Elementary Algebra
By: Denny Burzynski and Wade Ellis
This selection and arrangement of content as a collection is copyrighted by Wade Ellis and Denny Burzynski .
It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
Collection structure revised: 2009/05/08
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Elementary Algebra is a work text that covers the traditional topics studied in a modern elementary algebra course. It is intended for students who:
- Have no exposure to elementary algebra,
- Have had a previously unpleasant experience with elementary algebra, or
- Need to review algebraic concepts and techniques.
Use of this book will help the student develop the insight and intuition necessary to master algebraic techniques and manipulative skills. The text is written to promote problem-solving ability so that the student has the maximum opportunity to see that the concepts and techniques are logically based and to be comfortable enough with these concepts to know when and how to use them in subsequent sections, courses, and non-classroom situations. Intuition and understanding are some of the keys to creativity; we believe that the material presented will help make these keys available to the student. This text can be used in standard lecture or self-paced classes.
To help students meet these objectives and to make the study of algebra a pleasant and rewarding experience, Elementary Algebra is organized as follows.
1. Pedagogical Features
The work text format gives the student space to practice algebraic skills with ready reference to sample problems. The chapters are divided into sections, and each section is a complete treatment of a particular topic, which includes the following features:
The chapters begin with .
Each chapter begins with a set of objectives identifying the material to be covered. Each section begins with an overview that repeats the objectives for that particular section.
Sections are divided into subsections that correspond to the section objectives, which makes for easier reading.
Sample Sets
Elementary Algebra contains examples that are set off in boxes for easy reference. The examples are referred to as Sample Sets for two reasons:
- They serve as a representation to be imitated, which we believe will foster understanding of algebra concepts and provide experience with algebraic techniques.
- Sample Sets also serve as a preliminary representation of problem-solving techniques that may be used to solve more general and more complicated problems. The examples have been carefully chosen to illustrate and develop concepts and techniques in the most instructive, easily remembered way.
Practice Set
A parallel Practice Set follows each Sample Set, which reinforces the concepts just learned.
Practice Set
A parallel Practice Set follows each Sample Set, which reinforces the concepts just learned.
The answers to all Practice Sets are displayed with the question when viewing this content online, or at the end of the chapter in the print version.
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