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ISBN: Print 978-1-64611-703-1
Ebook 978-1-64611-704-8
To the West End School (Louisville, Kentucky) Class of 2025, for being the fuel for my passion. YOU CAN BE ANYTHING YOU DREAM OF.
What Does Growth Mindset Mean?
Look at All These Awesome Mistakes!
Be an Amazing Problem Solver!
Get Creative and Keep Trying!
Set Goals, and Then Set More Goals!
Keep Going!
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A Letter to
W hether you are a parent, guardian, teacher, counselor, or other mentor, Id like to thank you for your commitment to furthering the social emotional development of a child. As a former elementary school teacher, I have seen the power that a growth mindset can have in a students life. Ive seen children who were so hesitant to make mistakes that they avoided work become self-motivated, confident, and high-achieving students after learning and applying a growth mindset.
Without the right tools and strategies, many children get stuck in a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset is the belief that our abilities, talents, and intelligence are static: We are either good at something or we arent. This way of thinking is limiting and holds children (and adults) back from reaching their full potential. A growth mindset is the belief that our abilities, talents, and intelligence can grow or change through effort and perseverance. A growth mindset equips children with the skills to work through challenges, set and achieve goals, and think creatively. It boosts self-esteem and encourages educational risks.
This book teaches kids the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset in an engaging way. They will learn the actual brain science behind why a growth mindset works. The exercises in this book are designed to cultivate a growth mindset in children. They address such concepts as learning from mistakes, problem solving through multiple approaches, using feedback, goal setting, positive thinking, and more. The shift from a fixed to a growth mindset isnt easy. It involves risk taking and requires children to try and fail and try again.
Here are some tips for how you can support children through this process:
Use and encourage language that reflects your own growth mindset. For example, instead of saying, I cant do it to your child, try saying, Im still working on improving. |
Accept mistakes as learning opportunities. Share examples of your own mistakes and discuss how you were able to learn and grow as a result. |
Help children regulate emotions. There are a lot of uncomfortable emotions associated with trying new things, making mistakes, and failing. Some simple strategies for regulating these emotions include taking deep breaths, counting to ten and back, going for a short walk, and drinking a glass of water. |
Give praise for effort, creativity, and problem solving. Recognize growth, rather than just achievement. |
Familiarize yourself with the brain science behind a growth mindset (covered in ), and remind children as they struggle that their brain is growing and changing. |