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Introduct ion
Negotiation is challenging, compl ex, and exci ting, requir ing a blend of knowled ge, skills , experie nce, and intuition. Each negotiation is un ique and there is no sin gle technique for improving your su ccess. Th us, to be a succe ssful negot iator , you must use a mix ture of mov es and counterm oves, dri ven by the nature of the spe cic negotia ting situation. This boo k describes practice s and technique s that can make you a more successfu l negotiator in every situation, wheth er in-person or at a distance, at h ome or abroad, or aga inst a friendly o r hostile counte rpart . Negotiation distills negotiating theory and pract ice to give you pract ical advice on h ow to become a s uccessful negotiator . It addresses questions such as: Should I make the rst o er?, H ow should I pres ent and respond to oe rs? , How can I obtai n concessions fr om my counterpar t?, and How can I make con cessions eectivel y?. I t helps you underst and and put into p ractice ways to analyze your and your counterp art s power , and to increase your negotiating s trength by buil ding winning coalition s. However , negotiating succe ssfully g oes beyond ma stering tactics and strate gies. It i s also about havin g the right attitude and m indset, such as being diligent in yo ur preparation and planning; be ing resilient in th e face of multiple challenge s; being creati ve by inventing mut ually benecial opti ons; and being read y to walk away fro m bad deals. By mast ering thes e negotiatin g tactics and strategi es, and by develop ing the right attitude and mindset, you will achieve supe rior result s.

10 / PREPA RING TO NEGOTI AT E Becoming a negot iator Seeing the benets When you b ecome ski lled in ne gotiation, you can create r eal value fo r your org anization. Negotiation allows you, for example, to secure cost-e ective and reliabl e ows of suppl ies, enhan ce the nanc ial value of merg ers and a cquisitions, s ettle disagreements with govern ment ocial s or union rep s, or r esolve i nternal con ict construct ively. Increasingly recogniz ed as a core compe tency, it can ta ke plac e in a variety of ways: in -person; remotely by email, p hone, or video c hat; or vi a a mix. Many rms d evelop their o wn approach es and methodo logies, a nd oer t raining and mentoring p rograms f or negotia tors. Many people sh y away from neg otiation because they think it impl ies conict. I n fact, negotiation is w hat you make it . When u ndertake n with condence and und erstanding, negotiat ion is a creative interpersonal process in wh ich two par ties co llaborate to achieve superi or results. LEARN YO UR ART Developing th e skills needed to be a successful neg otiator can take time, so be p atient. T r y to learn from ever y negotiation you undert ake, bo th for you r organization, and in your life outs ide work. Tip of a negotiato rs eorts should go into preparation