The Insiders Guide to Life-Long Memory
Ginger Schechter, MD, Denise M. Kalos, MS,
Allison McKeany, MS, RD
Copyright 2020 Ginger Schechter, MD, Denise M. Kalos, MS & Allison McKeany, MS, RD
All rights reserved.
Published in New York City by the Brooklyn Writers Press,
an imprint of the Brooklyn Writers Project, LLC.
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TITLE: Outsmart Your Brain, The Insiders Guide to Life-Long Memory
ISBN: 978-1-7345724-1-4 (e-book)
ISBN: 978-1-7345724-2-1 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-7345724-3-8 (paperback, large print)
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2020903867
1st Edition
AUTHOR WEBSITE: AffirmativHealth.com
The Insiders Guide to Life-Long Memory
Far too few people understand how critical lifestyle and dietary choices are for brain function. Outsmart Your Brain is an important tool to get this information, in easy-to-understand language, into the hands of those who should know it, everyone! I recommend this to anyone interested in better cognitive function.
Ryan R. Fortna, MD, PhD, Chief Medical/Scientific Oicer, ADx Healthcare
I thought I lived healthfully, what I realized is that I didnt know enough. Outsmart Your Brain brings together comprehensive recommendations for maintaining memory.
Molly S., LPC, Patient, AffirmativHealth
Outsmart Your Brain empowers you with the information necessary to reduce your risk for memory loss as you age. It is perfect for those whose preference it is to bypass the science and take immediate steps towards improving cognition.
Julius Schillinger, PhD, Gateway Learning Group
Chapter 1 - Overview
Chapter 2 - Diet & Nutrition
Chapter 3 - Exercise
Chapter 4 - Stress Management
Chapter 5 - Sleep
Chapter 6 - Socializing
Chapter 7 - Brain Stimulation
Chapter 8 - Behavior Changes
Chapter 9 - Supplements
Chapter 10 - A Path Forward
I. AffirmativHealth Research 2020
II. Recipes
III. Exercises
About The Authors
Our memories are as precious as anything we own. Traditional medicine has yet to prove effective when dealing with Alzheimers and other types of dementia. However, there is a large volume of evidence continually being presented by independent research groups and published in journals such as Lancet and PLOS Medicine, supporting the premise that modifiable medical and lifestyle risk factors can be addressed to reduce the risk of memory loss and improve cognitive function with age.
Dealing with the social and medical issues related to cognitive impairment and understanding treatment options can be both frustrating and confusing to individuals at risk of or living with Alzheimers disease or dementia, as well as their family members. They seek alternative, science-based treatments, as pharmaceutical options are limited to slowing progression of the disease (in some), and not a cure. They want to be empowered with sufficient information to make informed decisions with regard to treatment(s). They need the information necessary to act now, rather than waiting until cognitive impairment is too severe to address.
Other books available have taken a deep dive into the science of Alzheimers disease and other types of dementia, but the research is complicated and the recommendations are often broad and unclear. This book is designed to deliver easy-to-understand tips and strategies focused on the maintenance of cognitive function.
Brian K. Kennedy, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer
Director of the Centre for Healthy Ageing
Professor, Departments of Biochemistry and Physiology,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
National University Singapore
Professor, Buck Institute for Research on Aging
Every 66 seconds, someone in the United States develops Alzheimers disease. Currently, one in three seniors die with Alzheimers or another dementia. It is estimated that this and other dementias will cost the nation up to $1.1 trillion by 2050. Something must be done before Alzheimers steals the memories and finances of a generation.
While there still is not a cure for Alzheimers, scientific research has identified numerous ways to reduce your risk for developing it, slow progression if memory loss has begun, and even improve cognitive health. An article recently published in the scientific journal Lancet reported that approximately 35 percent of dementia risk is related to a combination of modifiable risk factors, including midlife hypertension, midlife obesity, hearing loss, late-life depression, diabetes, physical inactivity, smoking, social isolation, and education. This research supports results from a number of other studies, including a special issue dedicated entirely to dementia in PLOS Medicine , which indicated that lifestyle behaviors decades before Alzheimers diagnosis are associated with risk later in life.
AffirmativHealth has conducted extensive research on brain health, including the most recent research conducted by Dr. Brian Kennedy, Chief Scientific Officer at AffirmativHealth. Through case-study trials, Dr. Kennedy identified that each person has a unique combination of factors contributing to their cognitive decline and that by addressing each persons unique body chemistry and risk profile with a personalized therapeutic plan, we can impact their cognitive function. As new scientific research is conducted around the world, AffirmativHealths technology is continually updated to put cutting-edge science on Alzheimers directly into the hands of patients and their caregivers who are at risk or living with the disease.
There is HOPE in the fight against Alzheimers disease. Our program delivers personal therapeutic plans to address your unique modifiable medical and lifestyle risk factors. We also provide education and support so you can be successful in implementing a personal therapeutic plan designed to reduce your risk for Alzheimers disease and to improve your cognitive function.
If you or someone you know can benefit from our program, please feel free to contact us at (707) 800-2302 or visit the AffirmativHealth website to learn more.
Chapter 1
As life expectancy in the US increases, more and more people are being diagnosed with chronic illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, arthritis, and cognitive decline. Alzheimers disease, first described over one hundred years ago, is the slow loss of brain function that affects memory, language, and problem solving. It is estimated that there are currently 5.5 million Americans with Alzheimers disease, and this number is expected to grow to 13.8 million by 2050.
While research has focused on finding a single cause of Alzheimers disease, to date there is no medical cure or single effective treatment, suggesting that there likely isnt just one cause or one solution. Instead, emerging research has shown that cognitive decline is linked to a variety of factors, including: genetics, inflammation, nutrient deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, poor blood sugar control, and hormonal imbalances. Increasing evidence supports dietary and other lifestyle changes as the most effective ways to prevent, slow, or reverse cognitive decline.