The Magic of Natural Remedies
for Curing and Healing Naturally
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Dueep J. Singh and John Davidson
Smashwords Edition
Health Learning Series
JD-Biz Publishing
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Table of Contents
If you are familiar with my magic series, youmay have noticed that many of these books concentrate on just onemagic herb or a magic spice, which is going to cure you. Naturally,the spices and herbs have been used since ancient times to helpkeep people healthy, beautiful, and also youthful.
Remember that not everybody in grandmas timeor even in the time of our ancestors could afford to go to thedoctor. In fact, physicians were only restricted to people whocould pay their exorbitant fees. The rest of the common crowd madedo with the knowledge that had been passed down to them, by theirancestors, and also from the knowledge gained through experimentingon their own.
This is how so many natural remedies cameinto vogue, and so many of them proved to be successful. Many ofthem were quack remedies, but this was because many of theingredients which were used here were rather astonishing, when seenby a 21st century perspective. Nevertheless, there wassome particular reason, why these quack remedies proved to besuccessful, because they had some material in them, which was ableto cure people.
Now let us take for example, the use of goosegrease, for rubbing on the scalp to make the hair grow faster.Goose grease is nothing but fatty oil. It moisturized the scalp.You could get the same results by rubbing in sheep fat.
So if our ancestors did not have one thing,they made do with something approximating that item, in theiropinion. So one had to use goose grease and passed on thisknowledge to his descendants, the coming generations began tobelieve that yes, this was the product, which would make your hairgrow long, lustrous, and healthy. It would also keep your scalpdandruff free.
Now, what was the reason why so many peoplein ancient times kept healthy, even though they lived in unhygienicsurroundings? Firstly, they had a strong constitution, and did notcoddle themselves. They knew the value of the sun and the freshair, and they stayed out as much as they could. They just came hometo rest, eat, and possibly recuperate, if they suffered from someailment or from injuries.
Also, they were very particular about theirdiet. They enjoyed plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. They alsodrank fresh milk in large quantities whenever they could, as wellas ate milk products like butter, butter, milk, cheese, and cottagecheese as often as they could, and when they could afford it.
The wealth of a tribe depended on that theamount of cows and goats they had. Other livestock was also veryprecious, but these came paramount. Whenever people of one tribewere attacked by people of other tribes, the cry went up cows,pigs, horses, goats and sheep first, children second. The youngchildren along with the animals were hidden away with the elders,who led the adults of the tribe do the fighting. This fighting wasdone, sometimes to the death, by the men and women of the tribe.The elders, who were unable to fight, were considered to be thepeople who would help the children survive, with knowledge abouttheir ancient heritage.
This was the time when herbal lore was passeddown to the generations from the elders of the tribe to the youngnext-generation and the youngest generation.
Now many of these herbal remedies, which I amgoing to tell you are made up of natural ingredients. I am going totry my best to make sure that they are easily available because myintention is to make sure that you get full benefits of all thisancient lore. Remember that all these remedies are time-tested.They may not have a scientific research stamp behind them, but theyhave come down through millenniums, and have proved theirefficacy.
Time and time again, someone comes up withsomething new, and says that he has found that lanolin is amazinglygood for skin, and he is going to use it in his special beautytreatments. His great-grandmother may just raise an eyebrow, andsay, he is talking about sheep fat under a modern name!
So have fun browsing through this book, whichis going to tell you all about the magic of natural remedies forcuring your ailments naturally.
Am I talking about remedies, which have beenin use in alternative medicine like Ayurveda, you may ask. Yes,some of these remedies are Ayurvedic, some of them are taken fromother ancient medical, medicinal forms like Chinese, Greek,Egyptian, Persian and Mesopotamian, all of them ancient, all ofthem wise and all of them time tested and proven.
Let Us Start with
Keeping Our Teeth Healthy
The best natural foods to keep our teethhealthy are buttermilk, honey, raisins, sesame, fenugreek,pomegranates, apples, carrots, sugarcane, dates, flour with thewheat bran included, lemons, mung, almonds, turmeric andradishes.
Foodsto Avoid
If you are suffering from tooth trouble, makesure that you do not eat these products yes, it is a long list,and you are going to be surprised to see how many of these itemsare conducive to tooth decay.
Cold drinks, tobacco, syrups, cokes,artificial juices with preservatives, ice cream, frozen foodsalternating with hot foods, chocolates, white sugar, molasses, andeven guavas are not very good for your teeth. Try reducing orremoving them from your diet.
Remember to rinse out your mouth, after youhave eaten something. I remember a child, complaining to his mom,who persisted on asking him to wash out his mouth, after he hadlunch. Now this child had lunch at school, with his friends and heused to complain, Mom,(pronounced Mawwwww-hhhmmmm) none ofthe other children do that. They laugh at me, when I go to thebathroom and wash out of my mouth.
Now peer pressure is definitely going toinfluence this child, and no child wants to be different from theothers in his group. So his sensible mom thought up a really goodalternative. She added an Apple to his lunch pack. She also toldhim to eat the apple after he had had his lunch. In this way shecould be assured, that any item of food sticking to his teeth wouldbe cleaned away, naturally and also, she was sure that her childwould rather eat that apple, than getting himself laughed at by hisother friends. Now this is wise psychology. This is what theancients used.