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A Ballantine Book
Published by The Random House Publishing Group
Copyright 2001 by Elson M. Haas, M.D., and Cameron Stauth
All rights reserved.
Published in the United States by Ballantine Books, an imprint of The Random House Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto.
Owing to limitations of space, permission acknowledgments can be found on p 368, which constitutes an extension of this page.
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Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 00-109892
eISBN: 978-0-307-48460-4
First lose the false fat that is making you look bloated and feel lethargic. Then lose the real fat youve always wanted to!
You're not nearly as overweight as you may think. Much of your weight isn't even fat. It's false fatand you can shed it almost immediately.
This false fat is not your fault. You are not a glutton. You're not lazy. You just have a very common metabolic problem: food reactions.
You can solve this metabolic problem. The problem is not permanent, and it's not hard to correct. You can solve it over the next few days. It need never return.
You'll regain your power over food. After losing your false fat, you'll begin to shed your true fat, steadily and surely. If you lack full control over your eating habits, you can take charge again by correcting your food reactions.
Start taking charge today!
Other books
Staying Healthy with the Seasons
Staying Healthy with Nutrition: The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine
A Diet for All Seasons
The Detox Diet: A How-To Guide for Cleansing the Body of Toxic Substances
The Staying Healthy Shopper's Guide: Feed Your Family Safely
Vitamins for Dummies (with Christopher Hobbs, L.Ac.)
By Cameron Stauth
The New Approach to Cancer
Brain Longevity
(with Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.)
The Pain Cure
(with Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.)
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To my dear mother, Shirley Haas. For your faithful support through all my years of finding this new path as a doctor and writer, and for your continued love and kindness toward all your familyyou are a great blessing to all of us.
For Adrienne
Thank you to Cameron Stauth, my efficient and professional coauthor, whose eloquent and interactive style motivates and enables each reader to make sense out of this important health information.
Special thanks to Leslie Meredith (our editor), Richard Pine (our agent), and Howard Schiffer (our friend).
To my wife, Tara, and our children, Orion and Ishara, for your continued support in allowing me the time to work, and the joy and love that keeps me inspired to share with others.
To Joanne Victoria and the entire staff of the Preventive Medical Center of Marin, my office since 1984, for your support and motivation to continue my writing. Because the office runs so smoothly, it allows me the space and time with peace of mind to work.
To Bethany Argisle, my longtime friend and inspirational coworker on many of my books.
To Jim Braly, M.D., and Michael Rosenbaum, M.D., for your wisdom and guidance in helping me flush out some of the false fat factors.
To Mary James, N.D., for your thorough and helpful review of the food allergy/reaction testing information.
To Judy Lane, N.P, one of my work associates, for your review and input on the women's chapter.
To Sandra Stahl, for your diligent, professional work on the manuscript and all of its edits and printouts.
To Eleonora Manzolini, for your artistic cuisine input and your improvement in making our menus even more tasty.
And a special thank-you to Philippe Boulot and Susan Boulot, for your quality recipes and the added tastiness to The False Fat Diet.
Elson Haas, M.D.
San Rafael, California
Thanks also to Leslie Meredith, our astute and insightful editor, who helped to shape and focus this book from the very beginning, and who was a pleasure to work with.
Richard Pine, our literary agent, recognized the importance of this work before it even existed as a book, just as he has spotted so many other important innovations and helped integrate them into the fabric of contemporary culture. Thanks once again, Richard.
Howard Schiffer, media wizard extraordinaire, offered wise advice and kind help throughout the arduous process of presenting these concepts to the American public.
My heartfelt appreciation must also be expressed to the modern pioneers of the concept of nutritional individuality, including Dr. William Donald Kelley, Dr. F. Fuller Royal, Dr. Roger Williams, Dr. Lendon Smith, and Dr. William Philpott. It's been almost twenty-five years since I first started working with some of these esteemed doctors, and many of their words are still fresh in my mind.
This book could not have been written without the emotional support of my wife, Shari, and the technical support of my son, Gabriel, who teaches me new things about science almost every day. Thanks, too, to sweet new arrival Adrienne, for sleeping several consecutive hours almost every night.
Final billing goes to Dr. Elson Haas, a true original thinker, who has now made it possible for untold numbers of people to feel better and live longer.
Cameron Stauth
Portland Oregon
Cameron Stauth
My involvement with this book began in a grim way: I was afraid my sister might be dying.
In 1996, Kori developed a mild rash near her collarbone. Over the next three months, it turned into a patch of angry red hives that began to spread slowly all over her chest and back. Her doctor had no idea what was causing the hives, so Kori started climbing a ladder of appointments with specialistsa dermatologist, an allergist, an endocrinologist, even a psychiatrist. For about a year, every Friday was Doctor Day for Kori, but nobody could figure out her problem. She was prescribed topical and oral steroids, a slew of industrial-strength antihistamines, various skin medications, and antidepres-sants. She also went to a naturopath, who tried all manner of natural curatives. Nothing helped. The hives kept spreading. She became increasingly alarmed and so did her husband.
As every treatment failed a suspicion began to grow among her crew of specialists that she had a serious autoimmune disorder, probably lupus, the incurable disease that generally starts as a red rash, then causes increasingly severe skin reactions, and eventually destroys the brain and kidneys. Part of the reason lupus was suspected was because Kori also had a number of systemic symptoms. She was often inexplicably tired had gained about 25 pounds, had pain in her joints, and suffered from depressed immune functionshe seemed to catch everything that was going around. Also, she didn't look healthy; she'd just turned 40, but her face was already starting to broaden and fill out, with a puffy double chin. She was beginning to look similar to our grandmother in old pictures in the family album. Her lack of fitness and vitality was puzzling, because she ate nothing but low-fat foods and worked out at a gym almost every night.