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Joel Libava - Become a Franchise Owner!: The Start-Up Guide to Lowering Risk, Making Money, and Owning What you Do

Here you can read online Joel Libava - Become a Franchise Owner!: The Start-Up Guide to Lowering Risk, Making Money, and Owning What you Do full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2011, publisher: Wiley, genre: Art. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Become a Franchise Owner!: The Start-Up Guide to Lowering Risk, Making Money, and Owning What you Do: summary, description and annotation

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The definitive A-to-Z guide to researching, selecting, and starting a viable franchise business

With more and more professionals looking for alternatives to traditional corporate employment, Become a Franchise Owner! informs would-be franchise owners of the joys and perils of purchasing a franchise. Authored by a trusted, feisty, tell-it-how-it-is independent franchise industry insider, this book offers straightforward, step-by-step tips and advice on how to properly (and carefully) research and select a franchise business.

Get tips on how to locate information about franchises, current industry trends, interviews with franchisors, and hot franchise opportunities.

  • Offers a self-evaluation to discover if you are franchise material
  • Describes how to choose the right franchise for your specific situation
  • Lists the 40 crucial questions to ask current franchise owners

Owning a franchise isnt for everyone; in fact, as Joel Libava says, its really not for most people. But if it is for you, this book can guide you in starting your own successful franchise business.

Joel Libava: author's other books

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Contents Praise for Become a Franchise Owner One of the greatest ways to - photo 1


Praise for Become a Franchise Owner!

One of the greatest ways to claim the American Dream of business ownership is through a franchise. In his book, Become a Franchise Owner! , my friend, Joel Libava, takes you by the hand and walks you through all the steps. Dont make owning a franchise harder than it has to be. Take Joels hand.

Jim Blasingame

Host of The Small Business Advocate Show

What I love about Joel Libavas style is his sensible, honest-to-goodness demeanor combined with an expansive knowledge of the franchise industry. Become a Franchise Owner! The Start-Up Guide to Lowering Risk, Making Money, and Owning What You Do is a testament to knowing youre in caring hands receiving the very best information so you can make your smartest decision!

Betsey Merkel

Process Designer, Network Strategist

Gotham City had Batman, New York had Spiderman, Metropolis had Superman, and now entrepreneurs and future franchise owners everywhere have The Franchise King, Joel Libava. As a much needed advocate in a world full of scams, ambiguity and more sound bites than substance, Libava helps the aspiring entrepreneur navigate the franchise sea and make the best choices for themselves and their future businesses. His no-fluff style tells it like it is and clearly leads an entrepreneur through Business 101, saving them lots of money, time and heartache in the process. This is a must read for anyone interested in opening a franchise and, for that matter, anyone interested in starting a business.

Laura Petrolino

Chief Communications Officer, Ignite Venture Partners

Become a Franchise Owner! is the ultimate, must-read guide to anyone who has ever even considered owning a franchise of any kind. Consider the investment youre about to make in your life by opening up a franchise. If you want to make sure that you do it right the first time, read this book!

Jim Kukral

Author of Attention! This Book Will Make You Money

Its crazy to get serious about franchising and not take the time to read this book. Franchising can be a path to success or a long unhappy journey through a dark wood; and Joels an honest and trustworthy guide. Dont go there without him.

Tim Berry,

Founder, Palo Alto Software

Joel takes the guesswork out of buying a franchise by setting the record straight in an easy-to-understand way. The book takes the reader on a journey of discovery... about ones self, about franchising, and whether they are meant for each other.

Barbara Weltman

Host of Build Your Business Radio

Many failures in franchising result from the misperception that every franchise is a magic carpet to success, and that franchises never fail. The truth is that there are good franchises, there are bad franchises, and there are grab-your-checkbook-and-run franchises. Prospective franchisees need a knowledgeable, trustworthy advisor and a solid game plan. Joel Libava is that advisor, and this book provides the game plan for franchise success.

Sean Kelly

President, IdeaFarm

I applaud Joels advice to future franchisees to plan for success and understand the franchise model before jumping into it. As a consultant to franchisors, I will recommend Joels book as guidance for the franchise sales process. Joels commitment to the individual success of franchise buyers not only helps them, but, ultimately, helps the industry as a whole.

Mark Siebert

CEO, iFranchise Group

If youve ever even considered entering the world of franchising, this book is required reading. Youll be able to save yourself months of work and thousands of dollars within the first fifty pages where Joel puts your personality to the test. Finish this book and youll know for sure your very next steps.

Joe Sorge

President of Hospitality Democracy and Partner, Kitchen Table Companies

Joel talks directly to you about whats what in the world of franchising. Hes not repeating the tired old stories about how great franchises are, and hes not knocking franchises with unfair criticism. Hes just sitting down over coffee and telling you everything you need to know before you get involved. And hes asking the hard questions. The ones youve put off thinking about because they arent easy to answer. If youll do your work and answer Joels questions, youll find out whether a franchise is right for you, and how to make the best chance of success.

Becky McCray

Publisher, SmallBizSurvival.com

Joel Libava is one of the only true advocates for the future franchise owner. I wouldnt trust anyone else for advice on that decision. Read this book, and see why.

Barry Moltz

Speaker, Consultant, Author

Having known Joel for many years I have always been impressed with his attitude of getting it done right versus just getting it done when working with prospective business owners. His commitment to his clients and to smart franchising is admirable and worth listening to and reading about.

Craig Slavin

President, Founder Franchise Central/Franchise Navigator

WOW! Your advice is spot-on and impactfulespecially the section on self-discovery. Anyone considering a franchise will definitely want to read your book early on in their discovery/research process. Having done business with you over the years, we know that you are very committed and very ethical with your franchise candidates.

Cathy Hay

VP Franchise Recruitment, Maid Brigade

Joel Libava captures the necessary mindset of a successful franchise owner with his simple mantra. Even better, he serves up his insights with humor (Cyborgs anyone?) and relatable stories involving real people. People just like you. Are you shopping for a book on franchise ownership? I suggest you invest in this one.

Nicole Fende

A.S.A. President and Chief Numbers Whisperer, Small Business Finance Forum

Joel Libavas informative, succinct guide to franchise investment should be a must read for anyone thinking of starting or expanding a business through franchising. The book is packed with business wisdom and advice, all presented in Joels inimitable, readable style. In a market that is littered with how-to publications, this one stands out as a really useful, practical aid to franchise entrepreneurs everywhere.

Sean McGarry

Founder and Managing Director, Franchise Direct.com

There are few business books that genuinely open your eyes to a new world of opportunity you didnt see before. Joel Libavas book does. The world of franchising is often thought of as confusing, mysterious and beyond most peoples interest or comprehension. This book makes owning a franchise business a clearly understood possibility for aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners. Read it.

Jason Falls

Co-author of No Bullshit Social Media: The All-Business, No-Hype Guide to Social Media Marketing and President and CEO of Social Media Explorer

You can always count on Joel Libava to tell it like it is. He talks with candor and well-gained experience about the skills that are absolutely needed to succeed as a franchise owner. If youre in the market for a franchise business, this book is the place to start.

Flo Schell

Founder, Franchise Coaching Systems

Becoming a franchise owner is serious business, a life changing decision. Read this book to arm yourself with knowledge.

Rhonda Sanderson

Sanderson PR

This book is spot-on!! This is a must read for anyone considering a franchise business. This book allows you to leverage Joels years of experience in franchise consulting to make the right choices from the very beginning; even long before you start surfing the Internet for the business of your dreams!

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