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Copyright T.E. Crowdy 2018
ISBN 978 1 47385 920 3
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Mobi ISBN 978 1 47385 921 0
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MAP 1 Bonapartes strategy April 1800
MAP 2 Zachs strategy 30 March 1800
MAP 3 Zachs deception
MAP 4 Zachs battle plan 14 June
MAP 5 French movements, morning and afternoon, 13 June
MAP 6 Night of 13/14 June
MAP 7 Tactical situation 9.00-10.00 am
MAP 8 Tactical situation 11.00-12.00 pm
MAP 9 French positions at midday
MAP 10 Tactical situation 12.00 pm
MAP 11 Tactical situation 1.00 pm
MAP 12 Tactical situation 2.00 pm
MAP 13 Tactical situation 2.30 pm
MAP 14 The French retreat, 4.00 pm
MAP 15 French positions Approx. 5.00 pm
MAP 16 Kellermanns charge Approx. 5.30 pm
MAP 17 The Austrian retreat Approximately 8.00 pm
Picture credits
Mono Plates
Napoleon Bonaparte (17691821) in 1800 after Appiani. Appiani, Andrea, N. Bonaparte (1800). ( Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection, Brown Digital Repository, Brown University Library )
Alexandre Berthier (17531815), commander-in-chief of the Army of the Reserve. Duplessis-Bertaux, Jean, Alexandre Berthier Gnral de Division: Chef de lEtat-Major, et depuis Gnral en Chef de larme dItalie. ( Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection )
Andr Massna (17581817), commander-in-chief of the Army of Italy. Massena, General der Franz. Arme. ( Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection )
Jean Moreau (17631813), commander-in-chief of the Army of the Rhine. Gnral Moreau. ( Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection )
Michael Friedrich Benedikt, Baron von Melas (17291806), commander of imperial forces in Italy. ( Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection )
Anton von Zach (17471826), quartermaster general (chief of staff) of the imperial army in Italy. ( Gian Lorenzo Bernini )
Joseph Graf von Radetzky von Radetz (17661858), the general adjutant. Mansfeld, H., Joseph Graf von Radetzky: Kais. Ost. General Feldmarschall Lieutenant und Chef des General-Stabs der Haupt Armee (1815). ( Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection )
General Bonaparte on the morning of the Brumaire coup (10 November 1799). Schopin, Frdric, The Morning of the 18th Brumaire (1851). ( Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection )
The First Consul reviews his troops at the Palace of the Tuilleries, Paris. Desrais, Claude-Louis, View of the grand parade passed by the First Consul in the courtyard of the Tuilleries Palace (1799). ( Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection )
Bonaparte crossing the Great St Bernard with the monks. View of the hospice of the Great St Bernard, taken from the banks of the lake; passage of a French army of 8,000 men and 58 pieces of cannon, 16 May 1800 in the presence of the First Consul Bonaparte. ( Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection )
French army crossing the Alps. Muller, Passage du grand St. Bernard effectu par lArme du Rserve, le 24 Floral an 8 de la Rpublique, (le 14 mai 1800). ( Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection )
Consular Guard grenadiers and a hussar at the monastery on the Great St Bernard pass. France, 17991800. Campaign in Italy. ( General Research Division, The New York Public Library, )
French artillery convoy snaking its way down from the Alps towards Fort Bard. Taunay, Nicolas Antoine, Dfil dun convoi prs du Fort de Bar: wash drawing. ( Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection, Brown Digital Repository, Brown University Library )
The Battle of Casteggio-Montebello, 9 June 1800. Muller, Bataille de Casteggio Montebello Gagne par lArme de Rserve (1800). ( Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection )
Louis Charles Antoine Desaix de Veygoux (17681800). ( Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection )
Adam Albert, Count von Neipperg (17751829). Il Tenente Maresciallo Conte de Neiperg: Cavaliere dOnore di S.M. la Duchessa di Parma. ( Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection )
The French counter-attack at Marengo, 14 June 1800. ( Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection )
Horse grenadiers of the Consular Guard at Marengo. France, 17991800. Campaign in Italy. ( General Research Division, The New York Public Library, )
Colour Plates
Officer of the Consular Guard. Hoffmann, Nicolas, Officier de Grenadiers de la Garde des Consuls (1795). ( Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection )
Officer of the Horse Chasseurs of the Consular Guard. Hoffmann, Nicolas, Officier, Chasseurs cheval de la Garde des Consuls (1795). ( Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection )
French horse artilleryman. France, 17991800. Campaign in Italy. ( General Research Division, The New York Public Library, )
Gunner of the Consular Guard. France, 17991800. Campaign in Italy. ( General Research Division, The New York Public Library, )
Officer of the 12th Horse Chasseurs in walking out dress. France, 18001802. ( General Research Division, The New York Public Library, )