Building a Corporate Culture of Security
Strategies for Strengthening Organizational Resiliency
John Sullivant, CFC, CSC, CHS-IV, CPP, RAM-W
Diplomate, American Board of, Forensic Engineering & Technology, American College of Forensic, Examiners Institute
Table of Contents
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In loving memory to family who continues to energize me
Peter (Serras) Sullivant
Stamatina (Serras) Sullivant
Jerry Sullivant
Nonda Sullivant
And to my beautiful grandchildren
Maia and Jacobi who insist the better tomorrow is here
About the Author
John Sullivant has a strong recordfive decades of problem solving and leadershipin executive security management, governance, consulting, and strategic planning in industry, government, and academia, both domestically and abroad. He is one of Americas leading, trusted advisor, with the unique ability to help executives look at problems from a variety of sensible, constructive, ethical, and principled perspectives.
For more than fifty years John Sullivant has advised, coached, and counseled executives who run very large corporations and organizations, such as the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, World Financial Center, and Raytheon and MasterFoods; the states of Texas, Louisiana, and New Hampshire; the National Nuclear Security Administration, the Department of Defense, and the Federal Aviation Administration. Experiences include work with the national intelligence community; national and international RDT&E centers; university medical centers and medical research laboratories; telecommunication; food and agriculture; manufacturing; banking and financing; entertainment; and civil aviation. He has held numerous positions of responsibility as a former chief executive, Vice President of two corporations, and senior program manager of several highly visible projects. Formerly, he held key leadership positions on national councils, committees, and advisory boards. The situations he helps to resolve often involve performance and compliance audits, inspections, and special investigations; revitalizing dysfunctional unit performance; discovering security technology deficiencies; defending against activist opposition, criminal actions, and terrorist threats; improving security emergency planning capabilities; and investigating grassroot causes of image, brand, and reputational threats.
His publications include Strategies for Protecting the Telecommunications Sector, in Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security (). He also has authored numerous position papers for various U.S. government agencies and published articles for Security Magazine and Risk Mitigation Executive .
A disabled veteran, a cultivated and educated board-certified professional, a successful business owner, an ombudsman, and a renowned author, John Sullivant is widely recognized as an authority in developing strategies to reduce risk exposure and is a trusted advisor for changing the security landscape. He is a certified forensic consultant (CFC), certified security consultant (CSC), certified in Homeland Security (CHS-IV), a certified protection professional (CPP), certified in risk assessment methodology for water utilities (RAM-W), and a distinguished diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Engineering & Technology at the American College of Forensic Examiners Institute. He has addressed numerous industry and government forums, and lectured at the university level.
John Sullivant is a graduate of Southwest Texas University, received a bachelor of science in Occupational Education (Law Enforcement) with honors. He earned a master of science in Psychology (Counseling & Guidance) from Troy State University with high honors and academic fitness.
John Sullivant, CFC, CSC, CHS-IV, CPP, RAM-W and Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Engineering & Technology at the American College of Forensic Examiners Institute, has provided strategic advice, counsel, and leadership to industry, government and academia for more than five decades. He has advised and counseled the executives who run very large corporations and organizations, helping them face tough, touchy, sensitive corporate security issues. He served his country while in the U.S. Air Force for 25 years rising through the ranks to Chief Master Sergeant, and then later as a researcher, analyst, planner, teacher, trusted advisor and author in his own right in the private sector for more than 33 years. Mr. Sullivant is a former senior program manager and chief executive of his own company, serving in high-visibility, high-tension business environments. He has held numerous key leadership positions on national councils, committees, and advisory boards. He is well respected, widely recognized as an authority in his field, and a trusted strategic advisor for changing the security landscape.