Comments and Reviews about Quick & Healthy Volume II Recommended in O, The Oprah Magazine. Ponichtera knows what works in Americas kitchen and shes proved it not once but twice." Evening Leader My patients love cooking with this cookbook! The delicious, fun recipes are truly quick and healthy, and the nutrition tips are helpful for a lifetime of health. Quick & Healthy Volume II is a great addition to any kitchen! Georgia Kostas, MPH, RD, Nutrition Director, Cooper Clinic, Dallas, TX, and author of The Cooper Clinic Solution to the Diet Revolution Her nonfat New York Cheesecake is a true test of one of the books goals: It tastes great!" The Oregonian If saving time and eating healthy is important to you, this is the cookbook for you ! Diabetes BalanceQuick & Healthy Volume II may well become like a Bible for people serious about educating themselves on lower-fat meals that are high on flavor. In a nutshell, Ponichtera has provided a common sense guide and a collection of recipes that are no more than 30% fat. Bellevue Leader ... meets the needs of busy people who say they lack time to cook healthy meals. Quick & Healthy Volume II lives up to its name... and then some!" Peggy Paul, RD, LD, Oregon Dairy Council Our customers love Quick & Healthy Recipes and Ideas and I know Volume II will delight them even more. and then some!" Peggy Paul, RD, LD, Oregon Dairy Council Our customers love Quick & Healthy Recipes and Ideas and I know Volume II will delight them even more.
The recipes are exactly what is claimed by the titlequick and healthy!" Patty Merrill, Manager of Powells Books for Cooks My favorite cookbooks focused on healthy, quick recipes include the Quick & Healthy series by Brenda J. Ponichtera. David L. Katz, MD, Director of Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center and medical consultant for ABC News Quick and healthyimportant for all of us, but of equal importancetasty and delicious... recipes you are sure to enjoy!" Marion J. Franz, MS, RD, CDE, Director of Nutrition, International Diabetes Center, Minneapolis, MN Filled with much useful information for achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Great recipes. Highly recommended." John P. Foreyt, PhD, Professor, Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, and author of Living Without Dieting ... shes done it again... The recipes are quite doable on a tight schedule and you may just surprise yourself by turning out interesting and varied meals in no time." Northwest WalkerQuick & Healthy Volume II provides a useful collection of convenient recipes using todays available low-fat ingredients." Lis Stern, Editor, The Cookbook Review There are enough recipes and meal ideas to keep you from ever getting bored with those everyday meals, or with preparing them... it is a must for those who have the first Quick & Healthy and are looking for new ideas. it is a must for those who have the first Quick & Healthy and are looking for new ideas.
The easy-to-prepare recipes are skillfully arranged and clearly written. Also, they have been well tested so one can feel confident they will work. Sonja L. Connor, MS, RD, Research Associate Professor, and William E. Connor, MD, Professor, Section of Clinical Nutrition, Oregon Health Sciences University; coauthors of The New American Diet The menus bring palatable dishes together to create quick but healthy meals. Senior Dynamics The recipes are ones that ordinary people actually could conceive of using in their own kitchens. Senior Dynamics The recipes are ones that ordinary people actually could conceive of using in their own kitchens.
Both the Spanish Chicken and Seasoned Black Beans were extraordinarily easy and quite flavorful." Beaumont Enterprise
Director, Book Publishing, Robert Anthony; Managing Editor, Book Publishing, Abe Ogden; Production Manager, Melissa Sprott; Cover Design, Vis--Vis Creative; Illustrations, Lisa Becharas, Janice Staver; Cover Photography: Gary Dolgoff; Printer, United Graphics, Inc. 2009 by Brenda J. Ponichtera. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including duplication, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author. Previous Editions
1995 for the title Quick & Healthy Volume 2, 1st Edition.
Printed in the United States of America
1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 Small Steps Press is an imprint of the American Diabetes Association. For information about Small Steps Press or the American Diabetes Association, in English or Spanish, call 1-800-342-2383. To order other Small Steps books, call 1-800-232-6733. Every effort has been made by the author to include only recipes that have not been previously copyrighted. Should any such published recipe appear in this book, it is without her knowledge and is unintentional. The information and recipes in this book are not intended, nor should anything contained herein be construed, as an attempt to give, or be a substitute for medical advice or medical nutrition therapy.
This book is not a medical manual and is not to be used as a substitute for treatment prescribed by your physician. Consult a health care professional before trying any of the suggestions in this publication. Small Steps Press, ADA, and Brenda Ponichtera assume no responsibility for any injury that may result from the suggestions or information in this publication.
The paper in this publication meets the requirements of the ANSI Standard Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Small Steps Press titles may be purchased for business or promotional use or for special sales. To purchase bulk copies of this book at a discount, or for custom editions of this book with your logo, contact Small Steps Press at the address below, at, or by calling 703-299-2046.
For all other inquiries, please call 1-800-342-2383. Small Steps Press
1701 North Beauregard Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22311 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Ponichtera, Brenda J.
Quick & healthy, volume II : more help for people who say they dont have time to cook healthy meals / Brenda J. Ponichtera. -- 2nd ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-9816001-1-6 (alk. paper)
Weight loss. 2. Low-cholesterol dietRecipes. 3. Low-fat dietRecipes. 4.
DiebetesDiet therapyRecipes. 5. Quick and easy cookery. I. Title. II.
Title: Quick and healthy, volume II. RM222.2.P625 2009
eISBN: 978-0-98160-013-0 For more information visit In memory of my father, Walter Niemic.
He would move Heaven for his children.andTo Ken, Kevin, and Kyle,
my favorite taste testersand so honest! Table of Contents RecipesMany people helped to make this book a reality, both the first and now the second edition. Thank you to the following for your help and encouragement. My family for putting up with my hectic schedule. My husband Ken, and sons Kevin and Kyle, ate many a dinner that was a smorgasbord of leftover tested recipes. My sons and their friends also kept me in touch with the reality of teenage appetites.
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