Chris Peterson - Dadskills: How to Be an Awesome Father and Impress All the Other Parents

Here you can read online Chris Peterson - Dadskills: How to Be an Awesome Father and Impress All the Other Parents full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2020, publisher: Cool Springs Press, genre: Children. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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This handy, amusing book is perfect for the busy guy who has his eye on the Father of the Year award. Organized by the childs stage and age range, each chapter covers essential insights and techniques to keeping kids happy, safe, healthyand stopping them from torturing their parents. Following the style of its tongue-in-cheek predecessor, Manskills, Dadskills wraps valid, incredibly useful information inside humorous writing.

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Introduction Ah the good old days Back in the day it was a given that - photo 1
Introduction Ah the good old days Back in the day it was a given that - photo 2

Ah, the good old days . Back in the day, it was a given that Father Knows Best. Children never questioned the man of the house. He was expected to go to work during work hours, bring home the bacon, and fix the car when it broke down. The kids? Well, lets just say it was a hands-off parenting generation.

Of course, back then, most dads also believed the garnish on the steak was the closest you should get to vegetables on a plate, that a nightly cocktail or four was the proper way to unwind, and that real men ate a daily dose of blood-red meat and accepted the inevitably fatal heart attack in their fifties. A lot has changed since those times, but one thing remains true: Father is still expected to know best. And that right there is what this book aims to ensure.

Its a tall order. Kids are handful and half at any given moment in history, but modern times have thrown a mess of technology and an increasingly complex world into the parenting mix. Become a parent and you were always going to have to deal with a generous mix of hormones, temper tantrums, ungodly messes, and busy school schedules. But nowadays? Get ready to be the much-maligned screen-time cop, coordinator, and chauffeur for all things social and watcher for the subtle signs that your kiddie is being bullied. Holy heck, dadding could be a full-time job these days.

But not for a Dadskills man. Youre the type of guy who has mastered opening a beer without an opener. You know how to drift a car like a stuntman and generally make your way through the world like a boss. Dad-dom? Oh, you so got this, Jack.

Thats, in part, thanks to the handy 411 in the chapters that follow, covering the full spectrum of fathering. Youll find every little need-to-know strategy and tip, from welcoming your new bundle of joy in the delivery room all the way to joyfully bundling your burden off to college and out of the house. Youll find soup-to-nuts coverage to avoid a dreaded social services visit, and for your part, you just need to bring two things to the party: the ability to keep a cool head (repeat after us: you are smarter than a four-year-old) and your well-developed sense of humor. That last one comes in particularly handy the first time Little Miss Attitude tells you she hates you, before storming off and slamming the door to her room. Remember that you were her hero once, and you will be again.

1 Youre freaked out and chances are you might be scared witless Baby Wrangling - photo 3

Youre freaked out and chances are you might be scared witless.

Baby Wrangling

Eagerly expecting your first rug rat? Experiencing the joy of being a first-time parent? Indulging the pure bliss of caring for your tiny, tiny bundle of love? No, you arent. Youre freaked out and chances are you might be scared witless. Well, dont be. First of all, youll be fine. Second, for Petes sake, youre a Dadskills man. Dadskills men dont do scared witless.

Now look, youre going to have a lot of people tell you, Well, theres no manual for raising children. Our answer? Since when you did you ever need a manual? Not when you rebuilt that 1967 Charger from the wheels up. Not when you renovated your dark basement into a deluxe home theater. And you wont need it now, on your way to raising a healthy, happy, smart, and successful person.

When other parents fret if the bottles going to ruin their kid and debate whether its raising or rearing, youre getting on with the job of being a fabulous new parent, enjoying every minute, and making that little baby as happy as a clam. Start with the fact that you are not alonefar from it. Youll have a helper every step along the way as you shepherd your bumble from infancy onward, in the easy-to-use form of the rock-solid advice in this chapter.

That great kid adventure begins in the run-up to the actual birth. A little heads-up on whats to come can only make you and your better half calmer in the madness that is a delivery room. Youll find here a breakdown on all the essentials so that you can feel a little more like Im witnessing a miracle and a little less like What the hell is happening?

Then its on to the nitty and the gritty of keeping the child happy and healthymore gritty than nitty if were being honest here. Skip through this chapter and youll find essential advice on the best ways to handle all those diapers your little poop factory will produce and to keep the apple of your eye clean and healthy from stem to stern. Ultimately, though, the best info is all about how to make your life a little easier by making your bumbles life a little easier.


Moms job is to get that baby out of her. Getting the go bag ready for the grand event is yours. Have it all ready by the thirty-fifth week and stock it with general essentials for a possible multinight stay, and whatever particulars will make the event more comfortable for both of you.

Must-haves: Copy of your insurance card; toiletries bag, with everything both of you might need; change of clothes for both of you; backup phone charger(s) if you have them; extra pair of glasses if you wear them; eye mask and earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones (can also be good for soothing music or soothing silence); warm, nonskid socks; maternity bras and maternity pads; high-energy snacks; and bottled water.

Specific needs: Her favorite bathrobe, slippers, and pillow (all cleaned before you pack them); a music player if you use one, with a birthing playlist if she wants music; your individual birth plan if you have one; some sort of soft hair tie; good book in case of long labor; camera (or smartphone) if you both want pictures; massage oil if shes hip to being massaged.


Its a time-tested rule: When mama bear is happy, everyone is happy. Trust this as gospel. Keep your mama bear comfortable during the process of becoming a mama bear and you will realize the benefits tenfold down the line. The first commandment for dads during labor is, Keep a cool head and be seen more than heard. Communicate for her only when she wants you to, and keep your jokes and chatter to a minimum. Minimum means zero.

Remember, first and foremost, this aint about you. Take nothing personally. Be involved only if and when she wants you to be involved. Do not give unsolicited back rubs unless you want to see fangs. You dont want to see fangs, do you? Do not, do not, do not freak out no matter what you see or hear. Be her lackey. Whatever she wants, however demanding, supply it. And most of all, be there for every momentnot worrying about whats happening at work or anywhere else in the world.


Setting up a crib in these modern times is a matter of simpler is better. Keep in mind that the whole exercise is about preventing the horrifying and somewhat mysterious Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Babies really use the crib only for sleeping, so safety is the number-one concern.

Gone are the days when a crib resembled a miniaturized version of a five-year-olds bed. Start with the crib itself; it should be new. This is one nursery addition that you should never buy secondhand, because modern crib design is radically different from models of even a few years ago. For instance, drop-down sides were once all the rage; they are now considered unsafe and dangerous.

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