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Nadia Higgins - Solar Systems: Planets, Stars, and Orbits

Here you can read online Nadia Higgins - Solar Systems: Planets, Stars, and Orbits full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2014, publisher: Rourke Educational Media, genre: Children. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Nadia Higgins Solar Systems: Planets, Stars, and Orbits
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    Solar Systems: Planets, Stars, and Orbits
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    Rourke Educational Media
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Our closest solar system is about 10 light years away. It has two main types of planets. Some are rocky and small, like planet Earth, while others are huge balls of gas, like Jupiter. Astronomers once thought our solar system was the one and only. But now we know of hundreds of solar systems. One may even have a planet like Earth! Just maybe, these alien worlds could host life, like our own amazing planet. This book allows students to use observations of the Sun, Moon, and stars to describe patterns that can be predicted.

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Table of Contents
Level: LWord Count:263
100th word: rocky
Before & After Reading Activities
Teaching Focus:
Fluency: Using Expression- Have students read aloud to practice reading with expression and with appropriate pacing.
Content Area Vocabulary
Use glossary words in a sentence. astronomers
light years
solar system
Before Reading:
Building Academic Vocabulary and Background Knowledge
Before reading a book, it is important to set the stage for your child or student by using pre-reading strategies. This will help them develop their vocabulary, increase their reading comprehension, and make connections across the curriculum.
Read the title and look at the cover. Lets make predictions about what this book will be about.
Take a picture walk by talking about the pictures/photographs in the book.

Implant the vocabulary as you take the picture walk. Be sure to talk about the text features such as headings, Table of Contents, glossary, bolded words, captions, charts/diagrams, or Index.

Have students read the first page of text with you then have students read the remaining text.
Strategy Talk use to assist students while reading. - Get your mouth ready - Look at the picture - Thinkdoes it make sense - Thinkdoes it look right - Thinkdoes it sound right - Chunk it by looking for a part you know
Read it again.
After Reading:
Comprehension and Extension Activity
After reading the book, work on the following questions with your child or students in order to check their level of reading comprehension and content mastery.
Why are scientists searching for exoplanets like ours? (Asking questions)
What are the two types of planets in our solar system? (Summarize)
When we are walking down the street, why dont we float away? (Text to self connection)
Where do planets get their light from? (Summarize)
Extension Activity
Using various art supplies make a diagram of our solar system.
Why are scientists searching for exoplanets like ours? (Asking questions)
What are the two types of planets in our solar system? (Summarize)
When we are walking down the street, why dont we float away? (Text to self connection)
Where do planets get their light from? (Summarize)
Extension Activity
Using various art supplies make a diagram of our solar system.

You can use markers, paper, balls, candy, glitter, or anything else that helps you visually show the solar system to your classmates. This diagram should show the planets in relationship to each other and to the Sun. Be sure to title your diagram and label each of the eight planets. Table Of ContentsPhoto Glossary astronomers uh-STRON-uh-muhrz Scientists who study outer - photo 1

Photo Glossary
astronomers uh-STRON-uh-muhrz Scientists who study outer space are - photo 2astronomers (uh-STRON-uh-muhrz): Scientists who study outer space are astronomers. exoplanets ehk-soh-PLAN-ihtz Planets in solar systems other than our own are - photo 3exoplanets (ehk-soh-PLAN-ihtz): Planets in solar systems other than our own are exoplanets. light years LYT YIHRZ Scientists measure the distance between stars in light - photo 5light years (LYT YIHRZ): Scientists measure the distance between stars in light years. light years LYT YIHRZ Scientists measure the distance between stars in light - photo 5light years (LYT YIHRZ): Scientists measure the distance between stars in light years.

One light year is the distance it takes light to travel in one year. orbit AWR-biht When something has an orbit it travels in a round path - photo 6orbit (AWR-biht): When something has an orbit, it travels in a round path around something else. solar system SOH-luhr SIHS-tuhm The solar system is made of a star and all - photo 7solar system (SOH-luhr SIHS-tuhm): The solar system is made of a star and all the planets and other space objects that travel around it.

A New View of the Universe
In 1992, two astronomers answered a question people had been asking for hundreds of years. Do other stars besides our Sun have planets? Yes, the scientists said. Since then scientists have found hundreds of stars with planets They believe - photo 8 Since then, scientists have found hundreds of stars with planets. Since then scientists have found hundreds of stars with planets They believe - photo 8 Since then, scientists have found hundreds of stars with planets.

They believe billions of solar systems fill outer space. So Far Away Our closest solar system is about 10 light years away That - photo 9So Far Away!Our closest solar system is about 10 light years away. That means a beam of light would take 10 years to get there. The trip would take 100 million years in a car!SUN How Solar Systems Work Scientists use our own solar system as a model for others. The Sun shines in the center. Our solar system has two main types of planets Some are small and rocky like - photo 10 Our solar system has two main types of planets. Our solar system has two main types of planets Some are small and rocky like - photo 10 Our solar system has two main types of planets.

Some are small and rocky, like Earth. Other planets are giant balls of gas, like Jupiter. All planets get their light from the Sun. Earth Jupiter The planets orbit the Sun Each planet travels on its own oval - photo 11EarthJupiter The planets orbit the Sun. Each planet travels on its own oval path. Sun Mercury Venus Asteroid Belt Saturn Moon Earth Mars Uranus - photo 12SunMercuryVenusAsteroid BeltSaturnMoonEarthMars

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