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Barry Silverstein - Best Practices: Managing People: Secrets to Leading for New Managers

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In todays hypercompetitive business climate, managers who help employees achieve their individual potential stand to getand stayahead. Managing People, a comprehensive and essential resource for any manager on the run, shows you how. Learn to: Delegate the right work to the right employee Motivate people to outperform the competition Establish and empower effective teams Manage multiple projects and stay on track Inspire trust and lead in times of change The Collins Best Practices guides offer new and seasoned managers the essential information they need to achieve more, both personally and professionally. Designed to provide tried-and-true advice from the worlds most influential business minds, they feature practical strategies and tips to help you get ahead.

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BEST PRACTICES: Managing People



Contents How do you hire people How do you encourage them to do a better - photo 1


How do you hire people? How do you encourage them to do a better job? What do you say to them if they dont? How do you fire someone who refuses to cooperate? How do you get your staff on board at a time of major change?

In this book, we distill the wisdom of some of the best minds in the field to tell you how to do a better job at managing your employees and creating a workplace that supports the goals of your company. The language is simple and the design colorful to make the information easy to grasp.

Quizzes help you assess your knowledge of people and project management issues. Case files show how companies have tackled tough management problems. Sidebars give you a big-picture look at management challenges and highlight innovative, out-of-the-box solutions worth considering. Quotes from business leaders will inspire you as you face your own challenges. Finally, in case you want to dig deeper into management issues, we recommend some of the most important business books available. The authors of these books both influence and reflect todays thinking about managing people and related issues. Understanding the ideas they cover will inspire you as a manager.

Even if you dont dip into these volumes, the knowledge you gain from studying the pages of this book will equip you to deal firmly, effectively, and insightfully with the management issues you face every dayto help you make a difference to your company and in the lives of the people who support you.


The task of management is to make people capable of joint performance, to make their strengths effective and their weaknesses irrelevant.

Peter Drucker,
management guru and author

M anaging people isnt like managing things or even like managing projects. Each person has unique capabilities and talents, strengths and weaknessesand feelings. Helping each person achieve his or her individual potential may require different motivational strategies and tactics.

Self-Assessment Quiz


Read each of the following statements and indicate whether you agree or disagree. Then check your score at the end.

  1. I consider myself a good judge of character.
    Agree Disagree
  2. I trust people to do the right thing.
    Agree Disagree
  3. If someone comes to me with a problem at work, I take time to listen and offer help without being judgmental.
    Agree Disagree
  4. When a co-worker doesnt understand something, I dont lose my patience.
    Agree Disagree
  5. I think it is best not to be very close friends with someone I manage.
    Agree Disagree
  6. It is better to make the right decision than a popular one.
    Agree Disagree
  7. Im good at delegating work.
    Agree Disagree
  8. I know how to motivate people.
    Agree Disagree
  9. It is better to give instructions than orders.
    Agree Disagree
  10. People would say I have integrity.
    Agree Disagree


Give yourself 1 point for every question you answered Agree and 0 points for every question you answered Disagree.


You have the potential to be an excellent manager of people.

You could use some work on people-management skills.

You have a lot more to learn if you want to effectively manage people.

What It Takes to Be a Good Manager

Before you can effectively manage other people, you need to know about yourself and your management abilities. The Self-Assessment Quiz on pages 23 will help you understand what skills you bring to the game.

If your staff is happy, you are doing your job. People dont often leave jobsand, in particular, bossesthey like. Treat people the right way and you will have disciples for life.

Tom Markert,
author of You Cant Win a Fight with Your Boss

Managing people used to mean dominating them. The bosss word was absolute and not to be questioned. But todays workplace is very different. As companies continue to increase productivity and reduce costs, operations tend to be consolidated: a smaller number of people do a greater amount of work with fewer managers.

To succeed in this climate, businesses depend on knowledge-sharing, effective communication, and teamwork. These are difficult to achieve without the three Cs described on pages 67.

The BIG Picture


The managers perspective needs to be broad and all-encompassing. As a manager, you are the one who needs to understand what must get done, what it will take to accomplish your goal, how to assess and monitor progress, and how to measure success at the completion of the work.

Take advantage of the capabilities of each of your staff members and delegate the appropriate tasks so they can work as a team towards a common goal. Match specific tasks to the skills of each individual. Help and guide thembut let them do the work. Hold team progress meetings to keep everyone on track and follow up individually with any team member who is having trouble or falling behind.

Like a great maestro conducting an orchestra, you are there to keep every individual working in harmony and to ensure that the end result is a beautifully executed performance.

Behind the Numbers


During the 13 years between 1986 and 1999, the number of middle managers in large corporations declined by 27 percent. This study reflects the reality of more than 300 publicly traded U.S. firms.

SOURCE The Flattening Firm by Raghuram Rajan and Julie Wulf National Bureau - photo 2

SOURCE: The Flattening Firm by Raghuram Rajan and Julie Wulf, National Bureau of Economic Research (April 2003).

Collaboration. A good manager creates many opportunities for people to collaborate in setting goals, determining how work will get accomplished, and establishing criteria to measure a projects success rate.

Cooperation. Fostering cooperation within a work group and setting a good example as a manager encourages employees to focus on the needs of the group rather than only on their own needs.

Consensus. Establishing consensus among your workers creates a common sense of purpose and involves everyone in working toward the same goal. Good managers use consensus-building to encourage employees to voice opinions while maintaining control of the group.

Whats Your Management Style?

Managers can have very different styles and still succeed.

At one extreme are autocratic, heavy-handed managers who govern by fear and intimidation. In the long term, this generates ill will and lack of respect; employees either contribute minimally or eventually choose to work elsewhere.



Effective people managers practice the fine art of delegation.

  • They delegate tasks without abdicating their responsibility.
  • They explain the why but never dictate the how .
  • They give instructions, not orders.

Dos & Donts Picture 3


As a manager, you need to hold yourself to a high standard.

  • Do lead by example.
  • Dont manage by fear and intimidation.
  • Do plan your work and work your plan.
  • Dont begin a plan without a specific goal.
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