Story inspired by Monkey by
Wu Ch ng-n, c15001582
SKATE MONKEY Monkey and his friends, Zu and Sandy, lived in the Jade Emperors Cloud Palace. But they played all sorts of tricks on people, so, as a punishment, the Jade Emperor sent them down to Earth. They can only return to the Cloud Palace if they prove that they can use their magical powers for good
Sam Clarke ran down the empty school hallway. It was Monday morning. He was late. Sam saw a dark figure at the end of the hall.
It was the headteacher. She stood with her arms folded. Sam smiled. Luckily for him, the headteacher was his Aunt Jill. Sorry Im late, Aunt Jill. Mums car wouldnt start, said Sam.
He held out the note from his mum. The headteacher didnt smile back. Lunchtime detention, she said crossly. But Aunt Jill, said Sam, I have a note.
I dont care about your note, said the headteacher. Now get to your classroom.
Aunt Jill? said Sam. Call me Miss Clarke! said the headteacher. She stared at Sam with cold eyes. It was as if she didnt even know him. Yes, Miss Clarke, said Sam. He crept off to his classroom.
A few days later, Sam went to the park. He found his friends, Monkey, Sandy and Zu. They were practising tricks on their skateboards. Sam needed their help. What do you mean, your aunt is acting strange? said Monkey. She used to be really kind and fair, said Sam.
But now Aunt Jill has turned into the meanest headteacher ever. All the students are scared. Even the teachers are frightened of her.
So what? Maybe she is just in a bad mood, said Sandy. Its more than that. Sam shook his head.
I know this is going to sound weird, but I dont think that the headteacher is my Aunt Jill at all. What do you mean? asked Zu. The headteacher looks like my aunt. She sounds like my aunt. But it isnt her. I can tell, said Sam.
And I havent told you the strangest thing of all. Whats that? asked Sandy. Its her reflection in the mirror, said Sam. What about it? asked Zu. She doesnt have one. If she stands in front of a mirror, her reflection is invisible, said Sam.
You are joking! said Monkey. I saw her walk past the mirror in the hall, said Sam. There was no reflection. I almost screamed. But no one else noticed.
Wow! said Zu.
Wow! said Zu.
Sounds like you really need our help. And the Jade Emperor did say if we did good things he would let us go back home, said Monkey. How about we come to your school? said Sandy. Back to school? said Zu. Do we have to? The next day, Monkey, Sandy and Zu met Sam outside the school. Monkey looked uncomfortable in his uniform.
His tail kept poking out from under his trousers. This way, said Sam. They went up the stairs. There was a poster outside Sams classroom. Monkey stopped to read it. Brook Street School 100 Year Anniversary Celebration Today! 5pm VIP Guest: Prime Minister Ellen Jones This school is 100 years old.
The Prime Minister is coming to our special celebration tonight. Everyone is really excited, said Sam. Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared in front of them. It was the headteacher, Miss Clarke. She looked very cross. She pointed at Monkey.
Me? What did I do? asked Monkey, quickly hiding his tail. Your uniform is a mess, said the headteacher. Lunchtime detention! The headteacher stared at them. Then she marched off down the hall to shout at some other students. See what I mean? said Sam.
The detention room was full of students.
The detention room was full of students.
They sat at their desks, writing out lines: I must do as I am told, copied out a hundred times each. Monkey quickly found a seat at the back. You are late! said the headteacher crossly. Two hundred lines for you! Ouch, said Monkey. He started writing. When the headteacher wasnt looking, he took out his fiery-eyes glasses.
The glasses let him see through any disguise. Monkey put the glasses on. Monkey only just stopped himself from yelling out. At the front of the classroom stood a skeleton with long, white, bones. The skeleton wore white robes. She carried a sharp sword.
Her eyes glowed like fire.
This wasnt Sams aunt. This was a demon. An evil white-bone demon the worst kind. Monkey took a deep breath. He tried to stay calm.
So what has happened to Sams aunt? he thought. Later, Monkey met his friends in the lunch room. They sat down to eat their lunch. I have terrible news, said Monkey. Sam is right. The headteacher isnt his aunt.
Shes not even human. Shes a white-bone demon. Sam almost spat out his food. A demon! White-bone demons are shape-shifters, said Sandy. They can take any shape they want. So that is why she doesnt have a reflection, said Zu.
But what about Aunt Jill, said Sam. What has happened to her? I bet the demon is keeping her prisoner somewhere, said Sandy. So what do we do? asked Sam. We flatten the demon, thats what we do, said Monkey. He reached into his jacket. He pulled out a pen.
Full charge, he said. The pen flashed and crackled as it changed shape. The pen grew and grew. Soon it was the size of a baseball bat. Monkey spun it around in his hand.
Put that away! whispered Sandy.
Put that away! whispered Sandy.
If we fight the demon now, we might never find Sams aunt. Good point, said Monkey. He said some more magic words and the bat turned back into a pen. We could call the police, said Sam. They wouldnt believe us, said Sandy. Sandy is right.
Its up to us to fix this. But why is the demon disguising herself as a headteacher? asked Monkey. After lunch, Monkey, Sandy and Zu found an empty classroom. We need disguises. Then we can spy on the demon and find Sams aunt, said Monkey. I will use a shape-shifting spell! Monkey said the magic words.
There was a sudden bright light. Monkey disappeared. He turned into a fly. A fly? Yuck, said Sandy. This way we can go wherever we want, buzzed Monkey. I guess youre right, said Sandy.
She cast a spell and she turned into a fly. Another spell, another flash, and Zu became a fly too. Lets go, buzzed Monkey. The three friends flew down the hall. They landed on the wall outside the office. The bell rang for the end of lunch.
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