My Puppy Is Happily Sleeping
Your Training Guide for a Restful Nighttime & aHappy Puppy Owner
Patricia Harris
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Table of Contents
I want to thank and congratulate you fordownloading this great book!
A dog is mans best friend. Taking care ofone, especially from puppyhood, could give you a sense of happinessand fulfillment. A puppy could definitely make your day better, andawaken the child in you, making you playful and giddy.
But of course, there are certainresponsibilities that come with taking care of a puppy, one ofwhich is making sure your puppy goes to bed at the right time,without any hassle.
What You Should Know about Dogs and Sleep
For starters, sleeping is of course, naturalto puppies. However, the amount of time they spend sleeping, andnapping, almost always varies. On average, a healthy dog sleepsaround 14 to 16 hours in a day, which in the course of theirlifetime would amount to half of it.
Just like humans, a puppy also sleeps byentering a certain quiet wave that would then lead him to sleep. Atthis stage, he becomes oblivious to his surroundings, and his mindbegins to relax. Then, after around 10 minutes, he enters Rapid EyeMovement, also known as REM, an activity thats also inherent tohumans. This is also one of the biggest evidences that show thatpuppies are also capable of dreaming.
While puppies sleep more than humans do, theyalso wake up more frequentlywhich could be a problem, especiallyif you are trying to get your forty winks at night.
One more thing you should remember is thatthe amount of sleep a puppy needs also depends on his breed, andactivity level. According to research, some of the sleepiest dogbreeds are:
Saint Bernard
English Bulldog
Bernese Mountain Dog
Clumber Spaniel
Glen of Imaal Terriers
Of course, this does not mean that if youhave a dog thats other than the aforementioned breeds, he will notbe capable of being trained well. There is always room forimprovementand by being patient and having the heart for your pet,youll surely be able to train him to go to sleep at the righttime.
Your Guide to Helping Dogs Sleep!
This book is here to help you understand whatmay be wrong with your puppy, whats not making him sleep at theright time, and what you can do to make sure that youll be able tohelp your puppy sleepso both of you can be happy as can be!
Read the rest of this book now and find outhow!
Once again, thank you and good luck!
Chapter 1: PuppyHealth CheckHow to Make Sure Your Puppys Health Is in Order!
You know how you couldnt sleep when yourenot feeling well? Its the same for puppies, too.
The first thing that you have to keep in mindis that a puppys health should be in tip-top shape because if not,you really would not be able to feed him well, and help him tosleep.
The pointers below will help you understandwhether or not your puppys health is in check.
Lets start with the eyes.
Remember that a healthy puppy has eyes thatare shiny and clear, without any discharge, or the slightest formof cloudiness.
Another easy way of seeing whether or not apuppy is healthy is by checking his ears. A puppys ears have tolook and smell clean, and there should not be any redness orinflammation outside or inside the ears.
Youll know that a puppy is suffering from aninfection if his ears are malodorous, and if you see some yellow orbrown discharge.
When a puppys nose is slightly moist, itmeans that he is healthy, and sweating in a good way. However, youshould take note that his nose does not have to be wet, and therehas to be no form of discharge there.
Persistent sniffing and sneezing are bigsigns that a puppy is not in good shape.
Coat and Skin
Next, you have to check if the puppys coatis actually soft, and it also has to be shiny. Check if there areany flakes aroundthis is a sign that he might be infected withsomething, or that his coat has been irritated by harshsunlight.
Other things you could check regarding skinare sores, bumps, redness, patches, and missing hair. The coat andskin also should not smell pungent.
Fleas and ticks may also be around, so alwaysmake sure to check for them.
It is okay to feel the puppys ribs, but makesure that the ribs do not poke out. Otherwise, it is a sign thatthe puppy is malnourished. A round tummy is also good, but itshould never be swollen, and your dog also should not bepotbellied.
Rear End
Of course, you also have to check your dogsbutt. Make sure it is clean, and that its free from any fecalmatter or debris of any sort.
And finally, a puppys behavior also comesinto play. It is normal for a puppy to be sleepy, but neverlethargic.
Puppies are naturally playful, and friendlyto their littermates. In case they begin to isolate themselves, itmeans they may not be feeling well, and that theyre lonely. And, ahealthy puppy is one whos excited to eatnot one who does not evenmind food on his bowl.
First Veterinary Exam
Its also important that you bring your puppyto the vet for his first general veterinary exam. This is done tohelp determine the health condition of your dog, and if hesexperiencing any illnesses, and the like. While there, you canexpect the vet to:
Check your puppys ears to see if they look andsmell right, and that hes not suffering from infections of anykind.
Check the puppys temperature. 100 to 125 F areconsidered normal. Breathing and pulse rate will be checked,too.
Check your puppys weight. Hell know if your puppyis normal, underweight, or overweight.
Listen for any abnormalities in the heart andlungs, as well as feel organs, and check for palpitations.
Check the puppys mouth and see if teeth and gumsare in normal condition.
Check eyes, skin, nose, and anal region to see ifthere are signs of parasites or diseases.
Check the puppys genitals. For females, hellcheck for signs of infection or discharge. For males, hell checkif both testicles are present.
If you see that your puppy is experiencingthings that you are meant to be aware of, take that as a sign thatits time to bring him to the vet. Signs that your puppy needsimmediate care are listed below:
Any form of eye injury. Nothing is consideredmild when it comes to that.
Hives, swelling, and any other allergic reactions,especially those in the belly.
Signs of pain, such as loss of appetite,restlessness, lethargy, increased body temperature, laboredbreathing, and panting.
Respiratory problems, such as trouble breathing, orchronic coughing.
Animal bites, wounds, lacerationsespecially thosethat are open.