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The Art of Iconic Leadership
First published in 2020 by
Panoma Press Ltd
48 St Vincent Drive, St Albans, Herts, AL1 5SJ, UK
Book layout by Neil Coe.
The right of Justina Mutale to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
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Copyright 2020 Justina Mutale
To my parents, Beatrice Nakawala and John Mutale, for their pure and unconditional love, and their unwavering belief in my potential and capabilities as a female child.
Justina Mutale has presence Her book is a source of knowledge, wisdom and life experiences about women leadership, a wisdom bible to stay on the shelf of every home on this planet.
The Art of Iconic Leadership Power Secrets of Female World Leaders is a resilient inspirational journey to empower the women of the world.
This book goes beyond the dimensions of a basic leadership book. It is almost irresistible not to go back and read it again and again.
An impressive book on female leadership. A masterpiece that every schoolgirl, parent and teacher must read.
Profound insights for future women leaders. Pulling together politics, gender, economy, strategy, leadership and geo-politics in one place.
This book promises growth with the turn of every page. Go grab a copy.
We need women who are so strong they can be gentle; so educated they can be humble; so fierce they can be compassionate; so passionate they can be rational, and so disciplined they can be free.
To the God that lives within me and makes all things possible and His magnificent grace in holding my hand throughout the process of not only just writing this book but graciously leading me up the path that has constituted the entire project that is my leadership journey.
I would like to open by expressing a profound word of gratitude to my parents to my mother, Beatrice Nakawala, for the feminine strength and fearlessness that she instilled in me. To my father, John Mutale, for instilling in me the belief that even as a female child, I could achieve just about anything that any male child could.
I express a special love and gratitude to my children, Mwice and Namwila, who taught me to be a mother, and who have graciously and loyally shared their precious time with my work and the people in my sphere. I have a special word of thanks for my daughter, Mwice, who had to endure my constant nagging to read the draft over and again, and for Namwila and Ann Marie, who had to tiptoe around me while I worked on the book, and had to be ready to be summoned on the spur of the moment to assist with grammar and punctuation.
I would also like to thank my siblings, who have played an immense role in my transformation to the person that I am today: my older sister, Anna Mutale, who has always believed in me and kept me grounded; my younger sister, Eliza, who transitioned into the spiritual realm at an early age and whose memory I have always carried with me; and my youngest sister, Bridget, who taught me to take responsibility for the younger generation.
I thank all my brothers and sisters for the love, and the experiences incident to growing up in a large family, and for teaching me patience and kindness, and how to accommodate various behaviors, attitudes, characteristics and aspirations. I also thank all the women in my family, who have defied the gender dynamics with their sheer strength and assertiveness, thereby making me believe that women are natural-born leaders and the worlds most potent force for good.
To be in the valued possession of the idea for a book is one thing. To turn that idea into a book is an entirely different proposition. This book might quite possibly not have seen the light of day without the gentle, yet firm and persistent nudging of His Royal Highness Prince Yomi Garnett MD, who, as far back as five years ago, had initially suggested, based on my rich antecedents in the domain of women empowerment and genderrelated issues, that I write a book of this nature. Dr. Yomi Garnett has graciously held my hand throughout the process of writing this book, from the inception of the idea and its subject matter, to assisting with the extensive research, editing of the content, refinement of language, and the deployment of his creative genius to achieve the final outcome that is this book. I express my heartfelt and sincere gratitude for his encouragement and guidance.
I express a sincere word of gratitude to Baroness Sandip K. Verma and Senator Donzella J. James for inspiring me as female role models and great women leaders, and for providing the brilliant Forewords to this book. I also thank my good friend Ahmet Shala, together with Lamine Konkobo, who endured reading the full manuscript to provide reviews and the accompanying Letters of Influence.
I would like to acknowledge and thank Nancy Spence and Rawwida Baksh and others from the Gender Section of the Commonwealth Secretariat, who introduced me to the global fight on gender equality and the empowerment of women.
I would like to thank Zarin Hainsworth and everyone at the United Kingdoms National Alliance of Womens Organisations, United Kingdom Civil Society Womens Alliance, United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, Commonwealth Womens Forum, and African Union Meetings on gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, for keeping me up to date with emerging issues, news, information and networks in the global feminist movement.
Special thanks to Brenda Morant and her team at the International Womens Think Tank, who provided me with further push into my journey in the gender fight as spokesperson and global envoy for gender equality.
My expertise on gender issues, politics and international relations would not be so professionally and intellectually honed without having crossed paths with Diana Stirbu, Brian Tutt and Andrew Moran, who were my able and erudite lecturers at the London Metropolitan University, to whom I owe a depth of gratitude for my intellectual acumen on the issues raised in this book and elsewhere.
I also thank Eva Hansson and other Political Science lecturers at Stockholm University; and not forgetting Professor Ian Finlayson, Diplomacy and International Relations lecturer at the European School of Economics; Professor Jeffrey Sachs, The Earth Institute at Columbia University for lessons in the Age of Sustainable Development; and William Wray, London School of Philosophy and Economic Science, for allowing me to realize the power of philosophical thought.