Taming Frizzy Hair
Rachel Henderson
Copyright Rachel Henderson2014
Smashwords Edition
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Having frizzy hair can be abane of many peoples lives. Knowing how to tame it can seem likesome sort of magic formula that no one wants to tell. You may seepeople with hair similar to yours with no frizz and wonder whattheir secret is.
This book aims to give youinformation about frizzy hair and how to treat it to keep the frizzdown to a minimum. However, each person is different and this iswhat makes us interesting and special. Therefore do not get toohung up if certain things do not seem to work for you. Rememberthat you will need to try different things until you find somethingthat works for you and your hair.
You may think that you havetried everything but hopefully you will learn something new byreading this book and you will be able to pick up some knowledgethat will help you to tame your hair and make you feel happierabout how it looks.
Why isHair Frizzy?
Some people seem to be moreprone to frizzy hair than others. It is almost as if there aregenetic factors that might cause frizzy hair.
The reason that hair getsfrizzy is to do with the way that it is made up. The outer layer ofthe hair, which is called the cuticle, is made of many parts,rather like a shingled roof. If it is smooth then the cuticles lieflat but in frizzy hair they are lifted up. When hair takes upmoisture from the air, which drier hair tends to do, then this cancause the shingles to lift up as well, making the hair look morefrizzy. Some dry air will cause frizz too when moisture is taken upin the hair and it contains minerals that are not good for thehair.
Some people find thatmedication that they are taking can cause their hair to befrizzy.
The most common cause tends tobe from using too much heat when drying or styling the hair,rubbing with a towel to dry hair and too much bleach being used inhair.
It can be genetic though.Naturally curly hair can tend to be frizzy anyway. This is becauseat the point of curl, the cuticle is open. This can take upmoisture more easily in to the hair and this moisture makes itfrizzy. However, it is possible to have frizzy, straight hair aswell.
Washing hair may seem like asimple process to remove the dirt from the hair, but it is not assimple as this. The way that you wash your hair and the productsthat you use will have a big effect on how your hair looks afterwashing.
How Often?
It can be difficult knowing howoften is best to wash your hair. If your hair gets very messyovernight then you may find that the easiest way to keep it lookinggood is to wash it every morning. You may find that you do not havethe time to wash it every day. You may find that your hair gets toodry if you wash it each day.
Many people recommend that youdo not wash frizzy hair too often as this can strip the hair of itsnatural oils and make it drier. However others say that you shouldnot shampoo every day but you should condition it every day.
It can worth experimenting withhow often you wash your hair to see what seems to suit it. Thiswill not always make a massive difference as the products that youuse on your hair will also have an effect on your hair and the waythat it looks on a day to day basis.
You may not think that the waythat you wash your hair is important but it can make a hugedifference. Some people wash hair kneeling in their bath water,some tip their head over to wash it and some do it standing uprightin the shower. Some people use lots of shampoo and some use noconditioner. It is worth considering the following tips to help getbetter results when you are washing it.
Wash your hair standing in theshower if you can. This will mean that when you apply the shampooand conditioner it will be on the parts of the hair that show themost. The underneath of the hair is less likely to need so muchconditioner anyway. You can also leave on the conditioner while youwash your face and body which will give it longer to takeeffect.
Use just a pea sized amount ofshampoo to keep as much as the hairs natural oil in as possible. Donot rub and scrub the hair when shampooing as you will make itmessier. Rub the scalp with your fingertips but try not to mess upthe hair while you are doing it. Smooth the shampoo along thestrands so that they stay in better condition. Starting at thescalp will mean that there is less shampoo on the tips so they willget less dried out. Only shampoo a few times a week, you can loosendirt in the hair by rubbing the hairline and rinsing out withoutthe need for shampoo and you will not dry the hair out so much.
Use a generous amount ofconditioner making sure that you coat the whole of the hairs fromroot to tip. Again do not rub it in messily but coat it down thestrands to keep them smooth.
Keep the conditioner on as longas you can. It will penetrate and smooth the hair more if it isleft on for longer. It is not always easy to find the time to dothis but try to treat your hair to an extra long conditioningtreatment on a regular basis.
Some people recommend rinsingthe hair with cold water after washing as this smoothes down thecuticles. It could be worth a try but you need to have the water ascold as you can bear. Others use apple cider vinegar mixed withwater. This is because acid closes the cuticles of the hair. Itwill sting the eyes though so firmly close them. Most shampoos andconditioners for frizzy hair are acidic anyway, so they should dothe same thing.
Which Shampoo?
Choosing a shampoo is not easy.Most chemists or supermarkets have a massive range of shampoo allclaiming to do different things and costing different amounts ofmoney. Firstly, you will need to find one for dry hair or frizzyhair. Shampoo specifically for frizzy hair tends to be moreexpensive but could be better for your hair. Consider your budgetwhen choosing shampoo but also remember that if you are just usinga small amount of it, then it will last a long time.
It can be a good idea to tryout different shampoos to see which seems to suit your hair thebest. Some people seem to think that their hair needs a changeevery so often and a new brand should be chosen. This is unlikelyto be right, but it is worth looking at the available products asnew items will come on to the market or certain brands will changetheir formulas and you may find that these are better than the onesthat you currently use.
It can also be worth tryingdifferent shops to the ones that you normally go to. These may havea different selection of products and these may suit your hairbetter. Remember that there are online stores as well and thesecould be cheaper than buying on the high street, in some cases. Youmight be able to buy in bulk but you will need to make sure thatyou like the products before paying out a lot of money forthem.
It can be tempting to usecolour and smell as a way of choosing shampoo. Although it is niceto have hair that smells good, it is more important to have itlooking good. Look at what the product claims to do for your hairand use this to judge which shampoo to buy.
A sulphate free shampoo is thebest for frizzy hair as sulphates dry out the hair. If you look forproducts that are specifically for dry or frizzy hair, then theseshould not contain any. It is always good to check though.
Which Conditioner?
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