been right since his father died in prison, accused of a crime Owen is certain he didnt commit. Monroe, the IT guy at school, might finally bring Owen the means to clear his fathers name by letting him use an Animusa device that lets users explore the genetic memories buried within their own DNA. The experience brings Owen more than he bargained for. During a simulation, Owen uncovers the existence of an ancient and powerful relic long considered legendthe Trident of Eden. Now two secret organizations will stop at nothing to take possession of this artifactthe Brotherhood of Assassins and the Templar Order. It soon becomes clear to Owen that the only way to save himself is to find the Trident first.
Under the guidance of Monroe, Owen and a group of other teenagers go into a memory they all share within their DNA: the 1863 Draft Riots in New York City. Owen and his companions will find themselves tested on the gritty streets of New York, and their experiences in the past will have far-reaching consequences in the present.

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CONTENTS This book was a lot of fun to write for reasons that I think will be - photo 1


This book was a lot of fun to write, for reasons that I think will be pretty obvious. But the process was made even more fun by the people with whom I had the opportunity to collaborate. First, thanks to Rex Ogle for bringing me on board, and to Michael Petranek for bringing it home. The folks at Ubisoft Montreal have been incredible creative partners, so thanks go out to Aymar Azazia, Anouk Bachman, Richard Farrese, and Caroline Lamache. Thanks also to Holly Rawlinson, Andrew Heitz, Samantha Schutz, Debra Dorfman, Charisse Meloto, Lynn Smith, Jane Ashley, Ed Masessa, and Rick DeMonico. With such an awesome team, who needs a Piece of Eden?

Matthew J. Kirby

Special thanks to Yves Guillemot, Laurent Detoc, Alain Core, Yannis Mallat, Etienne Allonier, Danny Ruiz, Pauline Dutilleul, Marine Gallois, Marc Muraccini, Ccile Russeil, Christopher Dormoy, Yves Lanon, Studio Lounak, Ubisoft Creative Services, Sophie Stumpf, Trey Williamson, Clmence Deleuze, Franois Tallec, Virginie Sergent, Michael Beadle, Stone Chin, Heather Pond, Andrien Gbinigie, and Stephanie Pecaoco.

2016 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Asassins Creed, Ubisoft, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries.

Published by Scholastic Inc., Publishers since 1920. SCHOLASTIC and associated logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Scholastic Inc.

The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

First printing 2016

Cover art by Fractured Pixels

e-ISBN 978-0-545-87012-2

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereafter invented, without the express written permission of the publisher. For information regarding permission, write to Scholastic Inc., Attention: Permissions Department, 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.

For Stuart, who graciously offered his assistance in the research for this book.

T he informant cleared his throat across the dinner table his long frock coat - photo 2

T he informant cleared his throat across the dinner table his long frock coat - photo 3

T he informant cleared his throat across the dinner table, his long frock coat unbuttoned, his hair greased and curled at his temples. Evening had quickly overtaken the townhouse, and the man had emptied his plate before delivering his message. Boss Tweed had patiently allowed this. His hold over New York had always been rooted in what he could give people, the appetites he could whet, the greed he could manipulate.

Its true, the informant finally said. Theres an Assassin in the city.

Tweed slurped down another briny oyster. Do you have a name?

Not yet, the informant said. But someone is working Reddy the Blacksmith to keep the Bowery Boys out of it.

Tweed had consolidated his power and was now the most influential man in New York. He controlled the Tammany Hall political machine, and through it the streets and the ballot box. His network of spies and politicians in Washington had already alerted him to the presence of an Assassin operating in New York. There were rumors the Brotherhood planned to use the ongoing civil war to mount an offensive. It was even possible they had learned of the Templar plan.

Without the Bowery Boys, Tweed said, the riots will fail.

It wont be a problem, Boss

The gangs of the Five Points and waterfront wont be strong enough without them.

The Bowery Boys are in.

I trust they are. But we still need to know who this Assassin is, and what the Brotherhood is after.

Ive made inquiries.

Tweed wasnt pleased or reassured by that. It was a mistake to underestimate an Assassin. Be discreet, he said. We want to flush the Brotherhood out into the open, not drive them deeper into the shadows. He dragged a bite of roast beef through the brown sauce on his plate and ate it.

Of course, Boss. The informant eyed the food remaining on the table and licked his lips like a dog.

But Tweed knew true power relied on keeping his constituents wanting more. That will be all. Return when you have a name and not before.

The informant bowed his head. Yes, Boss. Then he rose from the table and left the room as Tweed continued to eat.

Out in the street, the informant walked, still hungry, to where he could board an omnibus headed downtown. Though night had fallen, the city carried on by gaslight. He passed theaters, restaurants, and saloons all crowded with customers enjoying the slight break from the days heat.

Sometime later, when he reached the gang clubhouse at Number Forty-Two on Bowery, he did so unaware of the eyes watching him, the shadow perched unnoticed on the ledge of a building three stories above the street.

Those eyes were patient, and when the informant left Number Forty-Two a few hours later, staggering a little with drink, the shadow descended and followed silently behind him.

The informant hadnt been discreet enough. A few blocks farther, near an alleyway, the Assassin made his move the flash of a hidden blade, a quick and silent thrust

The body wasnt discovered until morning.

O wen needed to know He already knew but he needed to know it in a way that - photo 4

O wen needed to know.

He already knew, but he needed to know it in a way that could be proven. A way that would convince others, including his own grandparents, of his fathers innocence. The justice system had failed, and the public didnt care. His father had gone to prison for a murder he didnt commit, where he had died from a stupid ruptured appendix before Owen could even say good-bye. So now it was up to Owen to find out what really happened the night of the bank robbery.

He thought Javier would understand. Theyd been friends since third grade, back when Owens life went to hell. It was true they hadnt been close for a while now, not since elementary school and junior high, but Owen still thought he could count on Javier.

So will you come with me? he asked.

They stood outside their high school, in a courtyard on the side of the building, next to a bank of empty bike racks with chipping paint. Three of Javiers friends, guys Owen didnt know, stood off to the side, watching them, talking among themselves.

I dont know, Javier said.

You dont know?

Javier said nothing. He just stared.

Come on. You know this tech stuff better than me. Better than anyone. Owen looked sidelong at Javiers friends. Even if no one else knows that, I know it and you know it.

Javier looked back at his friends, too. He hadnt smiled, he hadnt laughed, he hadnt changed the hard expression on his face at all since Owen had approached him a few minutes ago and explained his plan. The Javier standing there didnt even seem to be the same person Owen used to know, the Javier hed first met after Owens dad had gone to prison and his mom had moved them in with her parents. New neighborhood. New school. New bullies beating him up

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