Spanish Essentials For Dummies
by Gail Stein, MA, and Cecie Kraynak, MA
Spanish Essentials For Dummies
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About the Authors
Gail Stein, MA, is a retired language instructor who taught in New York City public junior and senior high schools for more than 33 years. She has authored many French and Spanish books, including CliffsQuickReview French I and II, CliffsStudySolver Spanish I and II, 575+ French Verbs, Websters Spanish Grammar Handbook, and Intermediate Spanish For Dummies. Gail is a multiple-time honoree in Whos Who Among Americas Teachers.
Cecie Kraynak, MA, earned her bachelors degree in Spanish and secondary education in literature from Purdue University, and also received her masters degree in Spanish literature from Purdue. After graduating in 1983, Cecie began what was to become a 20-year career teaching Spanish to junior-high and high-school students. She continues to teach and travel and has served as a consultant on several Spanish learning guides, including Teach Yourself Spanish in 24 Hours (MacMillan) and Spanish for Healthcare Professionals (Barrons). She is the author of Spanish Verbs For Dummies (Wiley).
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A s someone whos studying Spanish, you want to write and speak correctly and to master the many different verb tenses and conjugations. Spanish Essentials For Dummies can help you reach your goals painlessly and effortlessly as you enhance your Spanish language skills.
Spanish Essentials For Dummies presents you with all the grammar you need to know to communicate clearly. With the help of this book, youll be ready to have a conversation about topics besides your name and the weather! And thats something to be proud of.
About This Book
Spanish Essentials For Dummies is a reference book for people who have some knowledge of the fundamentals of Spanish. If you want to get up to speed with language structures so that you can communicate comfortably and proficiently, this book is for you.
Each chapter presents a different topic that allows you to practice your communication skills. We include plenty of examples to guide you through the rules so youre exposed to colloquial, everyday, correct Spanish that native speakers expect to hear from someone using Spanish. For example, the Spanish language has its individual idioms and idiomatic expressions that give it color and flair. Heres a quick example: To say that its sunny outside in Spanish, you remark, Hace sol. The literal English translation of this expression is It is making sun. Even my dear old grandma wouldnt have spoken English like that! Well, make sure you dont speak Spanish that way, either.