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Linda S. Godfrey - Monsters Among Us

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Linda S. Godfrey Monsters Among Us
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Copyright 2016 by Linda S. Godfrey

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Godfrey, Linda S., author.

Title: Monsters among us : an exploration of otherworldly bigfoots, wolfmen, portals, phantoms, and odd phenomena / by Linda S. Godfrey.

Description: New York, New York : TarcherPerigee, [2016] | Includes bibliographical references.

Identifiers: LCCN 2016023527 (print) | LCCN 2016031632 (ebook) | ISBN 9780399176241 (alk. paper) | ISBN 9781101992425 (ebook)

Subjects: LCSH: Monsters. | Occultism.

Classification: LCC GR825.G5645 2016 (print) | LCC GR825 (ebook) | DDC 001.944dc23

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For the amazing women of the Starting Chemo January 2007 group, who are still a godsend and my mainstay.


As always, my gratitude for the team effort required to create this book. First and foremost on my to thank list are the people who have experienced daunting encounters and then bravely shared them. There would be nothing to examine and investigate without their reports. Next are my dynamic agent, Jim McCarthy; my amazing editor, Andrew Yackira; and a raft of knowledgeable colleagues: Rob Riggs, Tom Burnette, Lon Strickler, Mary Sutherland, Jim Sherman, Christian Page, Nick Redfern, Dave Scott, Noah Voss, Bart Nunnelly, M.K. Davis, Preston Dennett, and all the others whose quotes support and enrich this work. Extra thanks to friend and fellow field investigator Sanjay R. Singhal and special kudos to my husband, Steve, for all the things he does that make it possible for me to do what I do. Id like to also thank the unknown creatures, but Im afraid to. Instead Ill just leave a big, juicy apple next time Im in a Bigfoot woods. First come, first served.


WARNING! This book contains eyewitness accounts and historic examples of creatures and entities not yet proven to exist, doing things that should be impossible for any earthly animal. It also discusses phenomena, theories, and ideas that may have some basis in science but are most likely untestable. It includes reports from many intelligent, sober, and credible people who say theyve observed or experienced creatures that change form, communicate, appear and disappear, cloak themselves in mists and more. The word portal may surface now and again. This book takes the view that such accounts, especially when they display a repetitive pattern over time and widespread locations, deserve to be examined for whatever they may tell us about our own world and about the creatures that seem to come from elsewhere. If you do not believe such topics should be spoken of out loud or even privately considered, much less written down and discussed in print, THIS IS NOT THE BOOK FOR YOU! If you choose to read it anyway, please remember that you entered this portal of your own free will. Return passage is not guaranteed.








O n January 3, 2014, something dropped from somewhere into the middle of a snowy field in southeastern Wisconsin. Id been studying the location for months in an effort to help the property owner figure out the source of strange footprints and happenings there, but trail cameras, nighttime stakeouts, and following the trackways had all proved futile. And although bizarre situations had become the routine rather than the exception in this small, secluded acreage, the apparent landing from nowhere was one of the most baffling events yet.

First, the owner and I wondered, why did it choose this field, this winter? Unless it hailed from someplace resembling Hoth, the ice planet in George Lucass The Empire Strikes Back, the unknown visitor was unlikely to have been attracted by the weather. The Midwest had been suffering through one of the most brutal winters in recent history, with low temperatures and amounts of snow that made it feel more like Antarctica than Wisconsin. In this field, six inches of snow topped by a delicate crust should have recorded the tracks of anything weighing more than a field mouse. But surrounded by pristine whiteness with absolutely no indication of any approach by man, animal, or machine were what looked like canine tracks that measured about four by five inches. There were no forepaw prints, just the hind ones, so that it appeared bipedal. The fresh-looking prints were punched deep into the snow and clearly showed a trackway of single clawed toe pads that ruled out deer, felines, or something else that had stepped precisely into its own front paw prints to create an illusion of larger tracks. And the visitor was evidently not interested in the remains of a deer carcass lying only fifty yards away. Its trackway showed it made a straight beeline north for a thickly wooded area on the other side of the field, which was surrounded by woods and other farmland and was not visible from the road.

The property owner, Roy Smith (name withheld by request), was stunned at the implications. Beyond the obvious question of how something could just drop out of the air into a field, he had to wonder why, since the tracks were obviously too small to be humanwas the drop-in walking only on its hind legs? When he shared those concerns with me, I was equally mystified. (He did take photos, but the all-white conditions of this particular scene were too limited in scope and shadow to be useful for publication.)

Other than the extremely unlikely scenarios of a tiny skydiver wearing paw-shaped boots or a person let down from a helicopter while wearing fake paw printequipped stilts, I had no idea as to how the track maker could apparently just pop out of nowhere. One word did enter my head, a word I still dont often use alongside reports of unexplainable animals.

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