How to Stop Feeling Lost in Life and Find What You Love
Robin Sacredfire
Published by 22 Lions Bookstore, 2015.
How to stop feeling lost in life and find what you love
Robin Sacredfire
Copyright Daniel Marques, 2015 (1st Edition) All rights reserved.
Cover Image Via Creative Commons License.
Published by 22 Lions
Draft 2 Digital Edition
T he world changes rapidly and most people, specially the youngest generation, feels lost about what to do with their life and which choices to make. So this book was written thinking about them. It provides a path regarding how to find guidance in life and understand what life really is. In doing this, it is possible to find here many inspiring ideas and insights about the meaning of our existence and how we can be successful, even when we have no idea about what to do with our future or how to get there.
Y ou shouldn't worry about being lost in life. I was lost all my life, and in that mess I found myself. Besides, I know today that if I didnt get lost, I would not be who I am today. In other words, when we're lost, we have a chance to truly find ourselves. And yes, this requires doing a bunch of mistakes along the way, learn from them, and move on, leaving the guilt aside, forgetting our resentments, abandoning our fears and needs, and just move on.
I didn't choose to become a writer and I had no idea that I could be one. I still feel embarrassed to answer what I do for a living, when people ask me this question, because I went so far that I can't really answer anymore why I write books, how I wrote so many, how it is possible to make money with this business, etc. I'm not in that reality anymore, but my world is very real to me. It's just not a world that I can easily share with others, because even for me, came as a surprise. One thing led to another and another, and another... and one day I woke up as a writer. But life pushed me, I can't say that I really chosen it. I actually resisted it for many years. But deep down, I knew that I had to do it, I had to share what I know, keep a record of it, etc. And still, I don't see myself as a writer. Wiring is just a tool, and making a living out of it is just a business.
O ne day I received an email from a friend that is failing in his business. And because I know him for many years, it's very easy to see why. The way he thinks is completely the opposite of mine. He was too afraid to emigrate or make efforts in life, so he always expected things to fall from the sky, while thinking that I'm very brave and lucky. But, I'm not brave or lucky, I'm just very hardworking, and when we don't have any other choice in life, being brave is the only choice available to survive. So, I moved on and he kept protecting himself from life. I helped him find a job to invest in his studies, but he didn't. I even offered him lots of my books and magazines, and naturally, he only read the ones about money, because like most people, he thinks that there's a shortcut to money. Then, he decided to invest in creating boots, but never wanted to visit me when I was in China or do business there. So, now he complains that he is not a lucky person because the supplier didn't manufacture on time, the boots don't look like what he expected, etc.
What I see in this story, specially after asking him a picture of the boot is very simple: first, the book is ugly and I cant imagine anyone buying it, second, it's only one boot, and third, he didn't had any plan and can't learn from mistakes. He still expects money to rain one day.
When I decided to write my first book, he laughed, and now he also criticizes me for being in China instead of another country. The point is, people that are short-minded will never get things. What I know today, specially after meeting many rich people, is that what you do isn't important. Life is the same for everyone. If you want to be successful, you must have passionate in what you do, and the rest will come if you apply certain rules, like commitment, work, study, etc.
Why you shouldnt judge yourself
Y ou mustnt get stressed too much about other peoples achievements. I also found that people lie a lot about themselves. They always portray their life as if it is the best. And they are right to do it, as because I don't, people often stop talking to me, although when they thought I was famous as a musician, they always wanted to be around me. People are like this. But I want to share a story that explains it better: I met a couple when I lived in Shanghai that seemed to be very happy together and have the best life in the world. He managed a french company and she worked as a marketing expert for another company. They had bought a big and very expensive apartment in front of the river and in the center of Shanghai, a Mercedes car, etc. Now, the guy was fired from the company, and she can't afford her lifestyle anymore. And I think they have no idea what to do with their lives.
When people depend too much on degrees, titles, jobs and social status, it's very easy to take them down with a simple incident. So, I know that investment in ourselves opens much more windows. I met a guy in India, for example, that has been bankrupted 3 times, and recovered from it every single time. He's rich again now. We talked a lot about this, and what I found about him, and that made us have a great conversation, is that we think in the same way. Basically, he loves to read and learn, and he thinks about spirituality in a very different way that the majority. And that's probably why I really liked talking to him. I could see in him that he has a wiser perspective about life. And people like this, aren't really worried about the future. They know that education is just a door, not a path. So, you must think carefully before deciding what to study and learn, but the rest will be more important for you, namely, where you go, the people you meet, your personal experiences and your unpredictable encounters. The inspiring incidents on the way, and that you couldnt possible predict, is what truly makes life valuable.