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J. W. Ocker - The United States of Cryptids - A Tour of American Myths and Monsters

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J. W. Ocker The United States of Cryptids - A Tour of American Myths and Monsters
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Meet the monsters in our midst, from bigfoot to Mothman and beyond!Welcome to the United States of Cryptids, where mysterious monsters lurk in the dark forests, deep lakes, and sticky swamps of all fifty states. From the infamous Jersey Devil to the obscure Snallygaster, travel writer and chronicler of the strange J. W. Ocker uncovers the bizarre stories of these creatures and investigates the ways in which communities embrace and celebrate their local cryptids. Readers will learn about: Batsquatch of Washington, a winged bigfoot that is said to have emerged from the eruption of Mount Saint Helens Nain Rouge of Michigan, a fierce red goblin that has been spotted before every major city disaster in Detroit Flatwoods Monster of West Virginia, a robotic extraterrestrial that crash-landed in rural Appalachia Lizard Man of South Carolina, a reptilian mutant that attacked a teenager in the summer of 1988 Glocester Ghoul of Rhode Island, a fire-breathing dragon that guards a hoard of pirate treasure And many more! Whether you believe in bigfoot or not, this fully illustrated compendium is a fun, frightening, fascinating tour through American folklore and history, exploring the stories we tell about monsters and what those stories say about us.

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Copyright 2022 by J W Ocker All rights reserved Except as authorized under - photo 1
Copyright 2022 by J W Ocker All rights reserved Except as authorized under - photo 2

Copyright 2022 by J. W. Ocker

All rights reserved. Except as authorized under U.S. copyright law, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher.

Full Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available upon request.


Ebook ISBN9781683693239

Book designed by Elissa Flanigan, adapted for ebook

Illustrations by Derek Quinlan

Production management by John J. McGurk

Quirk Books

215 Church Street

Philadelphia, PA 19106



To Alex Slater

For helping me unleash so many of my own monsters


Your Backyard Is Full of Monsters

In March 1960, I set out on my journey to investigate the hidden monsters of the world. At the time, I knew realistically that the classic celebrity cryptidsthe Loch Ness Monster, the Himalayan abominable snowpeople (yeti), and the great sea serpentswere out of reach for me. I was born into a Navy family in Norfolk, Virginia, and I grew up among the soybean fields of Decatur, Illinois. From there, even the bigfoot territory of the Pacific Northwest seemed a long way off.

But I did what I could, starting in my own midwestern backyardwhich, it turns out, hid plenty of monsters to keep me busy. I even chose to go to Southern Illinois University in Carbondale because of the rich folklore and history there about red swamp apes and backwoods black panther sightings.

I got rides from family or hitchhiked to midwestern cryptid encounter sites. Eventually, I did travel across the country and the world to indulge my fascination with the overlooked and the alleged. Along the way, as I witnessed the evidence of mysterious creatures on the landscape, I also witnessed the field of cryptozoology grow and evolve and become mainstream enough that you could find these creatures in souvenir shops and at festivals, too. But, for me, it all started as a local mission.

And I believe thats the same spirit that imbues this book you hold in your hands. J. W. Ocker, with his enjoyable and distinctive sensibility, wonderfully details and documents how vast the United States is when it comes to monsters. How full of encounters and stories, yes, but also, uniquely, how packed the land is with cryptid statues, monster museums, and annual events dedicated to them. That means those who are intrigued by the topic have much more exposure and access to the wonders of cryptozoology than that curious young man in the midcentury Midwest.

Today, there are lots of ways to pursue your own adventures into cryptozoological science, whether its a trek into the dense forest or a trip to a town square. And its a stranger and better world for it.

Enjoy the quest,

Loren Coleman

International Cryptozoology Museum

Portland and Bangor, Maine

February 14, 2022


Guaranteed to See a Cryptid or Your Money Back

Bigfoot exists: definitely, demonstrably, unequivocally. So do lake dinosaurs, monster cats, jet-sized birds, lizard-people, fish-people, wolf-people, moth-people, frog-people, and goat-people. All cryptids exist. Let me prove it to you. Wait, nolet me show them to you. But first: What the hecks a cryptid?

