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Safari an OReilly Media Company. Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics

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Work with Python and powerful open source tools such as Gensim and spaCy to perform modern text analysis, natural language processing, and computational linguistics algorithms. About This Book Discover the open source Python text analysis ecosystem, using spaCy, Gensim, scikit-learn, and Keras Hands-on text analysis with Python, featuring natural language processing and computational linguistics algorithms Learn deep learning techniques for text analysis Who This Book Is For This book is for you if you want to dive in, hands-first, into the interesting world of text analysis and NLP, and youre ready to work with the rich Python ecosystem of tools and datasets waiting for you! What You Will Learn Why text analysis is important in our modern age Understand NLP terminology and get to know the Python tools and datasets Learn how to pre-process and clean textual data Convert textual data into vector space representations Using spaCy to process text Train your own NLP models for computational linguistics Use statistical learning and Topic Modeling algorithms for text, using Gensim and scikit-learn Employ deep learning techniques for text analysis using Keras In Detail Modern text analysis is now very accessible using Python and open source tools, so discover how you can now perform modern text analysis in this era of textual data. This book shows you how to use natural language processing, and computational linguistics algorithms, to make inferences and gain insights about data you have. These algorithms are based on statistical machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques. The tools to work with these algorithms are available to you right now - with Python, and tools like Gensim and spaCy. Youll start by learning about data cleaning, and then how to perform computational linguistics from first concepts. Youre then ready to explore the more sophisticated areas of statistical NLP and deep learning using Python, with realistic language and text samples. Youll learn to tag, parse, and model text using the best tools. Youll gain hands-on knowledge of the best frameworks to use, and youll know when to choose a tool like Gensim for topic models, and when to work with Keras for deep learning. This book balances theory and practical hands-on examples, so you can learn about and conduct your own natural language processing projects and computational linguistics. Youll discover the rich ecosystem of Python tools you have available to conduct ...

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Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics A practical guide - photo 1
Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics
A practical guide to text analysis with Python, Gensim, spaCy, and Keras
Bhargav Srinivasa-Desikan

BIRMINGHAM - MUMBAI Natural Language Processing and Computational - photo 2

Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics

Copyright 2018 Packt Publishing

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

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Acquisition Editors: Frank Pohlmann, Suresh Jain
Project Editor: Suzanne Coutinho
Content Development Editor: Alex Sorentinho
Technical Editor: Gaurav Gavas
Proofreader: Tom Jacob
Indexer: Tejal Daruwale Soni
Graphics: Tom Scaria
Production Coordinator: Sandip Tadge

First published: June 2018

Production reference: 1280618

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
Livery Place
35 Livery Street
B3 2PB, UK.

ISBN 978-1-78883-853-5


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About the author

Bhargav Srinivasa-Desikan is a research engineer working for INRIA in Lille, France. He is part of the MODAL (Models of Data Analysis and Learning) team, and he works on metric learning, predictor aggregation, and data visualization. He is a regular contributor to the Python open source community, and he completed Google Summer of Code in 2016 with Gensim where he implemented Dynamic Topic Models. Bhargav is a regular speaker at PyCons and PyDatas across Europe and Asia, and conducts tutorials on text analysis using Python. He is the maintainer of the Python machine learning package pycobra, and has published in the Journal of Machine Learning Research.

I would like to thank the Python community for all their help, and for building such incredible packages for text analysis. I would also like to thank Lev Konstantinovskiy for introducing me to the world of open source scientific computing and Dr. Benjamin Guedj for always helping me with writing technical articles and material. I would also like to thank my parents, brother and friends for their constant support throughout the process of writing the book.
About the reviewers

Brian Sacash is a data scientist and Python developer in the Washington, DC area. He helps various organizations discover the best ways to extract value from data. His interests are in the areas of Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Big Data, and Statistical Methods. Brian holds a Master of Science in Quantitative Analysis from the University of Cincinnati and a Bachelor of Science in Physics from the Ohio Northern University.

Reddy Anil Kumar is a data scientist working at Imaginea technologies Inc. He has over 4 years of experience in the field of data science which includes 2 years of freelance experience. He is experienced in implementing Artificial Intelligence solutions in various domains using Machine Learning / Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Big Data Analytics. In his free time, he loves to participate in data science competitions and he is also a Kaggle expert.

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Modern text analysis is now very accessible using Python and open source tools, so discover how you can now perform modern text analysis in this era of textual data.

This book shows you how to use natural language processing, and computational linguistics algorithms, to make inferences and gain insights about data you have. These algorithms are based on statistical machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques. The tools to work with these algorithms are available to you right now - with Python, and tools like Gensim and spaCy.

You'll start by learning about data cleaning, and then how to perform computational linguistics from first concepts. You're then ready to explore the more sophisticated areas of statistical NLP and deep learning using Python, using realistic language and text samples. You'll learn to tag, parse, and model text using the best tools. You'll gain hands-on knowledge of the best frameworks to use, and you'll know when to choose a tool like Gensim for topic models, and when to work with Keras for deep learning.

This book balances theory and practical hands-on examples, so you can learn about and conduct your own natural language processing projects and computational linguistics. You'll discover the rich ecosystem of Python tools you have available to conduct NLP - and enter the interesting world of modern text analysis.

Who this book is for
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