Charles Godfrey Leland, H. P. Leland
Table of Contents
" Continue this united League."Richard the Third, III. 1.
|There once was a Copperhead snake tried to Bite Uncle Sam by mistake;
But the Seven League Boot on old Uncle Sam's foot
Soon crushed this pestiferous snake.
A soldier came back from the war, with many an honorable scar;
But the Copperheads cried, "Served you right if you'd died
In this curst Abolitionist war!"
T he old Tory dragon is dead, but she left us some eggs in her stead;
Two were smashed in the yolk, but the third hatched and broke,
And out came a vile Copperhead.
T here was once a young giant asleep, and round him two serpents did creep;
But he stopped their vile breath, and squeezed them to death,
This giant aroused from his sleep.
T here once was a Copperhead vile, who attempted to damage a file,
So he tried it in truth, but soon broke every tooth
On that rusty and crusty Old File.
"Nor doth this Wood lack Worlds."Midsummer Night's Dream, II. 2.
T here was an old Snake in New York said for peace all the people should work;
"But if war must come, let us fight here at home!!"
Quoth sanguiloquent Ben of New York.
"One of those who worship dirty gods."Cymbeline, III. 8.
T here once was a chap named Vallandigham, whom the Copperheads chose for commanding 'em;
But a trip to the South soon silenced his mouth,
And the world as a Tory is branding him.
W ith War Democrats Seymour's for war; with Peace cowards for peace he'll hurrah;
Let him get in the way of the mower some day,
And He'll find there's no quibbling with war.
T he Copperhead lotterie hath a curious policie;
For a man of low rank can draw naught save a blank,
Unless an accomplice he be.
T here once was a twistified Reed who took for his pattern Snake-Weed;
Till the Copperheads all, great, middling, and small
Seemed straight by the side of this Reed.
T here's a character very well known, Who bubbles for ages has blown;
But the best he has made since at bubbling he played,
From a Copperhead pipe have been thrown.
"And what Stock he springs of!!"Coriolan, II. 3.
C opper stocks are uncertain to buy, though this Copperhead's stock's very high;
But we still might improve this stock of his love,
By adding the right sort of tie.
T here was an old War Horse, a clerical, who thought our Republic chimerical;
"For the Union," he said, "he never had prayed,"
This mordacious old War Horse cholerical.
" There is no goodness in the worm,"Antony and Cleopatra, V. 2.
T he abominable Copperhead worms! With their wriggles, and twists, and their squirms!
But the gardener, they say, will soon find out a way
To kill the vile Copperhead worms.
"There are many complaints, Davy, about that."King Henry IV., V. 1.
T here was a Stern Statesman astute, who so often went in to recruit,
That a Rattlesnake fat revolved in his hat,
While a Copperhead squirmed in his boot.
"So much dishonor my fair stars."King Richard 111., IV. 1.
T he traitor our Common Cents mars, And on Liberty plainly he wars,
Taking Freedom away from the Union, I say,
When he cuts out her head from the stars.
"And so the lion vanished."Midsummer Night's Dream, V. 1.
W hile it did us great harm, Abolition was the height of the Lion's ambition;