First published 1841 by J. Arrowsmith
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Bibliographical Introduction Copyright 1966
John Ralph Willis
ISBN 13: 978-0-714-61799-2 (hbk)
W. D. COOLEYS indefatigable spirit of inquiry led him into the diverse fields of geography, mathematics, and linguistics. For his geographical contributions he was made a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Although acknowledged the first to deal in a scientific spirit with questions later solved by actual observation, his investigations sometimes led him to unscientific conclusions. He died (1883) disavowing the existence of snow-capped mountains in Equatorial Africathis, despite the startling discoveries of Rebmann and Krapf. He underestimated the extent of the Zambezi river and misconstrued the relationship between Lakes Tanganyika and Nyasa. But these views in no way lessened the merit of his greatest work on Africa, The Negroland of the Arabs. Indeed this work has remained one of the few of its era which has measured up to the requirements of modern scholarship. Cooleys identifications of place names from the medieval Arab geographers and historians have, for the greater part, gone unchallenged by later authorities, and the Negroland has formed a basis for all succeeding investigation.
August, 1965
THE following bibliography will indicate the considerable amount of geographical and historical material published since the first appearance of Cooleys Negroland. Readers requiring a more detailed list of works should consult Raymond Maunys Tableau Gographique de lOuest Africain au Moyen Age dAprs les Sources crites, la Tradition et lArchologie, Dakar, 1961, the best general introduction to the subject.
ABBREVIATIONS: BCEHSAOF Bulletin du Comit dtudes Historiques et Scientifiques de lAfrique Occidentale Franaise; Bulletin de lI.F.A.N. Bulletin de lInstitut Franais dAfrique Noire.
Barth, Heinrich, Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, 5 vols., 1857. Centenary Edition, 3 vols. 1965.
Bates, Oric, The Eastern Libyans, 1914. See bibliography.
Braud-Villars, J., LEmpire de Gao, 1942.
Beazley, C. R., The Dawn of Modern Geography, 3 vols., 1906 (reprint, 1949).
Bovill, E. W., Caravans of the Old Sahara, 1933.
Davidson, Basil, Old Africa Rediscovered, 1959.
Delafosse, M., Haut-Sngal-Niger, 3 vols., 1912.
Fage, J. D., An Atlas of African History, 1958.
Fage, J. D., Ghana, 1959.
Gautier, E. F., Le Pass de lAfrique du Nord, 1937.
Julien, C. A., Histoire de lAfrique du Nord, 2 vols., 1952 (2nd ed. rev. R. Le Tourneau). See vol. II.
Lebeuf, J. P., Detourbet, A. Masson, La Civilisation du Tchad, 1950.
Marquart, J., Die Benin-Sammlung des Reichsmuseums fr Vlkerkunde in Leiden, 1913. Contains extracts from Arabic texts.
Monteil, C., Djenn, 1932.
Palmer, Sir H. R., The Bornu Sahara and Sudan, 1936.
Rodd, Sir F. R., People of the Veil, 1926.
Roncire, C. de la, La dcouverte de lAfrique au moyen ge (Mmoires de la Socit Royale de Gographie dgypte, V, VI, & XIII), 192427.
Rouch, J., Contribution lhistoire des Songhay (Mmoires de lI.F.A.N., no. 29), 1953.
Tilho, J., Documents Scientifiques de la Mission Tilho (190609), 5 vols., 191014.
Trimingham, J. S., A History of Islam in West Africa, 1962.
Urvoy, Y., Petit atlas ethno-demographique du Soudan, 1942.
Urvoy, Y., Histoire de lEmpire du Bornu, (Mmoires de lI.F.A.N., no. 7), 1949.
Al-Bakr (d. 1094), al-Maslik wal-Mamlik (tr. MacGukin de Slane as Description de lAfrique Septentrionale, 2nd ed., 1913; Arabic text, 2nd ed., 1910). The de Slane editions are only fragments of the original. For a short biographical account and bibliography consult E. Lvi-Provenals article in the Encyclopedia of Islam, new edition.
Al-Masd (d. 956), Murj al-dhahab wa-Madin al-jawhir (ed. & tr. C. Barbier de Meynard & Pavet de Courteille as Les Prairies dor, 9 vols., 186177). This edition combines Arabic text with French translation.
Al- Umar (d. 1349), Maslik al-abr f mamlik al-amr (I, LAfrique, moins lgypte, tr. M. Gaudefroy-Demombynes, 1927). Incomplete translation containing chapters on: Abyssinie, Soudan, Maghreb, et Andalousie.
Al-Qalqa s and (d. 1418), Kitb ub al-A sh f int al-In sh (publication of the Dr al-Kutub al- Kh adwya, Cairo), 14 vols., 191319. See vol. VIII, pp. 11618, for Kanem-Bornu, and vol. V, for Ghna & Mli.
Al-Ya qb (d. after 891), Kitb al-Buldn (ed. & tr. M. J. de Goeje, 1860, 2nd ed., 1892 in vol. VII of Bibliotheca geographorum Arabicorum, 8 vols., 18851927; trad. franc., G. Wiet, Textes et Traductions dauteurs Orientales, I, 1937). This work has not survived in its entirety.
Ibn Abd al-akam (d. 871), Fut Mir wal-Ma gh rib (Arabic text, C. C. Torrey, The Fut Mir of Ibn Abd al-akam , Yale Oriental Series, Research, vol. III, 1922; portions concerning N. Africa & Spain translated by A. Gateau as Conqute de lAfrique du Nord et de lEspagne, Bibliothque arabe-franaise, t. II, 1948); See R. Brunschvig, Ibn Abd al-akam Annales de lInstitut dtudes Orientales, Algiers VI, 19427, pp. 10855.
Ibn Ab Zar (d. 1326), al-Ans al-mutrib (bi-raud(at) al-Qirs f a kh br mulk ai-Maghrib wa-tar kh madnat Fs (see C. Brockelmanns Geschichte der Arabischen Litteratur, G.II, 240). The Arabic text was edited by C. J. Tornberg, 1839 (see J. S. Trimingham, op. cit., p. 21, note) and there is a French translation by A. Beamier, Roudh el Kartas, Histoire des souverains du Maghreb et annales de la ville de Fs, Paris, 1860.
Ibn Baa, (d. 1377), Tufat al-Nur f Gh ar ib al-Amr wa Aj-ib al-Asfr (ed. & tr. C. Defrmery & R. B. Sanguinetti, 5 vols., 3rd ed., 1893, see vol. IV; the greater part of his Western Sudan journey is contained in Ibn Battta Travels in Asia and Africa, selections tr. & ed. by Sir H. A. R. Gibb, 1929; new edition, of which 2 vols. have appeared, in preparation by same author).
NDi aye, A., Sur la transcription des vocables africains par Ibn Baththutha, Notes Africains, no. 38, April 1948, pp. 267, no. 41, January 1949, p. 31.
Ibn awqal (d. 977), Kitb al-Maslik wa l-Mamlik Srat al-ar, portion relating in part to N. Africa, ed. & tr. M. J. de Goeje, 1860, 2nd ed. J. H. Kramers, 1938, in vol. II of Bibliotheca geographorum Arabicorum; also tr. by de Slane as Description de lAfrique in the Journal Asiatique