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David Seidl - CompTIA Security+ Training Kit

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David Seidl CompTIA Security+ Training Kit

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Ace your preparation for the skills measured by CompTIA Security+ Exam SY0-301. Work at your own pace through a series of lessons and reviews that fully cover each exam objective. Then, reinforce what youve learned by applying your knowledge to real-world case scenarios and practice exercises. This guide is designed to help make the most of your study time.

Maximize your performance on the exam by demonstrating your mastery of:

  • Network Security
  • Compliance and operational security
  • Threats and vulnerabilities
  • Application, data, and host security
  • Access control and identity management
  • Cryptography

Assess your skills with practice tests on CD. You can work through hundreds of questions using multiple testing modes to meet your specific learning needs. You get detailed explanations for right and wrong answersincluding a customized learning path that describes how and where to focus your studies.
For customers who purchase an ebook version of this title, instructions for downloading the CD files can be found in the ebook.

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CompTIA Security+ (Exam SYO-301): Training Kit
David Seidl
Mike Chapple
James Michael Stewart
Published by Microsoft Press
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This training kit is designed for information technology (IT) professionals who want to earn the CompTIA Security+ certification. It is assumed that you have a basic understanding of computers and operating systems. However, the CompTIA Security+ certification is an entry-level certification, so you are not expected to have any in-depth knowledge to use this training kit.

To become a CompTIA Security+ certified technician, you must take and pass the SY0-301 exam. The primary goal of this training kit is to help you build a solid foundation of IT knowledge so that you can successfully pass the exam the first time you take it.

The materials covered in this training kit and on exam SY0-301 relate to the technologies a successful security professional is expected to understand. These include risk management, infrastructure security, application security, policy, and confidentiality/integrity/availability controls. You can download the objectives for the SY0-301 exam from the CompTIA website here:


By using this training kit, you will learn how to do the following:

  • Conduct risk assessment and risk management activities.

  • Respond to a security incident.

  • Understand the risks associated with cloud computing and virtualization.

  • Explain the various types of network security devices and technologies.

  • Design a network with adequate security controls.

  • Administer network security controls on an ongoing basis.

  • Secure wireless networks with acceptable encryption.

  • Provide adequate environmental and operational security controls.

  • Understand the threats on the security landscape.

  • Deploy defenses to prevent and mitigate attacks.

  • Conduct vulnerability assessments and manage vulnerabilities.

  • Secure applications against attack.

  • Secure operating systems against common threats.

  • Use encryption to protect information at rest and in motion.

  • Deploy access controls to implement identification, authentication, and authorization.

Refer to the objective mapping page in the front of this book to see where in the book each exam objective is covered.

About the exam

The SY0-301 exam is focused on skills required to secure systems, applications, and networks. It includes objectives in the following six areas:

  • Network security (21 percent of exam)

  • Compliance and operational security (18 percent of exam)

  • Threats and vulnerabilities (21 percent of exam)

  • Application, data, and host security (16 percent of exam)

  • Access control and identity management (13 percent of exam)

  • Cryptography (11 percent of exam)

The current version of the exam became available in 2011. Over the years, more than 45,000 people around the world have earned the CompTIA Security+ certification. Information security professionals often start with the CompTIA Security+ certification to lay a solid foundation of information security knowledge and later move on to higher-level certifications and better-paying jobs. Among those test takers are those who are working to meet the US Department of Defenses Directive 8570.01-M, which lists the CompTIA Security+ exam as one of the required certifications for employees and contractors who perform information security work.

The CompTIA Security+ exam has a maximum of 100 questions, including both multiple-choice and performance-based questions. You will have 90 minutes in which to take the test, and a score of 750 on a scale of 100-900 is considered a passing score. You can find more information about the exam at:



CompTIA recommends that test takers have the CompTIA Network+ certification as well as two years of technical networking experience with an emphasis on information security work.

Note that this is not a requirement to take the exams. Anyone can take the exams after paying for them, and if they pass, they earn the certification. However, youll have the best chance of success if you have been studying and working with networks and information security professionally and are familiar with the material in the CompTIA Network+ exam.

Performance-based testing

A significant difference in the SY0-301 exam over previous versions is the introduction of performance-based testing. Instead of just using multiple-choice questions, CompTIA is introducing questions that will require you to perform a task. You should expect to see somewhere around three of these questions on the exam, so dont stress over them.

Imagine that you wanted to know if a person could ride a bike. You could ask some multiple-choice questions but youll find that these questions arent always reliable. A person might answer questions correctly but not be able to actually ride the bike. Put the person in front of a bike, ask them to ride it, and youll quickly know whether they can or not. Performance-based testing uses this philosophy to see if the candidate has a skill.

Consider this multiple-choice question:

  1. What TCP port is used for SMTP traffic by default?

The correct answer is port 25.

In a performance-based question, you might instead be asked to complete a set of firewall rules by filling in the missing information. This might include selecting the ports corresponding to several services and specifying which rules should be set to allow or deny traffic.

When its a multiple-choice question, you have a 25-percent chance of getting it correct. In a performance-based question, there are an infinite number of possibilities, and the test designers are able to test you on multiple concepts or facts simultaneously.

Throughout the book, weve included steps and instructions on how to do many tasks with performance-based testing in mind. If you do these tasks as you work through the book, youll be better prepared to answer these performance-based tests.

Study tips

Theres no single study method that works for everyone, but there are some common techniques that many people use to successfully pass these exams. These include:

  • Setting a goal . Pick a date when you expect to take the exam, and set your goal to take it then. The date is dependent on how long it will take you to read the chapters and your current knowledge level. You might set a date two months from now, four months from now, or something else. However, pick a date and set a goal.

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