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Linda S. Godfrey - American Monsters: A History of Monster Lore, Legends, and Sightings in America

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Linda S. Godfrey American Monsters: A History of Monster Lore, Legends, and Sightings in America
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From pre-Columbian legends to modern-day eyewitness accounts, this comprehensive guide covers the history, sightings and lore surrounding the most mysterious monsters in Americaincluding Bigfoot, the Jersey Devil, and more.
Bigfoot, the chupacabra, and thunderbirds arent just figments of our overactive imaginationsaccording to thousands of eyewitnesses, they exist, in every corner of the United States. Throughout Americas history, shocked onlookers have seen unbelievable creatures of every stripefrom sea serpents to apelike beings, giant bats to monkeymenin every region.
Author, investigator, and creature expert Linda S. Godfrey brings the same fearless reporting she lent to Real Wolfmen to this essential guide, using historical record, present-day news reports, and eyewitness interviews to examine this hidden menagerie of Americas homegrown beasts.

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Real Wolfmen: True Encounters in Modern America

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Godfrey, Linda S.

American monsters : a history of monster lore, legends, and sightings in America / Linda S. Godfrey.

p. cm.

ISBN 978-1-101-62528-6

1. MonstersUnited States. I. Title.

GR825.G564 2014 2014012009



To my uncle, World War II army veteran LaVern Blado, who fought far more terrible things than the monsters in these pages


This book is deeply enriched and indeed made possible only by so many who have left their helpful paw prints upon it.

My deepest thanks and appreciation to my Tarcher/Penguin editors, Mitch Horowitz and Gabrielle Moss; my agent, Jim McCarthy; and an awesome raft of fellow authors, researchers, and investigators: Stan Gordon, Brian and Terrie Seech, Lon Strickler, Ken Gerhard, Scott Corrales, Preston Dennett, Tal H. Branco, the indomitable William Kingsley, the encyclopedic William Hancock, Sean Viala, Chad Lewis, Terry Fisk, Kevin Nelson, Noah Voss, Bart Nunnelly, Scott Marlowe, Mark Hall, Charlie Carlson, Matt Lake, Laney Hanzel, Dr. Phylis Canion, Phyllis Galde and FATE magazine, C. R. Rober, Jonathan D. Whitcomb, Roy Mackal, Mark Moran, Mark Sceurman, adventurous friends Kim Del Rio and Sandra Schwab, the ever-refreshing Media Mavens Breakfast Association, and all of the eyewitnesses who generously and bravely shared their encounters with the world.


The Webb Lake Big Bird Big Birds of the Past The Chilean Roc Stork Uncorked Bigclaw Big Claws Across the Country Pennsyl-avians Alask-avians Tex-avians Kentuck-avians Florid-avians The Piasa Puzzle Thunderbirds The Micmac Culloo Giant Condors and Washingtons Eagle The Giant Bird of Hickory Creek and Other Historical Big Birds Teratorns Return?

Wisconsins Man Bat Batsquatch of Tacoma Bat Men of Pennsylvania, Missouri, and... Chicago? Tex-Mex Bat Beasts

Mystic Mothman Halls Bighoot and AWOL Owls Washington Bighoot Flying Heads and Owl People The Cornish Owl Man

Lingering Winged Things Roving Ropen Texas Pterosaurs Pterosaur Tour

Hell Monkeys from Beyond Ravaging Puerto Rico The Texas Blue Dogs Mystery

Gauging the Gargoyle The Tomah Gargoyle The Van Meter Visitor Dragons and Sky Serpents Dragons of Oconto Falls Deer Dragons Ohio Highway Dragon

Reptilian Gods The Mystery Lights Link Flying Manta Rays

Extremely Ancient Aliens? Underwater Bases Sturgeon River USO California Coastal Creatures In the Bellies of the Beasts

The Terrible Triton Human Fish out of Water Native American Water People Frog-Faced Aliens

Part I: Gator Man Part II: The Figure in the Cypress Part III: The Manatees Warning Part IV: How Strong Is That Porthole? Other Creatures of the St. Johns River Pinky

The Gloucester Sea Serpent of 1817 Kreature of the Keys: Florida 1905 Monterey Bays Bobo, Old Man of the Sea, and Other Oceanic Oddities Chessie of Chesapeake Bay

Colossal Squid Red Devil Mayhem Giant Octopus

Drowned-sters: The Montauk Monster

The Beast of Bear Lake The Much-Featured Creature of Flathead Lake

Devils Lake Altamaha-ha: No Laughing Matter Water Lynx Horned Serpent Lake Guardians

Titanic Turtles More Monster Stand-ins Ancient Sea Beasts

McHenry Dogman The Wolfman of Chestnut Mountain Point Pleasant Beast St. Cloud Creature New Mexico Walker Shape-Shifters: The Shifty Side Not So Heavenly in Heavener British Columbia Baffler Bulletproof Beasts and the Invincibility Question Missouri Marauder The Jefferson Parish Prowler The Scornful Wolfman Creature Communications Marking Dogman Territory

Windigo: Ice Cannibal of the North Skeleton Monsters

Snake-Headed Dog Porcine People Connecticut Frogfolk Ghastly Goatmen

Alien Reptoids South Carolina Lizard Man Regional Reptilians

The Wampus Cat Doberman-Lynx The Beast of Bladenboro South of the Mason-Dixon Lion There Aint Nothing Right About That Thing Shunka Warakin and Waheela Ear-Eater of Jasper County

Little-Man-with-Hair-All-Over The Chickcharney The Matlog From Hairy Giants to Sasquatch Truth or Bluff on Bluff Creek? The Minnesota Iceman Bigfoot with Dead Dog The Blue Ridge Bounder Sasquatch of the Swamps Pennsylvania Bigfoot Bigfoot Body Art? Washington Wildling The Sightings Explosion

The Random Beginning Creature Revealed Another Kettle Squatch Blond Bigfoots Have More Fun In Closing

Introduction Newsday June 1 1995 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Rat Tales - photo 5

Newsday, June 1, 1995, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Rat Tales: Psychotic Rodents Seize Office Building.

New Yorkrats in the elevators, rats in the halls. Rats in the ceiling, rats in the walls. The rodents strolled into offices in broad daylight, sending terrified workers running screaming from the building, workers said.

They were rats the size of small catsvery big, said John Owens, an office of employment services worker.

T his real-life news clip describes the chaotic scene in the New York City Human Resources Administration building after it was invaded by hordes of supersized rats that workers claimed were acting un-rodent like. The city employees accused building administrators of turning the rodents into psychotic mutants by using cheap poison, and the health department denied using anything out of the ordinary. Most people would agree, however, that these rodents had earned the title of monster rats.

The story made me think about the creatures we fear and what it is that makes them cross the line from animal menace or transient nightmare to true monster. Perhaps the scariest thing about these New York rats, next to their huge size, was the sense that they were not behaving as ordinary rodents should behave. Is that enough to make them monsters?

Its hard to say. The meaning of the word monster has been stretched, inflated, popped, stuffed, and reconstructed over the centuries until the word has become as ephemeral as most of the unknown beasts to which it refers. It originally denoted a creature that appeared as a divine omen of doom but has evolved to include anything fantastical, oversized, cruel, grotesque, or even just unfamiliar. This single word now encompasses such a vast range of possibilitiesmythic beasts, predatory animals, nasty humans, otherworldly entities, oversized show trucks, energy drinks, and even microscopic flu virusesthat to examine every one of them would require a book large enough to qualify as a monster all on its own. Since Im not magically qualified to produce a book like Harry Potters living, monster textbook, Im forced to winnow the number of beasts I can include here down to a manageable size.

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