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Bloomsbury Publishing - Manage Teams Successfully: How to Work with Others and Come Up with Results

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Bloomsbury Publishing Manage Teams Successfully: How to Work with Others and Come Up with Results
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Managing just one person can be difficult enough, but pulling together a team of people can be tricky even for experienced leaders. This book helps you create an effective team that can really get things done. It helps you form a good team in the first place, deal with tensions that may arise, communicate well, and motivate team members towards your overall goal. Most of us have to work with other people for some or most of our day. If youre a project manager in particular, youll need to be able to pull together a team from different areas of your business and help everyone work together to make the best of their strengths. Whether youre new to managing teams or want to brush up on your existing skills, this book helps you to communicate well with others, motivate the team, delegate where you need to, and defuse tension if it crops up. Whether youre new to managing teams or want to brush up on your existing skills, this book helps you to communicate well with others, motivate the team, delegate where you need to, and defuse tension if it crops up. Up-to-date Eminently practical, easy and quick to read Suitable for anyone at work Over 70,000 copies of the series sold Interactive quizzes and online advice available from www.acblack.com/steps.

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Manage teams successfully Manage teams successfully How to work with others - photo 1

Manage teams successfully

Manage teams

How to work with others and come up with results

A & C Black London

A & C Black Publishers Ltd 2007

All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publisher.

No responsibility for loss caused to any individual or organisation acting or refraining from action as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by A & C Black Publishers Ltd or the authors.

First published in 2007 by
A & C Black Publishers Ltd
38 Soho Square
London W1D 3HB

A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library.

eISBN: 978-1-40813-416-0

Design by Fiona Pike, Pike Design, Winchester
Typeset by RefineCatch Limited, Bungay, Suffolk
Printed in Italy by Rotolito

This book is produced using paper that is made from wood grown in managed, sustainable forests. It is natural, renewable and recyclable. The logging and manufacturing processes conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin.


Answer the questions and work out your score then read the guidance points - photo 2

Answer the questions and work out your score, then read the guidance points.

Are you a good team leader a No b Potentially c Absolutely What should a - photo 3

Are you a good team leader?

a) No b) Potentially c) Absolutely

What should a good leader be?

a) Friendly b) Reliable c) In control

Which of these best describes your team?

a) Intimidating b) Friendly c) Troublesome

If your team is experiencing problems, what do you do?

a) Leave them to it

b) Talk to them, so we can work it out together

c) Step in and take charge of the problem

How well does your team work together?

a) Okay...

b) We get on really well together

c) Fine, if they do whats asked of them

Be honest: how do you think you could improve as a leader?

a) Be more confident

b) Get to know the team better

c) Put less pressure on myself

How do you motivate your team to work?

a) Im not sure!

b) Keep the channels of communication open

c) Give them constant feedback

How does conflict make you feel?

a) Upset b) Guilty c) Driven

Whats your view of communication?

a) I wish I was better at it

b) Its what holds my team together

c) Im prepared to sacrifice it if the job gets done

How do you communicate with your team?

a) Im there for them if they need me

b) We give each other regular updates

c) Meetings, memos, progress reportsyou name it, I use it!

Do you delegate?

a) Not as much as I should

b) Yes

c) Not oftenits usually easier to do it myself

What is the usual cause of conflict in your team?

a) When tensions escalate

b) Personality clashes

c) When members dont pull their weight

a = 1, b = 2, c = Now add up your scores.

Picture 4: You seem to suffer from a lack of confidence. Being a leader is tricky for anyone at first, but with practice you can improve and succeed. Read chapter for some confidence-building basics. You must get to know your team better: read chapter get to know your team better: read chapter for a for a formal approach, and chapter formal approach, and chapter for tips on motivating for tips on motivating your team. Remember that communication is your team. Remember that communication is essentialchapter suggests the best approaches.

Picture 5: Youre great at communicating, but watch that youre not too informal. As well as motivating your team (chapter ), you need to be able to step back and lead. Ensure that everyone is clear about their role by following the steps in chapter role by following the steps in chapter , and dont be afraid of conflictchapter will show you how to will show you how to make the best of it.

Picture 6: Your problem is not a lack of confidence: in fact, you have so much that you risk intimidating and even alienating your team. Remind yourself of the qualities of a great team leader by reading chapters and and , and read chapter for advice on for advice on communicating in a more positive way. You will take communicating in a more positive way. You will take communicating in a more positive way. You will take pressure off yourself by delegating effectively; read about the benefits and techniques in chapter .

Most people work as part of a team at some point Teams are a great way of - photo 7

Most people work as part of a team at some point. Teams are a great way of bringing together the skills and expertise of a group of people so that a project can be tackled in the most efficient way. Having said that, with different personalities and (often) agendas to manage, things can get tense. If youve recently taken charge of a team, this book will help you clarify your goals, pick the right people, and smooth over tensions so that your team stands the best chance of achieving its aims.

Part of being a great team leader is, of course, knowing how to lead. There are rafts of heavyweight management tomes about this very topic, but a lot of it boils down to common sense.If youre reading this book youre probably either managing a team for the first time (in which case, congratulations!), or want to refresh your skills.

Its true that some people are naturally better suited to leadership roles than others; but the good news is that the necessary skills can be learned. In this chapter well discuss practical ways to help boost your confidence in your role as the head of a team.

Step one Understand that there are different types of leader As youd imagine - photo 8

Step one: Understand that there are different types of leader

As youd imagine, there are as many different types of leadership styles as there are peoples personalities. For example, think of three shepherds.

Picture 9 The first opens the gate and walks through, allowing the flock to follow. This shepherd leads from the front.

Picture 10 Another stands behind the sheep and pushes or guides them through, demonstrating a supportive leadership style.

The third moves from front to back and sometimes to the middle of the flock - photo 11 The third moves from front to back and sometimes to the middle of the flock, demonstrating an interactive leadership style.

TOP TIP Being flexible is key to good management For leaders to exist there - photo 12


Being flexible is key to good management. For leaders to exist, there must be followers, and the needs of followers change depending on the context. Knowing how to apply different leadership styles can help you respond equally effectively in many different kinds of situations.

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