A cryptid is a creature or species whose existence is scientifically unproven. Maybe its been witnessed or rumored to exist, maybe its even been caught on video, but there is no definitive physical evidence to examine: no body to dissect, no remains to analyze. Scientists place those creatures in the category of fantasy instead of zoology. Cryptozoologists, though, who study and pursue cryptids, place them in the entirely separate category of cryptozoology. While the fantastical Mothman and the Jersey Devil may be the first cryptids you think of, a cryptid can be as comparatively mundane as a New England panther or an American lion; animals that once existed but are now believed by the scientific establishment to be extinct. Sometimes these animals are even discovered: the coelacanth, a fish thought to have gone extinct in the age of the dinosaurs, was discovered alive in 1938. A cryptid can even be an ordinary animal that is supposedly thriving where it couldnt be, like a population of alligators in the Manhattan sewers, or freshwater octopuses.

At least, thats the traditional definition of a cryptid. Since cryptozoology was established in its modern form in the fifties, the definition has widened to encompass even more fantastical creatures as more people grow interested in the topic. This includes extraterrestrial entities, creatures from folklore such as mermaids and gnomes, sentient non-humans like the Menehune of Hawaii, and even (possibly) robots. This expanding definition of cryptid isnt just because cryptozoology fans are a welcoming lot. Its because cryptid has become synonymous with monster, of any kind. Cryptid fans love monsters, and pop culture cryptozoology is basically Pokmon: we want to collect all the monster stories, and we want the widest variety of them in our collection as possible.

Its a messy word, cryptid. But thats what makes it fun. Most of us who heart cryptids are fine with that imprecision and arent overly invested in the -ology part of cryptozoology. We dont camp out for weeks in dense forests knocking on trees and scrounging for bigfoot scat. We dont charter boats and rent side-scan sonar systems to scrutinize lake bottoms for water monsters. Unlike cryptozoologists, we arent trying to scientifically prove the existence of cryptidswe just love the idea of them; we love the stories. And, whatever you think about cryptids, the stories are true. You many disbelieve that a lizard man attacked a car in a South Carolina swamp in the summer of 1988, but the Lizard Man mania is irrefutably documented. In other words, the story is true, regardless of whether the Lizard Man itself is real.

But I promised to show you cryptids, not just tell you about them. Were going to focus on these fantastic beasts where we can actually find them: in the towns that claim and celebrate them, that hallow the ground of the sighting, that tie their local cryptid to their identity and geography, and that capitalize on them economically. And for whatever reason, America does cryptotourism best and biggest (apologies to Loch Ness). According to a 2018 estimate by Loren Coleman, founder of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine, cryptotourism generates as much as $140 million annually in the United States. And those tourists arent merely following tour guides into the wilderness to prove that mosquitoes exist while looking for hairy hominids. Theyre partying at a festival dedicated to an alien pterodactyl that terrorized the town for five days a hundred years ago. Theyre pulling up to the counter at a lake-monster-themed eatery in a county whose biggest export is a whopper of a story. Theyre buying T-shirts and plushies at a monster museum in the middle of nowhere dedicated to a giant insect. Theyre going to Cryptid Towns.

But sanctifying your snallygasters isnt just tourist-trapping or trappings for tourists. Embracing a local monster can bring a community together around a shared identity. Outside of sports teams, that can be difficult to come by these days. But if youre the town that found a giant turtle living in your local pond in the 1970s or were attacked by a vampire cat in the 1950s? Thats yours alone to own, and you can name a park after it, theme a business around it, build a museum or a statue honoring it, and propose legislation to protect it and its habitat. Wherever cryptids are celebrated, the story is so much more important than the science.

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