Christopher Hibbert
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First published by Allen Lane 1980
Published in Penguin Books 1982
Copyright Christopher Hibbert, 1980
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ISBN: 978-0-141-92715-2
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Christopher Hibbert was born in Leicestershire in 1924 and educated at Radley and Oriel College, Oxford. He served as an infantry officer during the war, was twice wounded and was awarded the Military Cross in 1945. Described in the New Statesman as a pearl of biographers, he is, in the words of The Times Educational Supplement, perhaps the most gifted popular historian we have. His many highly acclaimed books include the following titles, most of which are published by Penguin: The Destruction of Lord Raglan (which won the Heinemann Award for Literature in 1962), London: The Biography of a City, The Rise and Fall of the House of Medici, The Great Mutiny: India 1857, The French Revolution, Garibaldi and His Enemies, Rome: The Biography of a City, Elizabeth I: A Personal History of the Virgin Queen, Florence: The Biography of a City, Nelson: A Personal History, George III: A Personal History and The Marlboroughs: John and Sarah Churchill 16501744.
Christopher Hibbert is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and an Hon. D. Litt. of Leicester University. He is married with two sons and a daughter, and lives in Henley-on-Thames.
List of Illustrations
Louis XVI
Marie Antoinette as a young mother
Versailles in 1722
Louis XVI giving money to a poor family by Debucourt
Market people celebrating in Les Halles by Debucourt
A caricature satirizing the inequality of taxation
The Duc dOrlans and the Marquis de Lafayette carry aloft Jacques Necker
The opening ceremony of the Estates General at Versailles on 5 May 1789
The Abb Sieys
Camille Desmoulins
J. L. Davids painting of the deputies taking the oath in the tennis-court at Versailles on 20 June 1789
Troops encamped on the Champ de Mars on 14 July 1789
The storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789
Mirabeau, sketch by David
Jean-Sylvain Bailly
The King arriving at the Htel de Ville
A contemporary print depicting the departure of the heroines of Paris for Versailles on 5 October 1789
The arrival of the women at Versailles
The celebrations on the first anniversary of the fall of the Bastille, 14 July 1790
The burning of a Tree of Feudalism, 1792
The mob looting a noblemans house
Pierre Victurnien Vergniaud
The King is apprehended in Sauces house in Varennes
The King announces the declaration of war to the acclaim of the deputies
The attack on the Tuileries on 10 August 1792
The Victory of Equality, or the Plots Baffled
La Femme du Sans Culotte
Sans Culottes du 10 Aot lan 1er
A revolutionary committee during the Terror
Georges Jacques Danton
The royal family walking in the grounds of the Temple
The trial of Louis XVI in the National Convention, 26 December 1792
The execution of the King on the Place de la Rvolution on 21 January 1793
J. L. Davids celebrated Marat
Charlotte Corday after the murder of Marat
Robespierre, sketch by David
Arrest of Robespierre
Antoine-Quentin Fouquier-Tinville
The trial of Fouquier-Tinville
Davids sketch of Marie Antoinette on her way to execution
The execution of Marie Antoinette on 16 October 1793
The interior of Frascatis during the days of the Directory
A Bonapartist print depicting the brave Grenadiers protecting their hero in the Orangery at Saint-Cloud
Davids painting of Napoleons coronation in 1804
The author and publishers are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce photographs: Photographie Bulloz, Paris, for nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 22, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 42, 43, 44; The Mansell Collection, London, for nos. 3, 8, 13, 16, 19, 20, 23, 25, 29, 35, 37, 39, 41; Snark International, Paris, for nos. 6, 7, 18; Mary Evans Picture Library, London, for nos. 10, 21; Runion des Muses Nationaux, Paris, for no. 40; Photographie Giraudon, Paris, for nos. 24, 26.
The Section
1 Tuileries
2 Champs lyses
3 Roule
4 Palais Royal
5 Place Vendme
6 Bibliothque
7 Grange Batelire
8 Louvre
9 Oratoire
10 Halle au Bl
11 Postes
12 Place Louis XIV
13 Fontaine Montmorency
14 Bonne Nouvelle
15 Ponceau
16 Mauconseil
17 March des Innocents
18 Lombards
19 Arcis
20 Faub.Montmartre
21 Poissonnire
22 Bondy
23 Temple
24 Popincourt
25 Montreuil
26 Quinze-Vingts
27 Gravilliers
28 Faub.Saint-Denis
29 Beaubourg
30 Enfants Rouges
31 Roi de sicile
32 Htel de ville
33 Place Royale
34 Arsenal
35 Ile saint-Louis
36 Notre-Dame
37 Henri IV
38 Invalides
39 Fontaine de Grenelle
40 Quatre Nations
41 Thtre Franais
42 Croix Rough
43 Luxembourg
44 Thermes de Julien
45 Sainte-Genevieve
46 Observatoire
47 Jardin des Plantes
48 Gobelins