Napoleon For Dummies
by J. David Markham
Napoleon For Dummies
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About the Author
J. David Markham is an internationally acclaimed historian and Napoleonic scholar. His major books include Napoleons Road to Glory: Triumphs, Defeats and Immortality (winner of the 2004 Napoleonic Society of America Literary Award ); Imperial Glory: The Bulletins of Napoleons Grande Arme (winner of the International Napoleonic Societys 2003 Presidents Choice Award ); and Napoleon and Dr. Verling on St. Helena. He has been featured on the History Channel Internationals Global View program on Napoleon, the History Channels Conquerors program (Napoleons Greatest Victory;Caesar in Gaul) and Napoleon: The Man Who Would Conquer Europe, as well as in programs on the Learning and Discovery channels. He has served as historical consultant to History Channel and National Geographic Society programs. Markham has contributed to four important reference encyclopedias (Leadership; World History; American Revolution; French Revolution and Napoleon). He has presented numerous academic papers to conferences in the United States, the UK, France, Italy, Israel, Georgia, and Russia. He is President of the Napoleonic Alliance and Executive Vice-President and Editor-in-Chief of the International Napoleonic Society. David has organized International Napoleonic Congresses in Italy, Israel, the Republic of Georgia, and France. He was the first American scholar to present a paper at the Borodino Conference in Russia. His awards include the Legion of Merit from the International Napoleonic Society, the Presidents Medal from the Napoleonic Alliance, and the Marengo Medal from the province of Alessandria, Italy.
This book is dedicated to my wife, Barbara A. Markham, whose encouragement and help have made all the difference.
Authors Acknowledgments
I owe a deep debt of gratitude to Stacy Kennedy of Wiley for giving me the chance to write this book and to Joan Friedman for serving as the editor. Both of these ladies have been a pleasure to work with. Any number of other people have helped and encouraged me in my work, including Jerry Gallaher, Don Horward, Ben Weider, my dear friend Doug La Follette, and most of all my wife, Barbara.
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