![The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science Tim BallPhD The - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/82658/images/00001.jpeg)
The Deliberate Corruption
Climate Science
Tim Ball,PhD
The Deliberate Corruption ofClimate Science
2014 Tim Ball, PhD
All Rights Reserved
ISBN 978-0-9888777-4-0
eBook ISBN 978-0-9888777-5-7
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The price paid for a person'sactivities is always higher for those who support them. They are the innocentbystanders, the ones without who individuals could not achieve anything. I am eternallygrateful for my family support, especially wife Marty, sons Dave and Tim Jr.and sister Liz.
Voltaire said, It is dangerous tobe right in matters where established men are wrong. The danger extendsto those who support the person who challenges established men. Iam grateful for all those who provided moral, social, philosophical,intellectual and financial support.
I appreciate the patience, wisdom,experience and skill provided by the publisher Ken Coffman and my editor StaceyBenson.
![PREFACE Then up and spent the eveningwalking with my wife talking and it - photo 3](/uploads/posts/book/82658/images/00003.jpeg)
Then up and spent the eveningwalking with my wife, talking; and it thundering and lightening mightily allthe eveningand this year have had the most thunder and lightening, they say,of any in mans memory.
Diary of Samuel Pepys, entry forJuly 3rd, 1664
Ive studied climate both scientificallyand academically for over forty years after spending eight years studyingmeteorology and observing the weather as an aircrew and operations officer inthe Canadian Air Force. When I began the academic portion of my career, globalcooling was the concern, but it was not a major social theme. During the 1980sthe concern switched to global warming which became a major political, socialand economic issue.
I watched my chosendisciplineclimatologyget hijacked and exploited in service of a politicalagenda, watched people who knew little or nothing enter the fray and watchedscientists become involved for political or funding reasonswilling to corruptthe science, or, at least, ignore what was really going on. The tale is morethan a sad story because it set climatology back thirty years and damaged thecredibility of science in general.
It also undermined theenvironmental movement by incorrectly claiming massive environmental damage andsetting up a classic cry wolf scenario. It is the greatest deception inhistory and the extent of the damage has yet to be exposed and measured.
There have been, of course, othersad deceptions throughout history, but all of them were regional, or, at most,continental. The deceptive idea that human-generated CO2 causesglobal warming or climate change impacted every person in the entire world,thus it reflects Marshall McLuhans concept of the global village. Thisbook shows how the deception was designed to be global by involving everynation through the agencies of the United Nations. Historians with the benefitof 20:20 hindsight will wonder how such a small group was able to achieve sucha massive deception. There are several reasons why the public was deceived:
The objective and therefore the sciencewere premeditated.
The scientific focus was deliberately narrowedto CO2.
From the start, unaccountablegovernment agencies were involved and in control.
Science and political structures andprocedures were put in place to enhance the deception.
Actions were taken to block or divertchallenges.
The peoples natural fears about changeand catastrophe were exploited.
The publics lack of scientificunderstanding, especially with regard to climate science, was exploited.
People find it hard to believe adeception on such a grand scale could occur.
Opponents were ruthlessly attacked,causing others to remain silent.
Some call the human-caused globalwarming theme a hoax, but thats incorrect: a hoax is defined as a humorous ormalicious deception. The Piltdown Man was a hoax perpetrated by oneacademic to expose the arrogance and pomposity of another and its impact was inacademia, but had little relevance in the real world. There is nothing humorousabout the corruption of climate science. Further, a political objective neednot be malevolent; however, the methods used to achieve the goals ofprogressive activists are assuredly ugly, malicious and wrong.
Some have called the corruption ofclimate science a conspiracy partly because conspiratorial themes are fueled byspeculation on the Internet. A conspiracy is defined as a secret plan to dosomething unlawful or harmful. There is no doubt what the activists have doneis harmful, but pursuing a political goal is lawful. What is unlawful isknowingly using deliberate deceptions, misinformation, manipulation of recordsand misapplying scientific method and research. Indeed, it is amazing how theydeceived the entire world through using existing laws and societal structures;it fits the classic description of daylight robbery.
It is more appropriate to identifythe group as a cabal, a secret political clique or faction. This book explainstheir motive and objectives, which were political, not scientific. It explainshow in order to do this they bypassed and perverted the scientific methodthenormal and proper method by which science progresses. They effectively silencedscientists who tried to perform the normal roles of critics and skeptics.
Consider this brave but late (May 12th,2012) admission by German Physicist and meteorologist Klaus-Eckart Plus :
Ten years ago I simply parrotedwhat the IPCC told us. One day I started checking the facts and datafirst Istarted with a sense of doubt but then I became outraged when I discovered thatmuch of what the IPCC and the media were telling us was sheer nonsense and wasnot even supported by any scientific facts and measurements. To this day Istill feel shame that as a scientist I made presentations of their sciencewithout first checking it.
scientifically it is sheer absurdityto think we can get a nice climate by turning a CO2 adjustment knob.
If someone so knowledgeable aboutthe subjects of meteorology and atmospheric physics can be so readily deceived,it is not surprising that the general public was deceived. This underscores theeffectiveness of the deliberate and carefully orchestrated climate sciencedeception.
However, it also underscores theproblems of writing a book that identifies what they did and how it was done.If the science is too complicated people wont read the book. If it is toosimplistic the critics will say it trivializes and makes errors that they willuse to condemn. As I hope you will learn, the architects of this greatestdeception actually set up a web site to carry out such attacks on those whodared to question. They recruited the mainstream media to run storiesmarginalizing the scientific claims and the credibility of the messenger. Seth Borenstein, a national science writer for theAssociate Press sent an email on July 23rd, 2009 to the ClimaticResearch Unit (CRU) gang whose corruptive practices were exposed by leakedemails. He wrote,
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