Lessons from 100 Cases
in Pharmaceutical Marketing
Lessons from 100 Cases
in Pharmaceutical Marketing
Subba Rao Chaganti
| PharmaMed Press An imprint of Pharma Book Syndicate
A unit of BSP Books Pvt. Ltd.
4-4-309/316, Giriraj Lane,
Sultan Bazar, Hyderabad - 500 095. |
Bullseyes and Blunders Lessons from 100 Cases in Pharmaceutical Marketing by Subba Rao Chaganti
2019, by Author, All rights reserved.
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Published by
| PharmaMed Press An imprint of Pharma Book Syndicate
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Cover Design:
J. Siva Prasad, Hitha Design Science
Printed and Bounded in India by Bhavish Print Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
ISBN: 978-93-8830-545-7(E-ISBN)
To Chaganti Mahalakshmi, My partner for life
Who took equanimously all my
Bullseyes and Blunders
For over forty-five years and continuing to take
The title of the Book Bullseyes, and Blunders is not my original idea. I borrowed it from a 1987 book by Robert F. Hartley with the same title; Bullseyes and Blunders: Stories of business success & failure. The book was about twenty-four case histories of leading brands in Automobile, Hamburger, Beer, Motorbikes, Sports shoes and Personal computers. The book was interesting and illuminating. However, more than anything else, I was mighty impressed with the title of the Book Bullseyes and Blunders. Very apt. Fits the subject like a perfect glove. Nay, it hits the bullseye!
Three years ago, when I was compiling the cases for this book, I suddenly recalled the title of the book and thought it would be the most appropriate title of this book. It is only the title that is common. There is nothing else that is even remotely similar not even the industry on which all these hundred cases originate.
Bullseyes and Blunders: Lessons from 100 Cases in Pharmaceutical Marketing is a first-of-its-kind of a book. The book is an invaluable resource for the practitioners as well as the students of pharmaceutical marketing. The case studies presented in the book offer many experiential insights into how some of the worlds renowned pharmaceutical marketers built, launched, defended and managed their brands, and steered them clear of competition. The Bullseyes in the book present snapshots of these winning brands.
Studying the Blunders or failures or flops too is significant for the practitioners and students of marketing alike. Because they provide the much-needed insights into the essential, Donts while building and managing their brands. Above all, learning from others blunders is highly cost-effective.
Bullseyes and Blunders provides a more practical understanding of various topics that are highly relevant for the Pharma brand managers and marketing managers. These are market opportunity analysis, product positioning, product launches, life cycle management, building and defending a disease-franchise among others.
About half of the hundred cases presented in this book are from the worlds leading research-based pharmaceutical industry (the United States), and the remaining half are from the worlds leading branded-generic market (India). Thus the book provides a holistic view of how the pharmaceutical industry develops, launches and manages its brands.
The sources for each case discussed in the book have been far too many to attribute. The primary sources have been attributed at the end of each case where applicable, and almost all the references are mentioned in the reference list. While every case offers some valuable lessons, more important and less apparent lessons are presented at the end of some cases. The rest of these cases do not mention lessons in the end as the lessons that those cases offer are so obvious and self-explanatory.
The book has ten chapters that are essential reading for any pharmaceutical marketer. They are the pharmaceutical market; the pharmaceutical product; therapeutic leadership; product launch strategy; the life cycle management; pharmaceutical marketing practices good and bad; disease branding; Blue ocean strategy; the pricing strategies; Pharma and social media. Each chapter presents a brief discussion on the topic followed by the relevant cases under that topic. The book ends with a summary of the key insights and practical lessons from the hundred cases.
Writing this book has been an immense learning experience for me. I believe reading it will be an equally rewarding experience for you, and you will gain many valuable insights and practical lessons from these one hundred cases to create, build and nurture your prescription drug brands.
Subba Rao Chaganti
First and foremost, I must acknowledge my thanks and heartiest congratulations to all those brand teams who were behind the one hundred cases that are presented in this book. They had done some brilliant and outstanding work and taught many valuable insights and practical lessons to all of us, pharmaceutical marketers and to all aspiring pharmaceutical brand managers in the future. Without them, this book would not have been created. They are the raison dtre for this book.
A book of this magnitude can seldom be claimed as the work of one individual. Many people have helped me in producing of this book. It is not possible to individually acknowledge all my colleagues and competitors (in the field) and teachers, who have helped me in widening my horizon and broadening my perspective of marketing in general and pharmaceutical marketing in particular.
Here are a few individuals, whose help and support have been truly significant. Without their physical, intellectual and moral support, this book still would have been in a conceptual stage. I sincerely thank Mr. J. Siva Prasad, Head, Graphics Studio, Hitha Design and Science for giving a fantastic cover design and for suggesting the basic layout for this book. My thanks are also due to Mr. Anil Shah for his faith in this project. He apart from being a publisher with vision has been virtually pushing me to bring about this book. I must also thank Mr. Nikunjesh Shah for making digital versions of this book available. My thanks are also due to Mr. Naresh Daver for designing this book. Also, I owe a special thanks to my son, C. Srinivasa Phanindra who did all the illustrations in this book.
Last but not least, I owe my thanks to Mahalakshmi, my better half both literally and figuratively and my three children and their spouses (Srinivasa Phanindra, Geetha, Lavanya, Aditya, Soumya, Chaitanya) for supporting and even pushing me to write Bullseyes and Blunders. I must be grateful to my grandchildren - Aditi, Eesha, and Surya who watched me with awe while I was writing this and that inspired me a lot and gave me a tremendous amount of satisfaction.