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Introduct ion
Managing other pe ople is perh aps the most challenging task fa cing any manage r. It is a dynamic proc ess that is alwa ys evolving to accommodate chang es in the divers e and complex workpla ce. Managing People provides the understand ing and skills that will help you to develop and create motiv ated teams, exe rcising inspirational , suppo rti ve, and empathetic l eadership. Being an ee ctive p eople manager start s with self-aware ness and self- management. Interpers onal skills ar e extremely import ant, in bo th one-to -one and team situations, as you need to b e able to inuence others to accom plish their own and th e organization s g oals. Bui lding teams who cre ate value for your organiz ation is crucia l for any manager tod ay and requires the abilities to s et goals , plan and d esign work, dele gate tasks , motivate and coach followers, appraise pe rfor mances, a nd solve problems. To days more uid work env ironments mea n youll not only have to know how to ex ercise thes e skills in person, but when you and your te am are working remotely and exibly , t oo. As a leader of your team, you nee d to invest considerable time in helping others to create value and develop their care ers. Succes sful mentor ing can contribu te to fulllment of p ersonal, professional , and organizati onal goals . In helping othe rs to be successful by applying the skills an d guidelines presented in Managing People , you will not only enhance your eec tiveness as a manager , but become a leader oth ers want to follow .

10 / UNDERST AN DING YOURS ELF Developing self- awareness Keeping mo ving The best way to enhanc e your self - awareness i s to learn in a sys tematic way from yo ur own exp eriences. Start by ree cting on situation s in your working l ife, your actions in respo nse to them, an d the out comes of t hese events. S chedule a regular time to do this, ei ther at the beginn ing or end of a workd ay, when you are not in the thick of the ac tion. G ive yours elf space to reect , and ma ke sure you can be alone and unin terrup ted for a good 20 minutes o r so. T r y to gain a bet ter understanding of what happ ened and think abo ut how you can learn from each situation. Analyzing y our performanc e Assessing your prog ress towa rd your goals can help you gain a fu ller understanding of your st rengths and weaknesses. Whenever you make a key decision or take a key ac tion, w rite do wn what you exp ect w ill happe n. Then, every three or f our months, compare the actual results w ith your e xpectatio ns. If y ou practice this method consistently , it will help you disc over what you are doing , or failing to do, that de prives y ou of the full bene ts of your stre ngths, and will demonstrate a reas in whic h you are no t parti cularly c ompetent and cannot perfor m adequ ately. Awarenes s of your emotio ns, personality , w hat you enjoy an d dislike, what motivates y ou, and what c omes easily or poses challeng es is a key precursor to dev eloping eect ive manageri al ability . Q uite simply , i f you cant manage yourself , you will no t be able to mana ge anyone els e. MAKE NOTES Use your jo urnal to think o n paper about wh at you have read about management in this or other books, or your experiences in management training pr ograms. Tip Tak e time to reect on situations in your wo rking life, your actions in response to them, and the outcomes of these events