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![Copyright 2019 by Rockridge Press Emeryville California No part of this - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/277477/Image00016.jpg)
Copyright 2019 by Rockridge Press, Emeryville, California
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Interior Designer: Erik Jacobsen
Designer: Stephanie Mautone
Art Producer: Janice Ackerman
Editor: John Makowski
Production Editor: Mia Moran
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Photography: 2019 Thomas J. Story. Food styling by Karen Shinto.
Interior Photography: : 2018 Nadine Greeff.
: Courtesy of Kate Miller Photography.
ISBN: Print 978-1-64152-876-4 | eBook 978-1-64152-877-1
![To my incredible patients May you continue to try your best celebrate your - photo 3](/uploads/posts/book/277477/Image00018.jpg)
To my incredible patients. May you continue to try your best, celebrate your achievements, and make tasty food along the way.
![CONTENTS T he struggle is real Losing weight is a daily battle Knowing what - photo 4](/uploads/posts/book/277477/Image00019.jpg)
T he struggle is real. Losing weight is a daily battle. Knowing what, when, and how to eat can be confusing, especially in this day and age with all the fad diets and conflicting guidelines and recommendations. Add on top of that the constantly evolving trends in the world of exercise, just the very thought of losing weight can be overwhelming. But its an important battle worth fighting. Its a battle that can be won.
Take Jenny for example. Jenny was an insulin-dependent type 2 diabetic who needed three blood pressure medications to treat her high blood pressure, a CPAP machine for her obstructive sleep apnea, and was told she would never be able to have a family due to infertility. All of her medical problems were attributed to her weight. She had multiple attempts at weight loss without long-term success. Jenny elected to pursue bariatric surgery, and as of this writing has maintained 100-pound weight loss. Her diabetes and obstructive sleep apnea are in remission, and she is now the proud mother of a beautiful, healthy baby girl.
Obesity is a complex, multifactorial disease. It is affected by genetics, diet, environment, and even the bacteria in our gut. Despite significant advances in nutrition science and medicine, the incidence of obesity continues to climb. Three-fourths of adults in the United States are overweight or obese. Obesity is the number one cause of preventable death in the US. It has been estimated that the total economic cost of obesity is $1.72 trillion per year or about 9.3 percent of the gross domestic product. Traditional diet and exercise programs can result in meaningful weight loss, but typically weight loss is not the issueits keeping the weight off thats the problem. And especially when some suffer from severe obesity, no treatment has been shown to have significant, durable weight loss other than bariatric surgery.
The goal of bariatric surgery is to achieve meaningful weight loss that results in significant improvement in quality of life and health. The number on the scale is part of the overall goal but by no means the ultimate goal. Bariatric surgery is a powerful surgical tool that promotes behavioral changes that lead to weight loss. It requires a significant lifestyle modification. Being a bariatric surgery patient is almost like having a full-time job. You have to eat multiple small meals throughout the day, hydrate by taking sips, take multivitamins, and incorporate some form of exercise in between all of that. Another large part of the lifestyle modification is changing ones diet, which is much more manageable with a comprehensive cookbook like The Complete Bariatric Cookbook and Meal Plan . As seen in Jennys case, the results are worth the hard work.
I have had the pleasure of working with the author, Megan Moore, for many years now and we have cared for thousands of patients together, tackling the disease of obesity one patient at a time using a multidisciplinary approach. As a health professional recognized as Certified Specialist in Obesity and Weight Management, Megan applies this same comprehensive approach in this book to educate, support, and empower patients to understand and manage their weight and the risks associated with being overweight or obese through nutritional, physical, psychological, behavioral, medical, and surgical interventions. This cookbook is one of the first to provide guidance and recommendations for both before and after bariatric surgery. In addition, the principles promoted in this book can also be a resource for family members looking to support their loved ones in their bariatric journey or to even apply to their own lives to better health. Studies have shown that the healthy behavior promoted by bariatric surgery can have a halo effect resulting in collateral weight loss in patients family members as well.
The Complete Bariatric Cookbook and Meal Plan is a resource that every bariatric patient needs to have. It provides an organized, easy-to-follow, comprehensive plan with delicious recipes and nutritious meal plans that are easy to cook and result in weight loss. This cookbook is a testament to Megans passion and mission to serve the greater community by sharing her knowledge of nutritional science to help combat weight-related issues and achieve better health through weight loss.
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