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DK - Managing People

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DK Managing People
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The practical e-guide that gives you the tools to succeed when managing people.
This title in DKs Essential Managers series contains all you need to manage people effectively and to develop or hone your management style.
Find out how to improve your skills by learning how to motivate staff, improve performance, and create positive relationships. Youll learn to build confidence, communicate clearly, and establish trust for navigating situations such as giving feedback, settling conflicts, and managing teams remotely.
Essential Managers gives you a practical how-to approach with step-by-step instructions, tips, checklists, and ask yourself features showing you how to focus your energy, manage change, and make an impact.
Whether youre new to people management or looking to enhance your existing skills, this is the e-guide for you.

Managing People — read online for free the complete book (whole text) full work

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ESSENTIAL MANAG ING PEOPLE MANAG ERS Produced for DK by D ynamo Ltd - photo 2
ESSENTIAL MANAG ING PEOPLE MANAG ERS Produced for DK by D ynamo Ltd - photo 3
Produced for DK by D ynamo Ltd 1 Ca thedral Court S outhernhay Eas t Ex - photo 4
Produced for DK by D ynamo Ltd 1 Ca thedral Court , S outhernhay Eas t, Ex eter, EX 1 1 AF Written by Phi lip L . Hunsak er an d Jo hanna Hunsak er Senior Art Edi tor Helen Spencer Senior Editor Chauney D unford US Ed itor Kary n Ge rhard Jacket Design Devel opment Manager Sophia M TT Jacket Designers Akiko Ka to, Juhi Sheth Producer Nancy-Jane Maun Product ion Editor Gillian Reid Senior Managing Ar t Editor Lee G rif ths Managing Editor Gareth Jones Associat e Pu blishing Direct or Liz W heeler Art Direct or Karen Self Design Direct or Philip O rmerod Publishing Direct or Jonathan Metca lf This A merican Editi on, 2 First Am erican Edit ion, Published in th e Un ited Sta tes by DK Publ ishing 145 0 Broa dway, Suit e 80 1, Ne w Yo rk, NY 10 Copyright 8, 2 021 Do rling Kinders ley L imited DK, a Div ision of Pen guin R andom House LLC 21 22 23 24 25 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 001- 3231 21-D ec/21 All r ights reserv ed. W ithout limiti ng t he r ights under th e co pyright reserv ed above, no p art of t his publica tion may b e re produced, st ored in or int roduced into a ret rieval syst em, o r tr ansmitt ed, i n an y for m, o r by any m eans (el ect ronic, mechanical , pho tocopying, recording, or o therw ise) , wi thout the prior wr itte n permission of th e co pyright owner . Published in Gr eat B ritain by Do rling Kinde rsley Limit ed. A ca talog record for thi s bo ok i s ava ilable from th e Library of C ongress. ISBN 9 78- 0- 40-35 05-6 DK bo oks are a vailable at s pecial discounts whe n pu rchased in bu lk fo r sa les promotions, premiums, fu nd-raising, or e ducationa l us e. Fo r de tails, conta ct: DK Pub lishing Speci al Ma rkets , 14 50 Broa dway, Suit e 80 1, Ne w Yo rk, NY 10 or Spe cialSales@ dk.com Printed in Ch ina www. dk.com This b ook was made with Fore st Stewardship Council ce rti ed paper one s mall s tep in DK s co mmitment to a s ustai nable fut ure. For m ore information, go to ww w. dk.com /o ur- green-pledge
Contents Introduct ion Chapter 1 Understanding yoursel f Developing se - photo 5
Introduct ion Chapter 1 Understanding yoursel f Developing se lf-awarenes s Using emotion al intelligenc e Applying assert iveness Examinin g your assu mptions Clarify ing your v alues Developing yo ur perso nal mission statement Chapter 2 Interacting with o thers Communicating eectiv ely Sending mes sages 2 Listening activel y Reading non verbal cue s Tea ching skill s Giving fee dback Negotiating Managing coni ct Valuing div ersity Chapter 3 Managing a team Setting goals a nd plannin g Designing w ork High-perf orming te ams Delegating eecti vely Motivating o thers Appraising perf ormance Chapter 4 Leading oth ers Tak ing an ethi cal path Ensuring cul tural t Solving p roblems Building po wer Managing change Helping others to improve Coaching a nd mentori ng Managing care ers Index Acknowledgments
