Pre-Algebra Essentials For Dummies
by Mark Zegarelli with Krista Fanning
Pre-Algebra Essentials For Dummies
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About the Authors
Mark Zegarelli is the author of Logic For Dummies (Wiley) plus three For Dummies books on pre-algebra and Calculus II. He holds degrees in both English and math from Rutgers University. Mark lives in Long Branch, New Jersey, and San Francisco, California.
Krista Fanning writes and edits textbooks and supplementary materials for several publishing houses. As a former elementary school teacher, she has a passion for education and details. In her publishing career, she has been involved in the production of over 50 titles. She enjoys spending time with her family and stalking her local library for the newest mysteries and thrillers.
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W hy do people often enter preschool excited about learning how to count and leave high school as young adults convinced that they cant do math? The answer to this question would probably take 20 books this size, but solving the problem of math aversion can begin right here.
Remember, just for a moment, an innocent time a time before math inspired panic attacks or, at best, induced irresistible drowsiness. In this book, I take you from an understanding of the basics to the place where youre ready to enter any algebra class and succeed.
About This Book
Somewhere along the road from counting to algebra, most people experience the Great Math Breakdown. Please consider this book your personal roadside helper, and think of me as your friendly math mechanic (only much cheaper!). The tools for fixing the problem are in this book.
Ive broken down the concepts into easy-to-understand sections. And because Pre-Algebra Essentials For Dummies is a reference book, you dont have to read the chapters or sections in order you can look over only what you need. So feel free to jump around. Whenever I cover a topic that requires information from earlier in the book, I refer you to that section or chapter in case you want to refresh yourself on the essentials.
Note that this book covers only need-to-know info. For a broader look at pre-algebra, you can pick up a copy of Basic Math & Pre-Algebra For Dummies or the corresponding workbook.
Conventions Used in This Book
To help you navigate your way through this book, I use the following conventions:
Italicized text highlights new words and defined terms.