Business Contracts Kit For Dummies
by Richard D. Harroch
Business Contracts Kit For Dummies
Published by
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About the Author
Richard Harroch is an attorney with over 20 years of experience in representing start-up and emerging companies, entrepreneurs, and venture capitalists. He is listed in the Whos Who in American Law and is a corporate partner in a major law firm in San Francisco, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP. He is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of U.C. Berkeley and graduated from UCLA Law School, where he was managing editor of the Law Review. He has written a number of legal/business books, including The Small Business Kit For Dummies;Start-Up and Emerging Companies: Planning, Financing and Operating the Successful Business; and Partnership and Joint Venture Agreements. He also spearheaded the development of a premier legal agreements Web site on the Internet.
He has lectured extensively before various legal and business organizations, including the American Electronics Association, the Venture Capital Institute, the California Continuing Education of the Bar, the Corporate Counsel Institute, the San Francisco Bar, and the Practicing Law Institute (PLI).
Richard has served as the Chairman of the California State Bar Committee on Partnerships, the Co-Chairman of the Corporations Committee of the San Francisco Bar (Barristers), a member of the Executive Committee of the Business Law Section of the California State Bar, and Co-Chair of the Law Journal annual seminar in New York on Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances.
Richard has experience in the following areas: start-up and emerging companies, e-commerce, corporate financings, joint ventures, strategic alliances, venture capital financings, employment agreements, IPOs, leases, loans, online and Internet matters, license agreements, partnerships, preferred stock, confidentiality agreements, stock options, sales contracts, securities laws, and mergers and acquisitions. Richard can be reached by e-mail at .
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M any of you probably think that the key to running a successful business is hard work and good decision making. But look at what you spend a lot of your time doing. You probably spend way too much time filling out forms, drafting and negotiating contracts, and shuffling papers. Paperwork is the key to business, believe it or not, and although none of us may be happy with this state of affairs, this book can certainly make your life a little easier.