6 INTR ODUCTION INTRODUCT ION 7 Introduct ion Managing other pe - photo 6
INTRODUCT ION 7 Introduct ion Managing other pe ople is perh aps the most - photo 7
Introduct ion
Managing other pe ople is perh aps the most challenging task fa cing any manage r. It is a dynamic proc ess that is alwa ys evolving to accommodate chang es in the divers e and complex workpla ce. Managing People provides the understand ing and skills that will help you to develop and create motiv ated teams, exe rcising inspirational , suppo rti ve, and empathetic l eadership. Being an ee ctive p eople manager start s with self-aware ness and self- management. Interpers onal skills ar e extremely import ant, in bo th one-to -one and team situations, as you need to b e able to inuence others to accom plish their own and th e organization s g oals. Bui lding teams who cre ate value for your organiz ation is crucia l for any manager tod ay and requires the abilities to s et goals , plan and d esign work, dele gate tasks , motivate and coach followers, appraise pe rfor mances, a nd solve problems. To days more uid work env ironments mea n youll not only have to know how to ex ercise thes e skills in person, but when you and your te am are working remotely and exibly , t oo. As a leader of your team, you nee d to invest considerable time in helping others to create value and develop their care ers. Succes sful mentor ing can contribu te to fulllment of p ersonal, professional , and organizati onal goals . In helping othe rs to be successful by applying the skills an d guidelines presented in Managing People , you will not only enhance your eec tiveness as a manager , but become a leader oth ers want to follow .
Understandi ng yourself Knowing yoursel f will give yo u valuable insights - photo 8
Understandi ng
Knowing yoursel f will give yo u valuable insights into your aptitude for m anaging others. It allow s you to understand how you are perceiv ed, why people respond to yo u in the way they do, and how to get the best out of them.
10 UNDERST AN DING YOURS ELF Developing self- awareness Keeping mo ving The - photo 10
10 / UNDERST AN DING YOURS ELF Developing self- awareness Keeping mo ving The best way to enhanc e your self - awareness i s to learn in a sys tematic way from yo ur own exp eriences. Start by ree cting on situation s in your working l ife, your actions in respo nse to them, an d the out comes of t hese events. S chedule a regular time to do this, ei ther at the beginn ing or end of a workd ay, when you are not in the thick of the ac tion. G ive yours elf space to reect , and ma ke sure you can be alone and unin terrup ted for a good 20 minutes o r so. T r y to gain a bet ter understanding of what happ ened and think abo ut how you can learn from each situation. Analyzing y our performanc e Assessing your prog ress towa rd your goals can help you gain a fu ller understanding of your st rengths and weaknesses. Whenever you make a key decision or take a key ac tion, w rite do wn what you exp ect w ill happe n. Then, every three or f our months, compare the actual results w ith your e xpectatio ns. If y ou practice this method consistently , it will help you disc over what you are doing , or failing to do, that de prives y ou of the full bene ts of your stre ngths, and will demonstrate a reas in whic h you are no t parti cularly c ompetent and cannot perfor m adequ ately. Awarenes s of your emotio ns, personality , w hat you enjoy an d dislike, what motivates y ou, and what c omes easily or poses challeng es is a key precursor to dev eloping eect ive manageri al ability . Q uite simply , i f you cant manage yourself , you will no t be able to mana ge anyone els e. MAKE NOTES Use your jo urnal to think o n paper about wh at you have read about management in this or other books, or your experiences in management training pr ograms. Tip Tak e time to reect on situations in your wo rking life, your actions in response to them, and the outcomes of these events
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